Final Text
18VAC76-10-20. Organization of committee.
A. Members shall be appointed for a term of four years and shall be eligible for reappointment for one additional four-year term. A member who is appointed to fill a vacancy for the remainder of an unexpired term shall be eligible for two full four-year terms. Terms of appointment shall begin on July 1 of each calendar year.
B. Members of the committee shall not be current members of a health regulatory board within the department.
C. The committee shall schedule meetings as necessary to conduct its business. Four members shall constitute a quorum. The committee may adopt bylaws to govern its operations as it deems necessary to conduct its business and as consistent with law and regulations.
D. Except in the event of an emergency, any member who is
unable to attend a scheduled meeting shall give notice to the program
coordinator as soon as practical but no later than 48 hours prior to that
scheduled meeting.
E. The director shall have the authority to remove a member
and shall report such removal to the Board of Health Professions at its next
scheduled meeting. Failure of any member to attend two successive meetings
without reasonable excuse or failure to give notice as required in subsection D
of this section shall constitute grounds for removal.
F. By December 31 of each calendar year, each D.
Each health regulatory board within the department shall designate, in
accordance with subdivision 8 of § 54.1-2400 (8) of the Code of
Virginia, a liaison to the committee for a term of one year. Likewise, each
board shall select an alternate to serve in the absence of the liaison.
18VAC76-10-30. Eligibility.
A. In order to become eligible for the program and to maintain eligibility, an impaired practitioner shall hold a current, active license, certification, a registration issued by a health regulatory board in Virginia or a multistate licensure privilege, with the exception that an applicant for initial licensure, certification, or registration or for reinstatement shall be eligible for participation for up to one year from the date of receipt of the application by a health regulatory board.
B. Individuals who are practicing exclusively outside of Virginia shall not participate in the program, except as may be required by specific board order or by permission between party states pursuant to the Nurse Licensure Compact (Article 6 (§ 54.1-3030 et seq.) of Chapter 30 of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia).
C. A practitioner who has been previously terminated for noncompliance from this or any other state-sponsored monitoring program may be considered eligible at the discretion of the committee or its designee.
D. For the purposes of eligibility for the program,
impairment shall not include kleptomania, pyromania, transvestism,
transsexualism, pedophilia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, gender identity disorders
not resulting from physical impairments, sexual behavioral disorders,
homosexuality and bisexuality.
E. D. The practitioner shall sign a
participation contract with the committee. Failure to adhere to the terms of
the contract may subject the practitioner to termination from the program.
18VAC76-10-40. Eligibility for stayed disciplinary action.
A. The committee or its designee shall consult with the board liaison for the purpose of determining whether disciplinary action shall be stayed. If an applicant for the program is not eligible for a stay and evidence of a violation has been reported to the committee, the committee shall make a report of the violation to the department. If found ineligible for stayed disciplinary action by the relevant board or the committee, the practitioner may remain eligible for participation in the program.
B. Prior to making a decision on stayed disciplinary action,
the committee or its designee shall review any applicable notices or orders and
shall consult with the department relevant board on any pending
investigations. The relevant board shall have final authority in the
granting of a stay of disciplinary action.
C. Disciplinary action may be initiated by the appropriate health regulatory board upon receipt of investigative information leading to a determination of probable cause that impairment constitutes a danger to patients or clients or upon a determination that the decision for stayed disciplinary action is not consistent with provisions for a stay pursuant to § 54.1-2516 C of the Code of Virginia.
18VAC76-10-50. Participation contract.
A. The participation contract between the committee and the practitioner shall include:
1. The monitoring plan to be followed by the practitioner;
2. Any provisions for withdrawal from practice or limitations on the scope of practice;
3. Consequences of failure to comply with the terms of the participation contract;
4. Any releases for seeking information or records related to the impairment from family, peers, medical personnel or employers;
5. A brief written history of the The nature of
the impairment; and
6. Any other terms or requirements as may be deemed necessary by the committee.
B. The participation contract shall specify that costs accruing to the individual practitioner, including but not limited to treatment and body fluid screens, shall not be the responsibility of the program.
18VAC76-10-65. Authority of the chairperson of the committee.
A. The chairperson of the committee, following
consultation with and briefing by the program coordinator, shall have the authority
to act, including immediately vacating a stay, in cases where a program
participant has been granted a stay or has been placed on probation, or both,
by order of a health regulatory board and information has been received that a
program participant no longer satisfies the conditions of § 54.1-2516 C of the
Code of Virginia. Further, the advise the relevant board that a
participant is noncompliant and is no longer eligible for a stay.
B. The chairperson may act on behalf of the committee when a scheduled meeting is canceled due to failure to convene a quorum.
18VAC76-10-70. Procedures for consultation with liaisons of
health regulatory boards.
The committee or its designee shall consult with the liaison
of the relevant health regulatory board prior to making a determination on
stayed disciplinary action; such consultation may include the following:
1. Eligibility of a practitioner for stayed disciplinary action;
2. The implications of the impairment on practice in the profession;
3. The circumstances of the impairment related to a possible violation of laws or regulation; or
4. Any other issues related to disciplinary action or the eligibility, treatment, and recovery of a practitioner.