Action | Promulgation of Regulations Governing Contextualization of Monuments or Memorials for Certain War Veterans |
Stage | Fast-Track |
Comment Period | Ended on 4/13/2022 |
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Ladies/Gentlemen - I am writing to state my objection to the current fast-tracking of DHRs new draft Contextualization Regulations. While I agree there is good cause for this effort, it must be done in a very careful and deliberate manner. Much of the effort to recontextualize is being driven by strong emotions following the tragic death of George Floyd as well as the apparent "revelation", for many, of some of the uglier parts of our American history. But facing up to that ugliness and adding broader context does not necessitate voiding or erasing the positive contributions made by many of those honored in our historical places, monuments, memorials, etc. We need to create "Balance" here. And rushing to set up a new set of centralized rules and regulations without a broad representation of people and local input (including substantial time for all to comment) will lead to yet more aingst and problems. These regulations should NOT be fast-tracked.
Thank you.
Jim Fernald