Final Text
As used in this chapter, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Board" means the State Board of Health.
"Chief executive officer" means a job descriptive term used to identify the individual appointed by the governing body to act in its behalf in the overall management of the hospital. Job titles may include administrator, superintendent, director, executive director, president, vice-president, and executive vice-president.
"Commissioner" means the State Health Commissioner.
"Consultant" means one who provides services or advice upon request.
"Department" means an organized section of the hospital.
"Designated support person" means a person who is knowledgeable about the needs of a person with a disability and who is designated, orally or in writing, by the individual with a disability, the individual's guardian, or the individual's care provider to provide support and assistance, including physical assistance, emotional support, assistance with communication or decision-making, or any other assistance necessary as a result of the person's disability, to the person with a disability at any time during which health care services are provided.
"Direction" means authoritative policy or procedural guidance for the accomplishment of a function or activity.
"Facilities" means building(s), equipment, and supplies necessary for implementation of services by personnel.
"Full-time" means a 37-1/2 to 40 hour work week.
"General hospital" means institutions as defined by § 32.1-123 of the Code of Virginia with an organized medical staff; with permanent facilities that include inpatient beds; and with medical services, including physician services, dentist services and continuous nursing services, to provide diagnosis and treatment for patients who have a variety of medical and dental conditions that may require various types of care, such as medical, surgical, and maternity.
"Home health care department/service/program" means a formally structured organizational unit of the hospital that is designed to provide health services to patients in their place of residence and meets Part II (12VAC5-381-150 et seq.) of the regulations adopted by the board for the licensure of home care organizations in Virginia.
"Medical" means pertaining to or dealing with the healing art and the science of medicine.
"Nursing care unit" means an organized jurisdiction of nursing service in which nursing services are provided on a continuous basis.
"Nursing home" means an institution or any identifiable component of any institution as defined by § 32.1-123 of the Code of Virginia with permanent facilities that include inpatient beds and whose primary function is the provision, on a continuing basis, of nursing and health related services for the treatment of patients who may require various types of long term care, such as skilled care and intermediate care.
"Nursing services" means patient care services pertaining to the curative, palliative, restorative, or preventive aspects of nursing that are prepared or supervised by a registered nurse.
"Office of Licensure and Certification" or "OLC" means the Office of Licensure and Certification of the Virginia Department of Health.
"Organized" means administratively and functionally structured.
"Organized medical staff" means a formal organization of physicians and dentists with the delegated responsibility and authority to maintain proper standards of medical care and to plan for continued betterment of that care.
"Outpatient hospital" means institutions as defined by § 32.1-123 of the Code of Virginia that primarily provide facilities for the performance of surgical procedures on outpatients. Such patients may require treatment in a medical environment exceeding the normal capability found in a physician's office, but do not require inpatient hospitalization.
"Ownership/person" means any individual, partnership, association, trust, corporation, municipality, county, governmental agency, or any other legal or commercial entity that owns or controls the physical facilities and/or manages or operates a hospital.
"Rural hospital" means any general hospital in a county classified by the federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as rural, any hospital designated as a critical access hospital, any general hospital that is eligible to receive funds under the federal Small Rural Hospital Improvement Grant Program, or any general hospital that notifies the commissioner of its desire to retain its rural status when that hospital is in a county reclassified by the OMB as a metropolitan statistical area as of June 6, 2003.
"Service" means a functional division of the hospital. Also used to indicate the delivery of care.
"Special hospital" means institutions as defined by § 32.1-123 of the Code of Virginia that provide care for a specialized group of patients or limit admissions to provide diagnosis and treatment for patients who have specific conditions (e.g., tuberculosis, orthopedic, pediatric, maternity).
"Special care unit" means an appropriately equipped area of the hospital where there is a concentration of physicians, nurses, and others who have special skills and experience to provide optimal medical care for patients assigned to the unit.
"Staff privileges" means authority to render medical care in the granting institution within well-defined limits, based on the individual's professional license and the individual's experience, competence, ability, and judgment.
"Unit" means a functional division or facility of the hospital.
A. All patients shall be under the care of a member of the medical staff.
B. Each hospital shall have a plan that includes effective mechanisms for the periodic review and revision of patient care policies and procedures.
C. Each hospital shall establish a protocol relating to the rights and responsibilities of patients based on Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' 2000 Hospital Accreditation Standards, January 2000. The protocol shall include a process reasonably designed to inform patients of their rights and responsibilities. Patients shall be given a copy of their rights and responsibilities upon admission.
D. No medication or treatment shall be given except on the signed order of a person lawfully authorized by state statutes.
1. Hospital personnel, as designated in medical staff bylaws, rules and regulations, or hospital policies and procedures, may accept emergency telephone and other verbal orders for medication or treatment for hospital patients from physicians and other persons lawfully authorized by state statute to give patient orders.
2. As specified in the hospital's medical staff bylaws, rules and regulations, or hospital policies and procedures, emergency telephone and other verbal orders shall be signed within a reasonable period of time not to exceed 72 hours, by the person giving the order, or, when such person is not available, cosigned by another physician or other person authorized to give the order.
E. Each hospital shall have a reliable method for identification of each patient, including newborn infants.
F. Each hospital shall include in its visitation policy a provision allowing each adult patient to receive visits from any individual from whom the patient desires to receive visits, subject to other restrictions contained in the visitation policy including the patient's medical condition and the number of visitors permitted in the patient's room simultaneously.
G. If the Governor has declared a public health emergency related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), each hospital shall allow a person with a disability who requires assistance as a result of such disability to be accompanied by a designated support person at any time during which health care services are provided.
1. In any case in which health care services are provided in an inpatient setting, and the duration of health care services in such inpatient setting is anticipated to last more than 24 hours, the person with a disability may designate more than one designated support person. However, no hospital shall be required to allow more than one designated support person to be present with a person with a disability at any time.
2. A designated support person shall not be subject to any restrictions on visitation adopted by such hospital. However, such designated support person may be required to comply with all reasonable requirements of the hospital adopted to protect the health and safety of patients and staff of the hospital.
3. Every hospital shall establish policies applicable to designated support persons and shall:
a. Make such policies available to the public on a website maintained by the hospital; and
b. Provide such policies, in writing, to the patient at such time as health care services are provided.
H. Each hospital that is equipped to provide life-sustaining treatment shall develop a policy to determine the medical or ethical appropriateness of proposed medical care, which shall include:
1. A process for obtaining a second opinion regarding the medical and ethical appropriateness of proposed medical care in cases in which a physician has determined proposed care to be medically or ethically inappropriate;
2. Provisions for review of the determination that proposed medical care is medically or ethically inappropriate by an interdisciplinary medical review committee and a determination by the interdisciplinary medical review committee regarding the medical and ethical appropriateness of the proposed health care of the patient;
3. Requirements for a written explanation of the decision of the interdisciplinary medical review committee, which shall be included in the patient's medical record; and
4. Provisions to ensure the patient, the patient's agent, or the person authorized to make the patient's medical decisions in accordance with § 54.1-2986 of the Code of Virginia is informed of the patient's right to obtain the patient's medical record and the right to obtain an independent medical opinion and afforded reasonable opportunity to participate in the medical review committee meeting.
The policy shall not prevent the patient, the patient's agent, or the person authorized to make the patient's medical decisions from obtaining legal counsel to represent the patient or from seeking other legal remedies, including court review, provided that the patient, the patient's agent, person authorized to make the patient's medical decisions, or legal counsel provide written notice to the chief executive officer of the hospital within 14 days of the date of the physician's determination that proposed medical treatment is medically or ethically inappropriate as documented in the patient's medical record.
H. I. Each hospital shall establish a protocol requiring that, before a health care provider arranges for air medical transportation services for a patient who does not have an emergency medical condition as defined in 42 USC § 1395dd(e)(1), the hospital shall provide the patient or the patient's authorized representative with written or electronic notice that the patient (i) may have a choice of transportation by an air medical transportation provider or medically appropriate ground transportation by an emergency medical services provider and (ii) will be responsible for charges incurred for such transportation in the event that the provider is not a contracted network provider of the patient's health insurance carrier or such charges are not otherwise covered in full or in part by the patient's health insurance plan.
I. J. Each hospital shall provide written information about the patient's ability to request an estimate of the payment amount for which the participant will be responsible pursuant to § 32.1-137.05 of the Code of Virginia. The written information shall be posted conspicuously in public areas of the hospital, including admissions or registration areas, and included on any website maintained by the hospital.
J. K. Each hospital shall establish protocols to ensure that any patient scheduled to receive an elective surgical procedure for which the patient can reasonably be expected to require outpatient physical therapy as a follow-up treatment after discharge is informed that the patient:
1. Is expected to require outpatient physical therapy as a follow-up treatment; and
2. Will be required to select a physical therapy provider prior to being discharged from the hospital.
A. Each outpatient surgical hospital shall develop a policy and procedures manual that shall include provisions covering the following items:
1. The types of emergency and elective procedures that may be performed in the facility.
2. Types of anesthesia that may be used.
3. Admissions and discharges, including:
a. Criteria for evaluating the patient before admission and before discharge; and
b. Protocols to ensure that any patient scheduled to receive an elective surgical procedure for which the patient can reasonably be expected to require outpatient physical therapy as a follow-up treatment after discharge is informed that the patient:
(1) Is expected to require outpatient physical therapy as a follow-up treatment; and
(2) Will be required to select a physical therapy provider prior to being discharged from the hospital.
4. Written informed consent of patient prior to the initiation of any procedures.
5. Procedures for housekeeping and infection control and prevention.
6. Disaster preparedness.
7. Facility security.
B. A copy of approved policies and procedures and revisions thereto shall be made available to the OLC upon request.
C. Each outpatient surgical hospital shall establish a protocol relating to the rights and responsibilities of patients based on Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations' Standards for Ambulatory Care (2000 Hospital Accreditation Standards, January 2000). The protocol shall include a process reasonably designed to inform patients of their rights and responsibilities. Patients shall be given a copy of their rights and responsibilities upon admission.
D. If the Governor has declared a public health emergency related to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), each outpatient surgical hospital shall allow a person with a disability who requires assistance as a result of such disability to be accompanied by a designated support person at any time during which health care services are provided.
1. A designated support person shall not be subject to any restrictions on visitation adopted by such outpatient surgical hospital. However, such designated support person may be required to comply with all reasonable requirements of the outpatient surgical hospital adopted to protect the health and safety of patients and staff of the outpatient surgical hospital.
2. Every outpatient surgical hospital shall establish policies applicable to designated support persons and shall:
a. Make such policies available to the public on a website maintained by the outpatient surgical hospital; and
b. Provide such policies, in writing, to the patient at such time as health care services are provided.
E. Each outpatient surgical hospital shall obtain a criminal history record check pursuant to § 32.1-126.02 of the Code of Virginia on any compensated employee not licensed by the Board of Pharmacy whose job duties provide access to controlled substances within the outpatient surgical hospital pharmacy.