Proposed Text
18VAC95-20-175. Continuing education requirements.
A. In order to renew a nursing home administrator license, an applicant shall attest on his renewal application to completion of 20 hours of approved continuing education for each renewal year.
1. Up to 10 of the 20 hours may be obtained through Internet or self-study courses and up to 10 continuing education hours in excess of the number required may be transferred or credited to the next renewal year.
2. Up to two hours of the 20 hours required for annual renewal may be satisfied through delivery of services, without compensation, to low-income individuals receiving health services through a local health department or a free clinic organized in whole or primarily for the delivery of those services. One hour of continuing education may be credited for one hour of providing such volunteer services, as documented by the health department or free clinic.
3. A licensee is exempt from completing continuing education requirements and considered in compliance on the first renewal date following initial licensure.
B. In order for continuing education to be approved by the board, it shall (i) be related to health care administration and shall be approved or offered by the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB), an accredited institution, or a government agency, or (ii) as provided in subdivision A 2 of this section.
C. Documentation of continuing education.
1. The licensee shall retain in his personal files for a period of three renewal years complete documentation of continuing education including evidence of attendance or participation as provided by the approved sponsor for each course taken.
2. Evidence of attendance shall be an original document provided by the approved sponsor and shall include:
a. Date or dates the course was taken;
b. Hours of attendance or participation;
c. Participant's name; and
d. Signature of an authorized representative of the approved sponsor.
3. If contacted for an audit, the licensee shall forward to the board by the date requested a signed affidavit of completion on forms provided by the board and evidence of attendance or participation as provided by the approved sponsor.
D. The board may grant an extension of up to one year or an exemption for all or part of the continuing education requirements due to circumstances beyond the control of the administrator, such as a certified illness, a temporary disability, mandatory military service, or officially declared disasters.
18VAC95-30-70. Continuing education requirements.
A. In order to renew an assisted living administrator license, an applicant shall attest on his renewal application to completion of 20 hours of approved continuing education for each renewal year.
1. Up to 10 of the 20 hours may be obtained through Internet or self-study courses and up to 10 continuing education hours in excess of the number required may be transferred or credited to the next renewal year.
2. Up to two hours of the 20 hours required for annual renewal may be satisfied through delivery of services, without compensation, to low-income individuals receiving health services through a local health department or a free clinic organized in whole or primarily for the delivery of those services. One hour of continuing education may be credited for one hour of providing such volunteer services, as documented by the health department or free clinic.
3. A licensee is exempt from completing continuing education requirements for the first renewal following initial licensure in Virginia.
B. In order for continuing education to be approved by the board, it shall (i) be related to the domains of practice for residential care/assisted living and approved or offered by NAB, an accredited educational institution, or a governmental agency, or (ii) as provided in subdivision A 2 of this section.
C. Documentation of continuing education.
1. The licensee shall retain in his personal files for a period of three renewal years complete documentation of continuing education including evidence of attendance or participation as provided by the approved sponsor for each course taken.
2. Evidence of attendance shall be an original document provided by the approved sponsor and shall include:
a. Date or dates the course was taken;
b. Hours of attendance or participation;
c. Participant's name; and
d. Signature of an authorized representative of the approved sponsor.
3. If contacted for an audit, the licensee shall forward to the board by the date requested a signed affidavit of completion on forms provided by the board and evidence of attendance or participation as provided by the approved sponsor.
D. The board may grant an extension of up to one year or an exemption for all or part of the continuing education requirements due to circumstances beyond the control of the administrator, such as a certified illness, a temporary disability, mandatory military service, or officially declared disasters.