Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services
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6/28/23  8:31 pm
Commenter: Kelly Kiser

Unrealistic regulations

While I agree things are moving in the correct direction there still seems to be a hardship on parents that need help in maintaining their underage child in the home where they are safe and loved. My daughter is 6 years old. She is non verbal, blind, unable to even lift her arms or legs, diaper dependent and required frequent enamas. She had a serious seizure disorder that is not completely controlled even with the use of several controlled medications. She is tube fed dependent but in an effort to control seizures she has to have food blended instead of formula to keep as much sugar and carbs out of her diet as possible. Isabella requires oxygen and a heart monitor anytime she sleeps due to heart failure in December. As far as hiring someone to care for her I can’t even get family to watch her because of her high needs and risks much less someone willing to work with her for minimal pay and no benefits. Weekly we have no less then 2 appointments and all doctor appointments are 2 hours one way from our home. By adding more regulations then are currently in place only adds more stress to a already stressful situation. I am confused about the need of a RN to handle all medical things outside of personal care. What parent hires a nurse to provide medication, feeding, and monitoring? I am not against having a nurse as over sight as we kept the health department nurse for as long as we were able. I am just making it known that I feel parents with medically fragile children need less stress and more help and the current plan proposed is the opposite. 

CommentID: 217517