Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Guidance Documents in Effect

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Department of Environmental Quality
Air Pollution Control Board
Regulation for General Conformity [9 VAC 5 ‑ 160]
73 guidance documents relevant to this chapter for the criteria specified

ID Title Effective Date  
Agency level documents applying to all of this agency's boards
7145 Manual for Processing Requests Pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act 10/24/2024 
7146 E-Signature Guidance 12/1/2021 
CEM-07 Civil Enforcement Manual - Chapter 4 - Civil Charges and Civil Penalties 12/31/2021 
PREP-2017-01 Pollution Response Program - Base Manual 7/18/2017 
PREP-2021-01 Transportation Incident Management Annex (TIM) – Interim Plan, GUIDANCE DOCUMENT: PREP-2021-01 4/28/2022 
BOARD: Air Pollution Control Board
4455 Fugitive Dust Control from Mining Operations 6/9/2011 
ACG-005 Guidance for the Interpretation of the Duration of Violations when Applying Criteria 2, 3, and 4 of EPA's 2014 Policy for High Priority Violations 5/13/2016 
ACG-014 Air Compliance Guidance for Violations of 9 VAC 5 Chapter 40 Part II Article 37 and Related Federal Rules in Accordance with EPA Letters regarding No Action Assurance dated September 13, 2018. 9/24/2018 
APG-101 Interim Guidance, Shell Buildings 1/30/1987 
APG-102 Public Participation Requirements prior to issuing any permit for the construction of a new major stationary source or major modification to an existing source pursuant to Section 10.1-1307.01 (Localities Particularly Affected) (Memo No. 99-1004) 1/25/2010 
APG-103 Guidance on Permit Applicability - PM and PM-10 Sources (Memo No. 01-1002) 9/14/2009 
APG-105 Procedures for Shutting Down Sources (Memo No. 03-1006) 8/19/2010 
APG-150 Air Permit Application Fee Guidance 1/1/2022 
APG-200A Title V Air Permits Guidance Manual 4/16/2020 
APG-202 EPA's White Papers on Title V Operating Permit Program (Memo No. 97-1004) 8/19/1997 
APG-203 Utilization of the Wood Furniture Manufacturing Title V Permit Boilerplate (Memo No. 98-1001) 2/17/1998 
APG-204 Common Control Determinations for Title V Permit Applicability (Memo No. 98-1002) 1/25/2010 
APG-206 Existing Source Startup, Shutdown, and Malfunction Opacity Exclusion for Title V Permits 3/16/2009 
APG-214 T5 NSR Conflicts 9/30/2004 
APG-301 Memorandum of understanding between Shenandoah National Park and Commonwealth of Virginia regarding PSD permitting issues 3/31/1993 
APG-302 Memorandum of understanding between Jefferson National Forest and Commonwealth of Virginia Regarding PSD Permitting Issues 3/30/1993 
APG-303 PSD Definitions 9/14/2009 
APG-304 Interpretation of the term "designed to accommodate" 9/14/2009 
APG-306 Relocation of Portable Non-diesel Engines 10/25/2002 
APG-311 Interim Guidance on Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) 8/25/2014 
APG-350 New Source Review Permits Program Manual 11/12/2020 
APG-350A Article 6 - Minor New Source Review Permit Program Manual, Draft 11/12/2020 
APG-355 Used Oil Fuel Permitting 7/11/2013 
APG-400A State Operation Permits Manual 9/30/1999 
APG-452 Section 112(g) Implementation Guidance (Policy No. 99-1007) 1/25/2010 
APG-453 Implementation Guidance for Incorporating State Toxics Requirements in Air Permits (Memo No. 02-1001) 1/20/2010 
APG-456 Regulation of Federal HAPs Under the State Toxics Program and State NSR Programs 9/1/2004 
APG-551 Procedures for Permitting and other Activities Associated with Coal Processing Plants (ADP Statement No. 2-96) 9/18/2008 
APG-553A Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Procedures and Boilerplate Permits 9/1/1999 
APG-554 Permitting and Compliance Issues for Non-road Internal Combustion Engines 12/1/1999 
APG-554A Internal Combustion Engine 12/1/1999 
APG-560 Wood Fired Boiler Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits 8/14/1998 
APG-561 Residual Oil Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits for Boilers 9/17/1998 
APG-562 Natural Gas and Distillate Oil Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits for Boilers 7/16/2018 
APG-563 Wood Coating Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits 11/5/1998 
APG-564 Wood Working Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits 11/5/1998 
APG-568 Printing Procedure for Writing New and Modified Permits 8/10/2000 
APG-570 Interim Guidance for Permit Applicability for Emergency Generators Participating in an Emergency Load Response Program 5/15/2009 
APG-573 Lumber Kiln Emissions Calculatios 9/30/2010 
APG-574 Exemption of Qualified Fumigation Facilities 7/11/2013 
AQAG-001 Virginia Modeling Guideline for Air Quality Permits 7/24/2012 
AQP-01 Procedures for Testing Facilities Subject to Emission Standards for Volatile Organic Compounds 7/1/1991 
AQP-02 Procedures for Determining Compliance with Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards Covering Surface Coating Operations 7/1/1991 
AQP-03 Procedures for the Measurement of Capture Efficiency for Determining Compliance with Volatile Organic Compound Emission Standards Covering Surface Coating Operations and Graphic Arts Printing Processes 4/1/1996 
AQP-04 Procedures for Maintaining Records for Surface Coating Operations and Graphic Arts Printing Processes 7/1/1991 
AQP-08 Procedures for Preparing and Submitting Emission Statements for Stationary Sources 1/1/1993 
AQP-09 Procedures for Implementation of Regulations Covering Stage II Vapor Recovery Systems for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities 1/1/1993 
AQP-09A Guidance Memo - Stage I and II Vapor Recovery System Testing Standards 12/15/2011 
AQP-11 Implementation of the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) of Air Quality Program 1/1/1993 
AQP-14 Control Technology Requirements for Emissions of NOx from Electric Generating Combined Cycle Turbines 12/1/2002 
ASOP-01 Complaints 8/9/2001 
ASOP-02 Inspections 9/14/2001 
ASOP-03 Visible Emissions Evaluations 3/20/2003 
ASOP-04 CEM Audit Evaluation 3/19/2003 
ASOP-06 Title V Report/Certification Evaluations 6/30/2018 
ASOP-07 VOC Testing 10/23/1997 
ASOP-08 Particulate Testing: Role of Agency Observer 5/26/1998 
ASOP-09 VOC Sampling and Analysis 3/28/2002 
ASOP-11 The NOx Trading Program 6/6/2003 
ASOP-13 Tax Certifications 11/22/2004 
ASOP-13 Amendment Tax Certification 1/23/2009 
ASOP-17 Compliance Assistance 9/23/2003 
SBAP-01 Small Business Assistance Program Modification Procedures for Modification of Work Practices, Technical Methods or Time Frame 10/28/1994 
SBAP-02 Guide to Compliance Requirements for Dry Cleaners 3/17/1994 
SBAP-03 Fact Sheet - Wood Furniture Operations 12/13/1996 
SBAP-04 Fact Sheet - Lithographic Printing Processes 7/1/1996 
SBAP-05 Fact Sheet - Flexographic, Rotogravure, and Publication Rotogravure Printing Lines 7/1/1996 
SBAP-06 Fact Sheet - Small Business Assistance Program 12/17/1997 

Documents listed are for the parent board or agency since they may be relevant to this chapter. No guidance documents apply to this chapter specifically.