As some of the other commenters note, Virginians are being subjected to an impossible, overly complex and utterly contradictory miasma of regulatory power-grabs, both by the prior administration of Governor Northam and by the unelected bureaucrats at the CDC. As recent federal court rulings have shown, these people are not legally empowered to mandate face coverings or forcible injections of experimental (or other) medications into citizens of the Commonwealth. Your primary focus, then, should be on protecting Virginians from further abuse at the hands of governmental overreach.
End the emergency "powers" that purportedly undergird all the regulatory contradictions. End Virginia's relinquishment of its sovereign governing powers to the unelected, politically driven, and self-interested (in covering up all their prior abuses and errors in public health policy) leaders at the CDC. Virginians did not vote to be governed by the CDC - in fact, they rejected that governance very clearly at all levels of Virginia's government just a few months ago. Adopt guidance that protects the bodily autonomy of Virginia's citizens to be free from forcible face-coverings or injections and the discrimination, physical harm, ostracization and "othering" that those practices foster. Protect employees whose choice to be mask free or injection free is being discriminated against by overreaching employers who refuse to acknowledge natural immunity or the utter failure of injections and masks as a method to inhibit or stop the spread of COVID-19 (or any respiratory virus). Over 100 years of public health policy and accepted science has been abandoned through overreaching government fiat and diktat in the last 2 years. End that abuse now and return to health policy grounded in a century of science restrained by and weighed against inalienable Constitutional rights of the individual.