Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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7/7/23  10:48 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Economic Implications of Inadequate Compensation and Workforce Stability

A critical issue underlying the proposed changes is the persistently low hourly rate for care attendants, which gives rise to many economic implications and adversely impacts the stability of the workforce. The current compensation structure, characterized by an offensively low hourly wage, poses significant challenges in attracting and retaining skilled care attendants. This creates a scarcity of qualified caregivers and contributes to a volatile workforce characterized by frequent turnover and staffing shortages. The resulting instability in the caregiving sector perpetuates a cycle of diminished care quality, compromised patient outcomes, and increased burden on families. Furthermore, the inability to attract skilled care attendants willing to work for minimum wage extends beyond homecare, with even experienced nursing providers grappling with inadequate compensation. By neglecting to rectify this systemic issue, the proposed changes perpetuate a devaluing of caregiving professions, exacerbate workforce instability, and ultimately undermine the economic sustainability of the broader healthcare system.

CommentID: 217824