Proposed Text
6VAC20-50-21. Approval authority.
A. The Criminal Justice Services Board shall be the approval
authority for the training categories and performance outcomes of the
compulsory minimum training standards. Amendments to the training categories and
performance outcomes shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the
Administrative Process Act (ยง 2.2-4000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).
B. The Committee on Training of the Criminal Justice Services
Board shall be the approval authority for the performance outcomes,
training objectives, criteria, and lesson plan guides that support the
performance outcomes. Training Performance outcomes, training
objectives, criteria, and lesson plan guides supporting the compulsory
minimum training standards and performance outcomes may be added,
deleted, or amended by the Committee on Training based upon written
recommendation of a chief of police, sheriff, agency administrator, academy
director, Curriculum Review Committee, interested party, or member of
the community. Any suggestions received related to performance outcomes,
training objectives, criteria, and lesson plan guides shall be reviewed at the
regularly scheduled meeting of the Curriculum Review Committee. If comment is
received at any public hearing, the Committee on Training may make a decision
at that time. Changes to the training categories and performance outcomes
will only be made in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative
Process Act.
C. Prior to approving changes to the performance outcomes,
training objectives, criteria, or lesson plan guides, the Committee on
Training shall conduct a public hearing. Sixty days prior to the public
hearing, the proposed changes shall be distributed to all affected parties for
the opportunity to comment. Notice of change of the performance outcomes,
training objectives, criteria, and lesson plan guides shall be filed for
publication in the Virginia Register of Regulations upon adoption, change,
or deletion. The department shall notify each certified academy in writing of
any new, revised, or deleted objectives. Such adoptions, changes, or
deletions shall become effective 30 days after notice of publication in the
Virginia Register. Changes to the training categories and performance
outcomes will only be made in accordance with the provisions of the
Administrative Process Act.