Final Text
6VAC20-230-10. Definitions.
The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Armed special conservator of the peace" means a special conservator of the peace registrant who carries or has immediate access to a firearm in the performance of his duties.
"Board" means the Criminal Justice Services Board or any successor board or agency.
"Certification" means a method of regulation indicating that qualified persons have met the minimum requirements as private security services training schools and private security services instructors.
"Certified training schools" means a training school certified by the department for the specific purpose of training a special conservator of the peace regulated in at least one category of the compulsory minimum training standards.
"Class" means a block of instruction no less than 50 minutes in length on a particular subject.
"Combat loading" means tactical loading of a shotgun while maintaining coverage of the threat area.
"Department" or "DCJS" means the Department of Criminal Justice Services or any successor agency.
"Director" means the chief administrative officer of the department.
"Electronic roster submittal" means the authority given to the training director or assistant training director of a training school, after he has submitted an application and the required nonrefundable fee, to submit a training school roster to the department electronically through the department's online system.
"Firearms verification" means verification of successful completion of either initial or retraining requirements for handgun or shotgun training, or both.
"Incident" means an event that exceeds the normal extent of one's appointed special conservator of the peace authority.
"In-service training requirement" means the compulsory in-service training standards adopted by the Criminal Justice Services Board for special conservator of the peace personnel.
"Performance of his duties" means on duty in the context of this chapter.
"Person" means any individual, group of individuals, firm, company, corporation, partnership, business, trust, association, or other legal entity.
"Physical address" means the location of the building that houses a business or training school (a post office box is not a physical address).
"Private security services training school" means any person certified by the department to provide instruction in special conservator of the peace subjects for the training of special conservator of the peace personnel in accordance with this chapter.
"Registration" means a method of regulation that identifies individuals as having met the minimum requirements for a particular registration category as set forth in this chapter.
"Registration category" means any one of the following categories: (i) unarmed special conservators of the peace or (ii) armed special conservators of the peace.
"Session" means a group of classes comprising the total hours of mandated training in either of the following categories: (i) unarmed special conservator of the peace and (ii) armed special conservator of the peace.
"Special conservator of the peace" means any
individual appointed by the circuit court pursuant to § 19.2-13 of the
Code of Virginia on or after September 15, 2004, to perform only those
powers, functions, the duties and responsibilities authorized
for which he is qualified by training as established by the board within
such geographic geographical limitations as specified
by the court may deem appropriate.
"Special conservator of the peace registrant" means any individual who has met the requirements under this regulation to apply for appointment to the circuit court as a special conservator of the peace.
"This chapter" means the Regulations Relating to Special Conservators of the Peace as part of the Virginia Administrative Code.
"Training certification" means verification of the successful completion of any training requirement established in this chapter.
"Training requirement" means any entry-level, in-service, or firearms retraining standard established in this chapter.
"Unarmed special conservator of the peace" means a special conservator of the peace registrant who does not carry or have immediate access to a firearm in the performance of his duties.
6VAC20-230-150. Registered individual standards of conduct.
A. A registered individual shall:
1. Conform to all requirements pursuant to the Code of Virginia and this chapter;
2. Not violate or aid and abet others in violating the provisions of Article 4 (§ 9.1-138 et seq.) of Chapter 1 of Title 9.1 of the Code of Virginia or this chapter;
3. Not commit any act or omission that results in a registration being suspended, revoked, not renewed or being otherwise disciplined in any jurisdiction;
4. Not obtain a special conservator of the peace registration or registration renewal through any fraud or misrepresentation;
5. Carry a valid registration or valid temporary authorization letter at all times while on duty;
6. Carry the private security state authorized identification card at all times while on duty once the authorization has been approved from the department;
7. Perform those duties authorized by the circuit court only while employed and in the jurisdiction of appointment, and perform only those duties authorized in the circuit court ordered appointment;
8. Maintain a valid firearms verification if he carries or has immediate access to firearms while on duty and is authorized by the circuit court. He may carry only those firearms that he has been trained on and is qualified to carry;
9. Carry a firearm concealed while on duty only with the expressed authorization of the circuit court that appoints the registrant and only in compliance with § 18.2-308.01 of the Code of Virginia;
10. Transport, carry and utilize firearms while on duty only in a manner that does not endanger the public health, safety and welfare;
11. Make arrests in full compliance with the law and using only the minimum force necessary to effect an arrest;
12. Display his registration while on duty in response to the request of a law-enforcement officer, department personnel or client;
13. Not perform any unlawful or negligent act resulting in a loss, injury or death to any person;
14. If a uniform is required, wear the uniform required by the
employer. If wearing a uniform while employed as a special conservator of the
peace, the uniform must:
a. Only have the title "police" on any badge or
uniform when the circuit court order indicates and to the extent the displayed
words accurately represent a special conservator of the peace; and
b. Have have a name plate or tape bearing, as a
minimum, the individual's last name attached on the outermost garment, except
on rainwear worn only to protect from inclement weather;
15. Not display or use the word "police" or use the seal of the Commonwealth on any uniform, badge, credential, or vehicle in the performance of his duties, except a special conservator of the peace (i) employed by a state agency may use the seal of the Commonwealth on any uniform, badge, credential, or vehicle in the performance of his duties or (ii) employed by the Shenandoah Valley Regional Airport Commission or the Richmond Metropolitan Transportation Authority may use the word "police" on any badge, uniform, or vehicle or the seal of the Commonwealth on any badge or credential in the performance of his duties.
16. Act only in such a manner that does not endanger the public health, safety and welfare;
16. 17. Not represent as one's own a special
conservator of the peace registration issued to another individual;
17. 18. Not falsify, or aid and abet others in
falsifying, training records for the purpose of obtaining a registration;
18. 19. Not engage in acts of unprofessional
conduct in the practice of special conservator of the peace services;
19. 20. Not engage in acts of negligent or
incompetent special conservator of the peace services; and
20. 21. Maintain at all times current liability
coverage at least in the amount prescribed by the Code of Virginia.
B. No person with a criminal conviction for a misdemeanor involving (i) moral turpitude, (ii) assault and battery, (iii) damage to real or personal property, (iv) controlled substances or imitation controlled substances as defined in Article 1 (§ 18.2-247 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia, (v) prohibited sexual behavior as described in Article 7 (§ 18.2-61 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia, (vi) firearms or (vii) any felony from which no appeal is pending, the time for appeal having elapsed, shall be registered as a conservator of the peace. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for the purpose of this chapter. The record of conviction certified or authenticated in such form as to be admissible in evidence under the laws of the jurisdiction where convicted shall be prima facie evidence of such guilt.
C. No person who is prohibited from possessing, transporting, or purchasing a firearm shall be registered as a special conservator of the peace.