Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/27/23  9:19 am
Commenter: Anonymous

Concerns over EOR

First of all, I would like to thank you for making the ability for parents to be paid attendants a permanent change.  I firmly believe that no one knows their child as well as their parent.  However, I would like to comment on the recommendation to not allow a parent to be the EOR.  According to the Consumer Directed EOR manual, the role of the EOR is to train, direct and supervise the attendant, in addition to establishing the attendant's schedule and tasks.  When the child receiving services is initially evaluated for waiver services, their needs and corresponding tasks are developed.  Then, monthly, the service facilitator meets with the attendant and EOR to evaluate ongoing needs and any changes that have occurred.  Who will better know this information than the parent?  The proposal would mean that a friend or family member, who does not live with the child, would know what ongoing tasks are needed?  Have you spoken to any family members who have a child with special needs?  It is a full-time job to keep up with medical conditions, treatments and develop necessary supports.  Now, we need to relay that info to an outsider so that they can, in turn, supervise us?  Please.  How does this make sense?  In addition, I think this is a big request to ask of any friend or family member.  I understand that you want accountability.  I would imagine that you see one parent monitoring another parent as an opportunity for possible fraud.  However, why can't the overview and accountability be given to the service facilitator?  You are already entrusting the parent as the paid attendant to do the job.  Please do not take away the ability of the other parent to be the EOR.  This will only add responsibilities to the parent who is the attendant by requiring them to be in ongoing communication with the EOR who no longer resides in the home, who is not going to all of the appointments and therapies, and is not with the child all day to see what their needs are.  In addition, it will be difficult or even impossible for a parent to find someone to take on the role of the EOR, particularly within a 50-mile radius.  Remember that we (you and all of us parents) are just trying to ensure that our children are cared for and protected.  I am happy to see that we are moving in the right direction, but please reconsider this change before moving forward.  Thank you. 

CommentID: 218154