Final Text
9VAC25-660-10. Definitions.
The words and terms used in this chapter shall have the
meanings defined in the State Water Control Law (§ 62.1-44.2 et seq. of the
Code of Virginia) and the Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Permit Program
Regulation (9VAC25-210) unless a different meaning is required by the
context clearly indicates otherwise or unless otherwise is
indicated below.
"Bank protection" means measures employed to stabilize channel banks and combat existing erosion problems. Such measures may include the construction of riprap revetments, sills, rock vanes, beach nourishment, breakwaters, bulkheads, groins, spurs, levees, marsh toe stabilization, anti-scouring devices, and submerged sills.
"Bioengineering method" means a biological measure incorporated into a facility design to benefit water quality and minimize adverse effects to aquatic resources, to the maximum extent practicable, for long-term aquatic resource protection and improvement.
"Channelization" means the alteration of a stream
channel by widening, deepening, straightening, cleaning or paving certain
"Coverage" means authorization to conduct a project in accordance with a VWP general permit.
"Cross-sectional drawing" means a graph or plot
of ground elevation across a waterbody or a portion of it, usually along a line
perpendicular to the waterbody or direction of flow.
"Emergent wetland" means a class of wetlands
characterized by erect, rooted, herbaceous plants growing in water or on a
substrate that is at least periodically deficient in oxygen as a result of
excessive water content, excluding mosses and lichens. This vegetation is
present for most of the growing season in most years and is usually dominated
by perennial plants.
"FEMA" means the Federal Emergency Management
"Forested wetland" means a class of wetlands
characterized by woody vegetation that is six meters (20 feet) tall or taller.
These areas typically possess an overstory of trees, an understory of trees or
shrubs, and an herbaceous layer.
"DEQ" means the Department of Environmental Quality.
"Histosols" means organic soils that are often
called mucks, peats, or mucky peats. The list of histosols in the Commonwealth
includes, but is not limited to, the following soil series: Back Bay, Belhaven,
Dorovan, Lanexa, Mattamuskeet, Mattan, Palms, Pamlico, Pungo, Pocaty, and
Rappahannock. Histosols are identified in the Hydric soils list Soils
of the United States lists generated by the United States [ U.S. ]
Department of Agriculture's Natural Resources Conservation Service.
"Impacts" means results caused by human-induced
activities conducted in surface waters as specified in § 62.1-44.15:20 A of the
Code of Virginia.
"Independent utility" means a test to determine what constitutes a single and complete project. A project is considered to have independent utility if it would be constructed absent the construction of other projects in the project area. Portions of a phased project that depend upon other phases of the project do not have independent utility. Portions of a phased project that would be constructed even if the other phases are not built can be considered as separate single and complete projects with independent public and economic utility.
"Isolated Wetland of Minimal Ecological Value (IWOMEV)"
means a wetland that (i) does not have a surface water connection to other
state waters; (ii) is less than one-tenth of an acre in size; (iii) is not
located in a Federal Emergency Management Agency designated 100-year
floodplain; (iv) is not identified by the Virginia Natural Heritage Program as
a rare or state significant natural community; (v) is not forested; and (vi)
does not contain listed federal or state threatened or endangered species.
"Less than one-half of an acre" means 0.49
less than 0.50 acre (21,779 square feet) or less (21,780
square feet).
"Notice of project completion" means a statement
[ signed submitted ] by the permittee or
authorized agent that the authorized activities and any required compensatory
mitigation have been completed.
"Open water" means an area that, during a year
with normal patterns of precipitation, has standing water for sufficient
duration to establish an ordinary high water mark. The term "open
water" includes lakes and ponds but does not include ephemeral waters,
stream beds, or wetlands.
"Ordinary high water" or "ordinary high
water mark" means the line on the shore established by the fluctuations of
water and indicated by physical characteristics such as clear, natural line
impressed on the bank; shelving; changes in the character of soil; destruction
of terrestrial vegetation; the presence of litter and debris; or other
appropriate means that consider the characteristics of the surrounding areas.
"Perennial stream" means a well-defined channel
that contains water year round during a year of normal rainfall. Generally, the
water table is located above the streambed for most of the year and groundwater
is the primary source for stream flow. A perennial stream exhibits the typical
biological, hydrological, and physical characteristics commonly associated with
the continuous conveyance of water.
"Permanent impacts" means those impacts to
surface waters, including wetlands, that cause a permanent alteration of the
physical, chemical, or biological properties of the surface waters, or of the
functions and values of a wetland.
"Person" means an individual, corporation,
partnership, association, governmental body, municipal corporation, or any
other legal entity.
"Riprap" means a layer of nonerodible material
such as stone or chunks of concrete.
"Single and complete project" means the total
project proposed or accomplished by a person, which also has independent
utility, as defined in this section. For linear projects, the "single and
complete project" (e.g., a single and complete crossing) will apply to
each crossing of a separate surface water (e.g., a single waterbody) water
body) and to multiple crossings of the same waterbody water body
at separate and distinct locations. Phases of a project that have independent
public and economic utility may each be considered single and complete.
"State program general permit (SPGP)" means a
general permit that is issued by the Department of the Army in accordance with 33
USC 1344(e), 33 CFR 325.2(e)(2), 33 USC § 1344 and 33 CFR 325.3(b)
33 CFR 325.5(c)(3) and that is founded on a state program. The SPGP is
designed to avoid duplication between the federal and state programs.
"Stream bed" means the substrate of a stream, as
measured between the ordinary high water marks along a length of stream. The
substrate may consist of organic matter, bedrock or inorganic particles that
range in size from clay to boulders, or a combination of both. Areas contiguous
to the stream bed, but outside of the ordinary high water marks, are not
considered part of the stream bed.
"Surface waters" means all state waters that are
not ground water as defined in § 62.1-255 of the Code of Virginia.
"Temporary impacts" are those impacts to surface
waters, including wetlands, that do not cause a permanent alteration of the
physical, chemical, or biological properties of the surface water, or of the
functions and values of a wetland. Temporary impacts include activities in
which the ground is restored to its preconstruction conditions, contours, or
elevations, such that previous functions and values are restored.
"Up to 300 linear feet" means >0.00 to
300.00 linear feet or less, as measured along the center of the main
channel of the stream segment.
"Up to one-tenth of an acre" means 0.10 acre
(4,356 square feet) or less.
"Utility line" means a pipe or pipeline for the transportation of a gaseous, liquid, liquefiable or slurry substance, for any purpose, and a cable, line, or wire for the transmission for any purpose of electrical energy, telephone, and telegraph messages and radio and television communication. The term "utility line" does not include activities that drain a surface water to convert it to an upland, such as drainage tiles or french drains; however, it does apply to pipes conveying drainage from another area.
9VAC25-660-15. Statewide information requirements.
The board may request (i) such plans, specifications, and other pertinent information as may be necessary to determine the effect of an applicant's discharge on the quality of state waters or (ii) such other information as may be necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter. Any owner, permittee, or person applying for a VWP permit or general permit coverage shall provide the information requested by the board.
9VAC25-660-20. Purpose; delegation of authority; effective
date of VWP general permit.
A. The purpose of this [ regulation chapter ]
is to establish VWP General Permit Number WP1 under [ the VWP permit
program regulation 9VAC25-210 ] to govern permanent and
temporary impacts to less than one-half of an acre of nontidal wetlands
or open water and up to 300 linear feet of nontidal stream bed. Applications
for coverage by this VWP general permit shall be processed for approval,
approval with conditions, or denial by the board. Authorization,
authorization Coverage, coverage with conditions, or application
denial by the board shall constitute the VWP general permit action. Each VWP
general permit action and shall follow all provisions in the State
Water Control Law (§ 62.1-44.2 et seq. of the Code of Virginia), except for the
public comment and participation provisions, from which each VWP general permit
action is exempt.
B. The director, or his designee, may perform
any act of the board provided under this chapter, except as limited by §
62.1-44.14 of the Code of Virginia.
C. This VWP general permit regulation will become effective
on August 1, 2006, and will expire on August 1, 2016.
D. Authorization to impact surface waters under this VWP
general permit is effective upon compliance with all the provisions of
9VAC25-660-30. Notwithstanding the expiration date of this general permit
regulation, authorization to impact surface waters under this VWP general
permit will continue for three years.
9VAC25-660-25. Authorization for coverage under VWP general permit effective August 1, 2006.
A. All complete applications or notifications received by the board through 11:59 p.m. on August 1, 2016, shall be processed in accordance with the VWP general permit regulation in effect August 1, 2006, through August 1, 2016. If the application or notification is incomplete or if there is not adequate time as allowed by § 62.1-44.15:21 of the Code of Virginia to make a completeness determination, the applicant shall reapply for coverage under the VWP general permit effective August 2, 2016, or apply for a VWP individual permit, including payment of any required permit application fee. No refund of permit application fees shall be made.
B. VWP general permit authorizations granted through 11:59 p.m. on August 1, 2016, shall remain in full force and effect until 11:59 p.m. on the expiration date stated on the VWP authorization cover page, unless otherwise revoked or terminated or unless a notice of project completion is received by the board on or before that date. Any permittee that desires to continue an authorized activity beyond the stated expiration date must reapply for coverage under the VWP general permit effective August 2, 2016, pursuant to its terms, standards, and conditions, or apply for a VWP individual permit, including payment of any required permit application fee. This section shall only apply to permittees holding valid authorizations for coverage granted under the VWP general permit effective August 1, 2006, through August 1, 2016.
9VAC25-660-27. VWP general permit coverage; transition; continuation.
A. All applications or notifications received on or after August 2, 2016, will be processed in accordance with the VWP general permit regulation effective August 2, 2016.
B. The general permit in 9VAC25-660-100 is effective August
2, 2016, and expires August 1, [ 2031 2026 ].
Any coverage that is granted pursuant to 9VAC25-660-30 shall remain in full
force and effect until 11:59 p.m. on August 1, [ 2031
2026 ], unless the general permit coverage is terminated or revoked
[ or unless a notice of project completion is received by the board ]
on or before this date. Where a permittee that has received general permit
coverage desires to continue or complete the authorized activities beyond
August 1, [ 2031 2026 ], the permittee
shall reapply for new general permit coverage or for a VWP individual permit,
including payment of any required permit application fee. Activities in surface
waters requiring a permit shall not commence or continue until VWP general
permit coverage is granted or a VWP individual permit is issued by the board.
C. Application may be made at any time for a VWP individual permit in accordance with 9VAC25-210. Activities in surface waters requiring a permit shall not commence or continue until VWP general permit coverage is granted or a VWP individual permit is issued by the board.
9VAC25-660-30. Authorization to impact surface waters.
A. Any person governed by this granted coverage
under the VWP general permit is authorized to effective August 2,
2016, may permanently or temporarily impact less than one-half of an
acre of nontidal wetlands or open water and up to 300 linear feet of nontidal
stream bed, provided that:
1. The applicant submits notification as required in 9VAC25-660-50 and 9VAC25-660-60.
2. The applicant remits the any required permit
application processing fee in accordance with 9VAC25-20.
3. The applicant receives general permit coverage from the
Department of Environmental Quality and complies with the limitations and
other requirements of 9VAC25-660-100 the VWP general permit; the
general permit coverage [ letter ]; the Clean Water
Act, as amended; and the State Water Control Law and attendant regulations.
4. The applicant receives approval from the Virginia
Department of Environmental Quality.
5. 4. The applicant has not been required to
obtain a VWP individual permit under [ the VWP permit regulation
(9VAC25-210) 9VAC25-210 ] for the proposed project impacts. The
applicant, at his discretion, may seek a VWP individual permit, or
coverage under another applicable VWP general permit, in lieu of coverage
under this VWP general permit.
6. 5. Impacts, both temporary and permanent,
result from a single and complete project, including all attendant features.
a. Where a road segment (e.g., the shortest segment of a road with independent utility that is part of a larger project) has multiple crossings of surface waters (several single and complete projects), the board may, at its discretion, require a VWP individual permit.
b. For the purposes of this chapter, when an interchange has multiple crossings of surface waters, the entire interchange shall be considered the single and complete project.
7. 6. The stream impact criterion applies to all
components of the project, including structures and stream channel
8. [ Compensation ] 7. When required,
[ compensation ] for unavoidable impacts is provided in the
form of the purchase or use of credits from an approved mitigation bank or a
contribution to an approved in-lieu fee fund accordance with
9VAC25-660-70 and the associated provisions of 9VAC25-210-116.
B. Only activities in nontidal waters may qualify for
coverage under this VWP general permit.
C. B. The board waives the requirement for
coverage under a VWP general permit for activities that occur in an isolated
wetland of minimal ecological value, as defined in 9VAC25-660-10 9VAC25-210-10.
Any Upon request by the board, any person claiming this waiver bears
the burden to shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board
that he qualifies for the waiver.
D. C. Receipt of Coverage under this
VWP general permit does not relieve the permittee of the responsibility to
comply with any other applicable federal, state, or local statute,
ordinance, or regulation.
E. In issuing this VWP general permit, the board has not
taken into consideration the structural stability of the proposed structure or
F. D. Coverage under a nationwide or regional
permit promulgated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), and for which
the board has issued § 401 certification existing in accordance with
9VAC25-210-130 H as of August 1, 2006 August 2, 2016, shall
constitute coverage under this VWP general permit [ , ] unless
a state program general permit (SPGP) is approved required and
granted for the covered activity or impact. Notwithstanding any
other provision, activities authorized under a nationwide or regional permit
promulgated by the USACE and certified by the board in accordance with
9VAC25-210-130 do not need to obtain coverage under this VWP general permit
unless a state programmatic general permit is approved for the covered activity
or impact.
G. E. When the board determines on a
case-by-case basis that concerns for water quality and the aquatic environment
so indicate, the board may require individual applications and a
VWP individual permits permit in accordance with 9VAC25-210-130 B
rather than approving granting coverage under this VWP general
9VAC25-660-35. Administrative continuance.
Beginning on August 2, 2016, in any case where an existing permittee has submitted a timely and complete notification or application for coverage under the next consecutive VWP general permit, in accordance with 9VAC25-660-50 and 9VAC25-660-60 and the board, through no fault of the permittee, does not issue the next consecutive VWP general permit with an effective date on or before the expiration date of the expiring VWP general permit, the conditions of that expiring VWP general permit and any requirements of coverage granted under it shall continue in force until the effective date of the next consecutive VWP general permit.
9VAC25-660-40. Exceptions to coverage.
A. Authorization for coverage Coverage under this
VWP general permit will not apply in the following areas: is not
required if the activity is excluded from permitting in accordance with
1. Wetlands composed of 10% or more of the following species
(singly or in combination) in a vegetative stratum: Atlantic white cedar
(Chamaecyparis thyoides), bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), water tupelo
(Nyssa aquatica), or overcup oak (Quercus lyrata). Percentages shall be based
on either basal area or percent areal cover in the area of impact.
2. Wetlands underlain by histosols.
3. Nontidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters.
4. 100-year floodplains as identified by FEMA's flood
insurance rate maps or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps.
5. Surface waters where the proposed activity will impact
federal or state listed or proposed threatened or endangered species or
proposed or designated critical habitat.
B. Authorization for coverage Coverage under
this VWP general permit cannot be used in combination with authorizations
for coverage under other VWP general permits in order to impact greater
than one-half of an acre of nontidal wetlands or open water or greater
than 300 linear feet of nontidal stream bed. More than one authorization for
Granting coverage under this VWP general permit more than once
for a single and complete project is prohibited, except when the cumulative
impact to surface waters does not exceed the limits specified here.
C. The activity to impact surface waters shall not have been prohibited by state law or regulations, nor shall it contravene applicable Water Quality Standards (9VAC25-260).
D. The board shall deny application for coverage under
this VWP general permit to any applicant for conducting
activities that cause, may reasonably be expected to cause, or may be
contributing to a violation of water quality standards, including discharges or
discharge-related activities that are likely to significantly affect aquatic
life, or for activities that together with other existing or proposed impacts
to wetlands will cause or contribute to a significant impairment of state
waters or fish and wildlife resources.
E. This VWP general permit does not authorize activities that cause more than minimal changes to the peak hydraulic flow characteristics, that significantly increase flooding, or that cause more than minimal degradation of the water quality of a stream.
F. This Coverage under this VWP general permit may
shall not be used granted for:
1. Any Construction of a stormwater management
facility that is located in perennial streams or in waters designated as
oxygen oxygen-impaired or temperature impaired temperature-impaired
(does not include wetlands).
2. The construction of an irrigation impoundment on a perennial stream.
3. Any water withdrawal activities.
4. The location of animal feeding operations or waste storage facilities in state waters.
5. The pouring of wet or uncured concrete or the use
of tremie concrete or grout bags in state waters, unless the area is
contained within a cofferdam or the work is performed in the dry or unless
approved by the Department of Environmental Quality.
6. Dredging or maintenance dredging.
7. Return flow discharges from dredge disposal sites.
8. The construction of new ski areas or oil and gas wells.
9. The Any activity in surface waters that will
impact federal or state listed [ or proposed ] threatened
or endangered species [ or proposed ] or
designated critical habitat, or [ be the result in a ]
taking of threatened or endangered species in accordance with the following:
a. As pursuant to § 29.1-564 of the Code of Virginia, the
taking, transportation, processing, sale, or offer for sale within the
Commonwealth of any fish or wildlife appearing on any list of threatened or
endangered species published by the United States Secretary of the Interior
pursuant to the provisions of the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973
[ (P.L. Public Law ] 93-205), or any modifications or
amendments thereto, is prohibited except as provided in § 29.1-568 of
the Code of Virginia.
b. As pursuant to § 29.1-566 of the Code of Virginia and
4VAC15-20-130 B and C, the taking, transportation, processing, sale, or offer
for sale within the Commonwealth of any [ state-listed state
listed ] endangered or threatened species is prohibited except as
provided in § 29.1-568 of the Code of Virginia.
10. Any activity in 100-year floodplains, as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) flood insurance rate maps or FEMA-approved local floodplain maps.
11. Any activity in wetlands composed of 10% or more, singularly or in combination, based upon either basal area or percent areal cover in the area of impact, in a vegetative stratum: Atlantic white cedar (Chamaecyparis thyoides), bald cypress (Taxodium distichum), water tupelo (Nyssa aquatica), or overcup oak (Quercus lyrata).
12. Any activity in wetlands underlain by histosols.
13. Any activity in tidal waters or in nontidal wetlands adjacent to tidal waters.
9VAC25-660-50. Notification.
A. Notification to the board will be required prior to commencing construction, as follows:
1. An application for authorization of coverage for
proposed, permanent nontidal wetland or open water impacts greater than
one-tenth of an acre, or of for proposed, permanent
nontidal stream bed impacts greater than 300 linear feet shall include all
information pursuant to 9VAC25-660-60 B, except for 9VAC25-660-60 B 20 when
the application is for a Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT)
administered project. VDOT shall provide the information in 9VAC25-660-60 B 20
through the VDOT State Environmental Review Process, the National Environmental
Policy Act (42 USC § 4321 et seq.) (for federal actions), or the VDOT
Geographic Information System. Compensatory mitigation may be required for
all permanent impacts in accordance with Parts I, II, and III of this VWP
general permit regulation. All temporary impacts shall be restored to
preexisting conditions, as per Parts I, II, and III of this VWP general permit
2. An application for the authorization of coverage
for proposed, permanent nontidal wetland or open water impacts up to
one-tenth of an acre, or [ of for ]
proposed, permanent nontidal stream bed impacts up to 300 linear feet,
shall be submitted as follows in accordance with either subdivision 2
a or 2 b of this subsection:
a. For a proposed VDOT-administered project that is not
subject to subdivision 2 c of this subsection, the application shall include
the information required by subdivisions 1 through 8, 13, 15, and 21 of
9VAC25-660-60 B. The VDOT Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less Than One-Tenth
Acre application may be used, provided that it contains the required
information. Compensatory mitigation may be required for all permanent impacts
once the notification limits of one-tenth acre wetlands or open water, or 300
linear feet of stream bed, are exceeded. All temporary impacts, regardless of
amount, shall be restored to preexisting conditions, as per Parts I and III of
this VWP general permit regulation. For any proposed project in
wetlands, open water, streams, or compensatory mitigation sites that are under
a deed restriction, conservation easement, declaration of restrictive covenant,
or other land use protective instrument (hereafter "protected
areas"), when such restriction, easement, covenant, or instrument is the
result of a federal or state permit action and is specific to activities in
wetlands and compensatory mitigation sites, the application shall include all
of the information required by 9VAC25-660-60 B. Compensatory mitigation may be
required for all permanent impacts.
b. For all other projects that are not subject to
subdivision 2 c of this subsection, the application shall include the
information required by subdivisions 1 through 9, 13, 15, 20, and 21 1
through 7, 10, 11, 15, and 16 of 9VAC25-660-60 B, and documentation
that verifies the quantity and type of impacts. Compensatory mitigation may be
required for all permanent impacts once the notification limits of one-tenth
acre wetlands or open water, or 300 linear feet of stream bed, are exceeded,
and if required, the application shall include the information in 9VAC25-660-60
B 12. All temporary impacts, regardless of amount, shall be restored to
preexisting conditions, as per Parts I and III of this VWP general permit
c. For any proposed project in wetlands, open water,
streams, or compensatory mitigation sites that are under a deed restriction,
conservation easement, restrictive covenant, or other land use protective
instrument (hereafter protected areas), when such restriction, easement,
covenant, or instrument is the result of a federal or state permit action and
is specific to activities in wetlands and compensatory mitigation sites, the
application shall include all of the information required by 9VAC25-660-60 B,
and documentation that verifies the quantity and type of impacts. Application
for a VDOT-administered project shall provide the required information in
9VAC25-660-60 B 20 through the VDOT State Environmental Review Process, the
National Environmental Policy Act (for federal actions), or the VDOT Geographic
Information System. Compensatory mitigation may be required for all permanent
impacts, regardless of amount. All temporary impacts, regardless of amount,
shall be restored to preexisting conditions, as per Parts I and III of this VWP
general permit regulation.
B. A Joint Permit Application (JPA), a Virginia Department
of Transportation Interagency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application
(VDOT IACM JPA), or a VDOT Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less Than One-Tenth
Acre The Department of Environmental Quality-approved application forms
shall serve as an application under this regulation for a VWP permit
or VWP general permit coverage.
C. The board will determine whether the proposed activity
requires coordination with the United States U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, the
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and the
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries regarding the presence of
federal or state [ proposed or ] listed threatened and
endangered species or [ proposed or ] designated critical
habitat. Based upon consultation with these agencies, the board may deny application
for coverage under this general permit. The applicant may also consult with
these agencies prior to submitting an application. Species or habitat
information that the applicant provides will assist DEQ the
Department of Environmental Quality in reviewing and processing the
9VAC25-660-60. Application.
A. Applications shall be filed with the board as follows:
1. The applicant shall file a complete application in accordance with
9VAC25-660-50 and this section for a coverage under this
VWP General Permit WP1 general permit for impacts to nontidal
wetlands or open water of less than one-half of an acre and up to 300
linear feet of nontidal stream bed, which will serve as a notice of intent
for coverage under this VWP general permit.
2. The VDOT may use its monthly IACM process for submitting
B. The required A complete application shall
contain for VWP general permit coverage, at a minimum, consists of
the following information [ , ] if applicable to the project:
1. The applicant's legal name, mailing address, and
telephone number, and, if applicable, electronic mail address
and fax number.
2. If different from the applicant, legal name, mailing address, telephone number, and if applicable, electronic mail address and fax number of property owner.
2. The 3. If applicable, the authorized agent's (if
applicable) name, mailing address, telephone number, and, if
applicable, fax number and electronic mail address.
3. 4. The existing VWP general permit tracking
number (if applicable), if applicable.
4. The name of the project, narrative description of project
purpose, and a description of the proposed activity in surface waters.
5. The name of the water body or water bodies or receiving
stream, as applicable.
6. The hydrologic unit code (HUC) for the project area.
7. The name of the city or county where the project is
8. Latitude and longitude (to the nearest second) from a
central location within the project limits.
9. A detailed location map (e.g., a United States Geologic
Survey topographic quadrangle map) of the project area, including the project
boundary. The map shall be of sufficient detail such that the site may be
easily located for site inspection.
10. (Reserved.)
11. The project plan view. Plan view sketches shall include,
at a minimum, north arrow, scale, existing structures, existing contours,
proposed contours (if available), limit of surface water areas, direction of
flow, ordinary high water, impact limits, and location and dimension of all
proposed structures in impact areas. In addition, cross-sectional or profile
sketches with the above information may be required to detail impact areas.
12. (Reserved.)
13. Surface water impact information (wetlands, streams, or
open water) for both permanent and temporary impacts, including a description
of the impact, the areal extent of the impact (area of wetland in square feet
and acres; area of stream, length of stream, and average width); the location
(latitude and longitude) at the center of the impact, or at the center of each
impact for linear projects; and the type of surface water impact (open water;
wetlands according to the Cowardin classification or similar terminology; or
perennial and nonperennial for streams). The board encourages applicants to
coordinate the determination of perennial or nonperennial streams with the
appropriate local government agency in Tidewater Virginia.
14. (Reserved.)
15. A description of the specific on-site measures
considered and taken during project design and development both to avoid and
minimize impacts to surface waters to the maximum extent practicable.
16. A conceptual plan for the intended compensation for
unavoidable impacts, including:
a. Applicants proposing compensation involving
contributions to an in-lieu fee fund shall state such as their conceptual
compensation plan. Written documentation of the willingness of the entity to
accept the donation and documentation of how the amount of the contribution was
calculated shall be submitted prior to issuance of this VWP general permit
authorization; and
b. Applicants proposing compensation involving the purchase
or use of mitigation banking credits shall include as their conceptual
compensation plan:
(1) The name of the proposed mitigation bank and the HUC in
which it is located;
(2) The number of credits proposed to be purchased or used;
(3) Certification from the bank owner of the availability
of credits.
17. A delineation map of the geographic area of a delineated
wetland for all wetlands on the site, in accordance with 9VAC25-210-45,
including the wetlands data sheets. The delineation map shall also include the
on-site location of streams, open water, and the approximate limits of
Chesapeake Bay Resource Protection Areas (RPAs), as other state or local
requirements may apply if the project is located within an RPA. Wetland types
shall be noted according to their Cowardin classification or similar
terminology. A copy of the USACE delineation confirmation, or other
correspondence from the USACE indicating their approval of the wetland
boundary, shall be provided at the time of application, or if not available at
that time, as soon as it becomes available during the VWP permit review.
18. A copy of the FEMA flood insurance rate map or
FEMA-approved local floodplain map for the project site (impacts that include
linear feet of stream bed must be converted to a square footage or acreage
using the stream width in order to calculate the permit application fee).
19. The appropriate application processing fee for a VWP
general permit in accordance with 9VAC25-20. The permit application fee for VWP
permit authorizations is based on acres only. Therefore, impacts that include
linear feet of stream bed must be converted to an acreage in order to calculate
the permit application fee.
20. A written disclosure identifying all wetlands, open
water, streams, and associated upland buffers within the proposed project or
compensation areas that are under a deed restriction, conservation easement,
restrictive covenant, or other land use protective instrument (protected
areas). Such disclosure shall include the nature of the prohibited activities
within the protected areas.
21. The following certification:
"I certify under penalty of law that this document and
all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance
with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and
evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or
persons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for
gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my
knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are
significant penalties for submitting false information including the
possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations."
C. The application shall be signed in accordance with
9VAC25-210-100. If an agent is acting on behalf of an applicant, the applicant
shall submit an authorization of the agent that includes the signatures of both
the applicant and the agent.
5. Project name and proposed project schedule.
6. The following information for the project site location
[ , if applicable ]:
a. The physical street address, nearest street, or nearest route number; city or county; zip code; and if applicable, parcel number of the site or sites.
b. Name of the impacted water body or water bodies, or receiving waters, as applicable, at the site or sites.
c. The latitude and longitude to the nearest second at the center of the site or sites.
d. The fourth order subbasin, as defined by the hydrologic unit boundaries of the National Watershed Boundary Dataset, for the site or sites.
e. A detailed map depicting the location of the site or
sites, including the project boundary [ and all existing
preservation areas on the site or sites ]. The map (e.g., a
[ United States U.S. ] Geologic Survey
topographic quadrangle map) should be of sufficient detail to easily locate the
site or sites for inspection.
[ f. GIS-compatible shapefile or shapefiles of the
project boundary and all existing preservation areas on the site or sites,
unless otherwise approved by or coordinated with DEQ. The requirement for a
GIS-compatible shapefile or shapefiles may be waived by DEQ on a case-by-case
basis. ]
7. A narrative description of the project, including project purpose and need.
8. Plan-view drawing or drawings of the project site sufficient to assess the project, including at a minimum the following:
a. North arrow, graphic scale, and existing and proposed topographic or bathymetric contours.
b. Limits of proposed impacts to surface waters.
c. Location of all existing and proposed structures.
d. All delineated wetlands and all jurisdictional surface waters on the site, including the Cowardin classification (i.e., emergent, scrub-shrub, or forested) for those surface waters and waterway name [ , ] if designated; ebb and flood or direction of flow; and ordinary high water mark in nontidal areas.
e. The limits of Chesapeake Bay Resource Protection Areas (RPAs) as field-verified by the applicant [ , ] and if available, the limits as approved by the locality in which the project site is located [ , ] unless the proposed use is exempt from the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations (9VAC25-830).
f. The limits of areas that are under a deed restriction, conservation easement, restrictive covenant, or other land use protective instrument (i.e., protected areas).
9. Cross-sectional and profile drawing or drawings. Cross-sectional drawing or drawings of each proposed impact area shall include at a minimum a graphic scale, existing structures, existing and proposed elevations, limits of surface water areas, ebb and flood or direction of flow (if applicable), ordinary high water mark in nontidal areas, impact limits, and location of all existing and proposed structures. Profile drawing or drawings with this information may be required on a case-by-case basis to demonstrate minimization of impacts. Any application that proposes piping or culverting stream flows shall provide a longitudinal profile of the pipe or culvert position and stream bed thalweg, or shall provide spot elevations of the stream thalweg at the beginning and end of the pipe or culvert, extending to a minimum of 10 feet beyond the limits of proposed impact.
10. A narrative description of all impacts proposed to surface waters, including the type of activity to be conducted in surface waters and any physical alteration to surface waters. Surface water impacts shall be identified as follows:
a. Wetland impacts identified according to their Cowardin
classification (i.e., emergent, scrub-shrub, or forested) [ ,; ]
and for each classification, the individual impacts quantified in square
feet to the nearest whole number, cumulatively summed in square feet, and then
the sum converted to acres and rounded to two decimal places using commonly
accepted arithmetic principles of rounding.
b. Individual stream impacts [ (i) ] quantified
[ by length ] in linear feet to the nearest whole number
and [ then cumulatively summed, by average width in
feet to the nearest whole number; (ii) quantified in square feet to the nearest
whole number; ] and [ (iii) ] when
compensatory mitigation is required, the impacts identified according to the
assessed type using the Unified Stream Methodology.
c. Open water impacts identified according to their Cowardin classification, and for each type, the individual impacts quantified in square feet to the nearest whole number, cumulatively summed in square feet, and then the sum converted to acres and rounded to two decimal places using commonly accepted arithmetic principles of rounding.
d. A copy of the approved jurisdictional determination
[ , if when ] available, or [ when
unavailable, (i) ] the preliminary jurisdictional determination
from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), U.S. Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), or DEQ [ , ]
or [ (ii) ] other correspondence from the USACE,
NRCS, or DEQ indicating approval of the boundary of applicable jurisdictional
surface waters, including wetlands data sheets if applicable.
e. A delineation map [ and GIS-compatible
shapefile or shapefiles of the delineation map ] that
[ (i) ] depicts the geographic area or areas of all surface
water boundaries delineated in accordance with 9VAC25-210-45 and confirmed in
accordance with the jurisdictional determination process; [ (ii) ]
identifies such areas in accordance with subdivisions 10 a, 10 b, and 10 c
of this subsection; and [ (iii) ] quantifies and
identifies any other surface waters according to their Cowardin classification
(i.e., emergent, scrub-shrub, or forested) or similar terminology [ ,
if applicable ]. [ The requirements for a
delineation map or GIS-compatible shapefile or shapefiles may be waived by DEQ
on a case-by-case basis. ]
11. An alternatives analysis for the proposed project detailing the specific on-site measures taken during project design and development to first avoid and then minimize impacts to surface waters to the maximum extent practicable in accordance with the Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites for Dredged or Fill Material, 40 CFR Part 230. Avoidance and minimization includes, but is not limited to, the specific on-site measures taken to reduce the size, scope, configuration, or density of the proposed project, including review of alternative sites where required for the project, which would avoid or result in less adverse impact to surface waters, and documentation demonstrating the reason the applicant determined less damaging alternatives are not practicable. The analysis shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board that avoidance and minimization opportunities have been identified and measures have been applied to the proposed activity such that the proposed activity in terms of impacts to state waters and fish and wildlife resources is the least environmentally damaging practicable alternative.
12. A compensatory mitigation plan to achieve no net loss of
wetland acreage [ or and ] functions or
stream functions and water quality benefits. Any compensatory mitigation plan
proposing the purchase of mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program credits shall
include the number and type of credits proposed to be purchased and
documentation from the approved bank or in-lieu fee program sponsor of the
availability of credits at the time of application.
13. A copy of the FEMA flood insurance rate map or FEMA-approved local floodplain map depicting any 100-year floodplains.
14. Permit application fee. The applicant will be notified by the board as to the appropriate fee for the project [ in accordance with 9VAC25-20 ].
15. A written description and a graphical depiction identifying all upland areas including buffers, wetlands, open water, other surface waters, and compensatory mitigation areas located within the proposed project boundary that are under a deed restriction, conservation easement, restrictive covenant, or other land use protective instrument (i.e., protected areas). Such description and a graphical depiction shall include the nature of the prohibited activities within the protected areas and the limits of Chesapeake Bay Resource Protection Areas (RPAs) as field-verified by the applicant [ , ] and if available, the limits as approved by the locality in which the project site is located, unless the proposed use is exempt from the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations (9VAC25-830), as additional state or local requirements may apply if the project is located within an RPA.
16. Signature page that has been signed, dated, and certified by the applicant in accordance with 9VAC25-210-100. If the applicant is a business or other organization, the signature must be made by an individual with the authority to bind the business or organization, and the title of the signatory must be provided. The application signature page, either on the copy submitted to the Virginia Marine Resources Commission or to DEQ, must have an original signature. Electronic submittals containing the original signature page, such as that contained in a scanned document file, are acceptable.
D. C. Upon receipt of an application from the
Department of Transportation for a road or highway construction project by the
appropriate DEQ office, the board has 10 business days, pursuant to
§ 33.2-258 of the Code of Virginia, to review the application and
either determine the information requested in subsection B of this section is
complete or inform the Department of Transportation that additional information
is required to make the application complete (pursuant to § 33.1-19.1 of the
Code of Virginia). Upon receipt of an application from other applicants for
any type of project, the board has 15 days to review the application and either
determine that the information requested in subsection B of this section is
complete or inform the applicant that additional information is required to
make the application complete. For Department of Transportation road or
highway construction projects, Pursuant to § 33.2-258 of the Code of
Virginia, [ application for ] coverage under this
VWP general permit for Department of Transportation road or highway
construction projects shall be [ approved, approved with
conditions, or denied approved or approved with conditions, or the
application shall be denied, ] within 30 business days of receipt of a
complete application (pursuant to § 33.1-19.1 of the Code of Virginia).
For all other projects, [ application for ] coverage
under this VWP general permit shall be [ approved, approved with
conditions, or denied approved or approved with conditions, or the
application shall be denied, ] within 45 days of receipt of a complete
application. If the board fails to act within the applicable 30 or 45 days on a
complete application, coverage under this VWP general permit shall be deemed approved
1. In evaluating the application, the board shall make an
assessment of the impacts associated with the project in combination with other
existing or proposed impacts. Coverage Application for coverage
under this VWP general permit shall be denied if the cumulative impacts will
cause or contribute to a significant impairment of state waters or fish and
wildlife resources.
2. The board may place additional conditions requirements
on a project in order to approve authorization grant coverage
under this VWP general permit. However, these conditions the
requirements must be consistent with [ the VWP general
permit program regulation this chapter ].
E. D. Incomplete application. Where an
application is incomplete not accepted as complete by the board
within the applicable 10 or 15 days of receipt, the board may shall
require the submission of additional information from the applicant and
may suspend processing the of any application until such time as
the applicant has supplied the requested information and the application is
complete. Where the applicant becomes aware that he omitted one or more
relevant facts from an application, or submitted incorrect information in an
application or in reports any report to the board, the applicant
shall immediately submit such facts or the correct information. A revised
application with new information shall be deemed a new application, for
the purposes of review but shall not require an additional permit
application fee. An incomplete permit application may be administratively
withdrawn from processing by the board for failure to provide the required
information after 180 60 days from the date that of
the original permit application was received latest written
information request made by the board. An applicant may request a
suspension of application review by the board, but requesting a suspension
shall not preclude the board from administratively withdrawing an incomplete
application. Resubmittal of a permit application for the same or similar
project, after such time that the original permit application was
administratively withdrawn, shall require submittal of an additional permit
application fee.
9VAC25-660-70. Compensation.
A. In accordance with 9VAC25-660-50 A, compensatory Compensatory
mitigation may be required for all permanent, nontidal surface water
impacts as specified in 9VAC25-660-50 A. All temporary, nontidal surface
water impacts shall be restored to preexisting conditions in accordance with
the VWP general permit in 9VAC25-660-100.
B. Generally, the sequence of preferred compensation
options shall be restoration, then creation, then mitigation banking, and then
in-lieu fee fund. Also, on-site, in-kind compensatory mitigation, when
available, shall be deemed the most ecologically preferable form of
compensation for project impacts, in most cases. However, for For
the purposes of this VWP general permit chapter, the board shall assume
that the purchase or use of mitigation bank credits or a contribution
to an the purchase of in-lieu fee fund program credits
is ecologically preferable to practicable on-site or other off-site surface
water compensation options, and no further demonstration is necessary. Compensatory
mitigation and any compensatory mitigation proposals shall be in accordance
with this section and the associated provisions of 9VAC25-210-116.
C. In order for contribution to an in-lieu fee fund to be
an acceptable form of compensation, the fund must be approved for use by the
board according to the provisions of 9VAC25-210-116 D. The applicant shall
provide proof of contribution to DEQ prior to commencing activities in impact
D. In order for purchase or use of bank credits to be an
acceptable form of compensation, the bank shall be operating in accordance with
the provisions of § 62.1-44.15:23 of the Code of Virginia and 9VAC25-210-116 E.
The applicant shall provide proof of purchase, use, or debit to DEQ prior to
commencing activities in impact areas.
E. Compensation C. When required, compensatory
mitigation for unavoidable, permanent wetland impacts shall be provided at
a 2:1 compensation to impact mitigation ratio, as calculated on
an area basis.
F. Compensation D. When required, compensatory
mitigation for stream bed impacts shall be appropriate to replace lost
functions and water quality benefits. One factor determining the required
stream compensation shall be an analysis of stream impacts utilizing a stream
impact assessment methodology acceptable to DEQ the Department of
Environmental Quality.
G. E. Compensation for permanent open water
impacts, other than to streams, may be required at a an
in-kind or out-of-kind mitigation ratio of 1:1 replacement to impact
ratio or less, as calculated on an area basis, to offset impacts to
state waters and fish and wildlife resources from significant impairment.
Compensation shall not be required for permanent or temporary impacts to
open waters identified as palustrine by the Cowardin classification method,
[ except but compensation may be required ] when
such open waters are located in areas of karst topography in Virginia and are
formed by the natural solution of limestone.
H. Compensation F. When conversion results in a
permanent alteration of the functions of a wetland, compensatory mitigation
for conversion impacts to wetlands shall be required at a 1:1 compensation
to impact mitigation ratio, as calculated on an area basis, when
such conversion results in a permanent alteration of the functions and values
of the wetland. For example, the permanent conversion of a forested wetland
to an emergent wetland is considered to be a permanent impact for the purposes
of this [ regulation chapter ]. Compensation for conversion
of other types of surface waters may be required, as appropriate, to offset
impacts to state waters and fish and wildlife resources from significant
9VAC25-660-80. Notice of planned changes; modifications to coverage.
A. The permittee shall notify the board in advance of the
a planned change, and the planned change an application or
request will for modification to coverage shall be reviewed
according to all provisions of this regulation chapter. Coverage
shall not be modified if (i) the cumulative total of permanent and temporary
impacts [ for a single and complete project ] equals or
exceeds one-half acre of nontidal wetlands or open water or exceeds 300 linear
feet of nontidal stream bed or (ii) the criteria in subsection B of this
section are not met. The applicant may submit a new permit application for
consideration under a VWP individual permit.
B. Authorization under this VWP general permit may be
modified subsequent to issuance if the permittee determines that additional
permanent wetland, open water, or stream impacts are necessary, provided that
the additional impacts are associated with the previously authorized activities
in authorized locations within the same phase of development, the cumulative
increase in acreage of wetland or open water impacts is not greater than 1/4
acre, the cumulative increase in stream bed impacts is not greater than 100
linear feet, and the additional impacts are fully mitigated. Prior to a planned
change approval, DEQ may require submission of a compensatory mitigation plan
for the additional impacts. In cases where the original impacts totaled less
than 1/10 acre of wetlands or open water, or less than 300 linear feet of
stream bed, and the additional impacts result in these limits being exceeded,
the notice of planned change will not be approved. However, the applicant may
submit a new permit application and permit application fee for the total
impacts to be considered under this VWP general permit, another VWP general
permit, or a VWP individual permit.
C. Authorization under this VWP general permit may be
modified after issuance if the project results in less wetland or stream
impacts. Compensation requirements may be modified in relation to the adjusted
impacts at the request of the permittee, provided that the adjusted
compensation meets the initial authorization compensation goals. DEQ shall not
be responsible for ensuring refunds for mitigation bank credit purchases,
mitigation bank usage, or in-lieu fee fund contributions.
D. Authorization under this VWP general permit may be
modified after issuance for a change in project plans that does not result in a
change in project impacts.
E. Authorization under the VWP general permit may be
modified for a change to the mitigation bank at which credits are purchased or
used, provided that the same amount of credits are purchased or used and all
criteria for use in 9VAC25-210-116 E are met.
F. Authorization under the VWP general permit may be
modified after issuance for typographical errors.
G. A Notice of Planned Change is not required after
authorization issuance for additional temporary impacts to surface waters,
provided that DEQ is notified in writing regarding additional temporary
impacts, and the area is restored to preexisting conditions in accordance with
Part I C 11 of this general permit. In no case can the additional temporary
impacts exceed the general permit threshold for use.
H. In no case can this authorization be modified to exceed
the general permit threshold for use.
I. A notice of planned change shall be denied if fish and
wildlife resources are significantly impacted or if the criteria in subsection
B of this section are not met. However, the original VWP general permit
authorization shall remain in effect. The applicant may submit a new permit
application and permit application fee for consideration under a VWP individual
B. VWP general permit coverage may be modified subsequent to issuance under the following circumstances:
1. Additional impacts to surface waters are necessary, provided that:
a. The additional impacts are proposed prior to impacting those additional areas.
b. The proposed additional impacts are located within the
project boundary as depicted in the application for coverage or are located in
areas of directly-related off-site work [ , ] unless
otherwise prohibited by this [ VWP general permit regulation
chapter ].
c. The permittee has provided sufficient documentation that
the board may reasonably determine that the additional impacts will not impact
federal or state listed [ or proposed ] threatened
or endangered species or [ proposed or ] designated
critical habitat, or [ be the result in a ] taking
of threatened or endangered species. [ The board recommends that
the permittee verify that the project will not impact any proposed threatened
or endangered species or proposed critical habitat. ]
d. The cumulative, additional permanent wetland or open water impacts for one or more notices of planned change do not exceed 0.25 acre.
e. The cumulative, additional permanent stream impacts for one or more notices of planned change do not exceed 100 linear feet.
f. Documentation is provided demonstrating that the proposed surface water impacts have been avoided to the maximum extent practicable in accordance with the informational requirements of 9VAC25-660-60 B 11.
g. Compensatory mitigation for the proposed impacts, if required, meets the requirements of 9VAC25-660-70 and the associated provisions of 9VAC25-210-116. Prior to a planned change approval, the Department of Environmental Quality may require submission of a compensatory mitigation plan for the additional impacts.
h. Where such additional impacts are temporary, and prior
to initiating the impacts, the permittee provides a written statement to the
board that the area to be temporarily impacted will be restored to its
preconstruction elevations and contours [ , ] with
topsoil from the impact area where practicable, such that the previous acreage
and functions are restored [ , ] in accordance
with Part I A 3 and B 11 of 9VAC25-660-100. The additional temporary impacts
shall not cause the cumulative total impacts to exceed the general permit
threshold for use. The proposed temporary impacts shall be deemed approved if
DEQ does not respond within 10 days of receipt of the request for authorization
to temporarily impact additional surface waters.
i. The additional proposed impacts do not change the category of the project, based on the original impact amounts as specified in 9VAC25-660-50 A 2. However, the applicant may submit a new permit application for the total impacts to be considered under this VWP general permit, another VWP general permit, or a VWP individual permit.
2. A reduction in wetland or stream impacts. Compensatory mitigation requirements may be modified in relation to the adjusted impacts, provided that the adjusted compensatory mitigation meets the initial compensatory mitigation goals. DEQ shall not be responsible for ensuring refunds for mitigation bank credit purchases or in-lieu fee program credit purchases.
3. A change in project plans or use that does not result in a change to authorized project impacts other than those allowed by subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection.
4. Substitute a specific, DEQ-approved mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program with another DEQ-approved mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program in accordance with 9VAC25-210-116 C. The amount of credits proposed to be purchased shall be sufficient to meet the compensatory mitigation requirement for which the compensatory mitigation is proposed to replace.
5. Correct typographical errors.
9VAC25-660-90. Termination of authorization by consent coverage.
When all permitted activities requiring notification under
9VAC25-660-50 A and all compensatory mitigation requirements have been
completed, or if the authorized impacts will not occur, the A. The
permittee shall submit a request for termination by consent within 30 days of project
completion or project cancellation completing or canceling all
authorized activities requiring notification under 9VAC25-660-50 A and all
compensatory mitigation requirements. When submitted for project
completion, the request for termination by consent shall constitute a
notice of project completion in accordance with 9VAC25-210-130 F.
The director may accept this termination of authorization coverage
on behalf of the board. The permittee shall submit the following information:
1. Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the permittee;
2. Name and location of the activity;
3. The VWP general permit authorization tracking
number; and
4. One of the following certifications:
a. For project completion:
"I certify under penalty of law that all activities and
any required compensatory mitigation authorized by a the VWP
general permit and general permit coverage have been completed. I
understand that by submitting this notice of termination I am no longer
authorized to perform activities in surface waters in accordance with the VWP
general permit and general permit coverage, and that performing
activities in surface waters is unlawful where the activity is not authorized
by a the VWP permit or coverage, unless otherwise excluded
from obtaining coverage. I also understand that the submittal of this
notice does not release me from liability for any violations of this the
VWP general permit authorization or coverage."
b. For project cancellation:
"I certify under penalty of law that the activities and
any required compensatory mitigation authorized by this the VWP
general permit and general permit coverage will not occur. I understand
that by submitting this notice of termination I am no longer authorized to
perform activities in surface waters in accordance with the VWP general permit and
general permit coverage, and that performing activities in surface waters
is unlawful where the activity is not authorized by a the VWP
permit or coverage, unless otherwise excluded from obtaining coverage. I
also understand that the submittal of this notice does not release me from
liability for any violations of this the VWP general permit authorization
or coverage, nor does it allow me to resume the permitted authorized
activities without reapplication and reauthorization coverage."
c. For events beyond permittee control, the permittee shall
provide a detailed explanation of the events, to be approved by [ DEQ ]
the Department of Environmental Quality, and the following certification
"I certify under penalty of law that the activities or
the required compensatory mitigation authorized by a the VWP
general permit and general permit coverage have changed as the result of
events beyond my control (see attached). I understand that by submitting this
notice of termination I am no longer authorized to perform activities in
surface waters in accordance with the VWP general permit and general permit
coverage, and that performing activities in surface waters is unlawful
where the activity is not authorized by a the VWP permit or
coverage, unless otherwise excluded from obtaining coverage. I also
understand that the submittal of this notice does not release me from liability
for any violations of this the VWP general permit authorization
or coverage, nor does it allow me to resume the permitted authorized
activities without reapplication and reauthorization coverage."
B. VWP general permit coverage may be terminated for cause in
accordance with 9VAC25-210-180 F and [ 9VAC25-230 §
62.1-44.15:02 of the Code of Virginia ] or without cause in
accordance with 9VAC25-210-180 G and [ 9VAC25-230 §
62.1-44.15:02 ].
9VAC25-660-95. Transition. (Repealed.)
A. All applications received on or after August 1, 2006,
will be processed in accordance with these new procedures.
B. VWP general permit authorizations issued prior to August
1, 2006, will remain in full force and effect until such authorizations expire,
are revoked, or are terminated.
C. Notices of planned change and all other types of
notification that are received by the board prior to August 1, 2006, will be
processed in accordance with the VWP general permit regulation in effect at
that time. Notices of planned change and all other types of notification to the
board that are received on or after August 1, 2006, will be processed in
accordance with these new procedures.
9VAC25-660-100. VWP general permit.
Any applicant whose application has been accepted by the
board shall be subject to the following requirements:
VWP General Permit No. WP1
Authorization expiration date:
Authorization Note(s):
Based upon an examination of the information submitted by
the applicant and in
Effective date: August 2, 2016
Expiration date: August 1, [ 2031 2026 ]
In compliance with § 401 of the Clean Water Act,
as amended (33 USC § 1341) and the State Water Control Law and regulations
adopted pursuant thereto, the board has determined that there is a reasonable
assurance that the activity authorized by this VWP general permit, if conducted
in accordance with the conditions set forth herein complied with,
will protect instream beneficial uses and, will not violate
applicable water quality standards. The board finds that the effect of the
impact, together with other existing or proposed impacts to wetlands, and
will not cause or contribute to a significant impairment of state waters or
fish and wildlife resources. In issuing this VWP general permit, the board
has not taken into consideration the structural stability of any proposed
Subject The permanent or temporary impact of less
than one-half acre of nontidal wetlands or open water and up to 300 linear feet
of nontidal stream bed shall be subject to the provisions of the VWP
general permit set forth herein [ ,; ] any
requirements in coverage granted under this VWP general permit; the Clean
Water Act, as amended,; and pursuant to the State Water
Control Law and regulations adopted pursuant to it, the permittee is
authorized to permanently or temporarily impact less than one-half of an acre
of nontidal wetlands or open water and up to 300 linear feet of nontidal stream
Activity Location:
Activity Description:
The authorized activity shall be in accordance with this
cover page, Part I-Special Conditions, Part II-Compensation, Monitoring, and
Reporting, and Part III-Conditions Applicable to All VWP General Permits, as
set forth herein.
Part I. Special Conditions.
A. Authorized activities.
1. This permit authorizes The activities authorized
by this chapter shall not cause more than the permanent or temporary
impacts to less than one-half of an acre of nontidal wetlands or open
water and up to 300 linear feet of nontidal stream bed, according to the
information provided in the approved and complete application. [ Additional
permit requirements as stipulated by the board in the coverage letter, if any,
shall be enforceable conditions of this permit. ]
2. Any changes to the authorized permanent impacts to surface
waters associated with this project shall require either a notice
of planned change in accordance with 9VAC25-660-80. An application or
request for modification to coverage or another VWP permit application may
be required.
3. Any changes to the authorized temporary impacts to surface
waters associated with this project shall require written notification
to DEQ and approval from the Department of Environmental Quality in
accordance with 9VAC25-660-80 prior to initiating the impacts and
restoration to preexisting conditions in accordance with the conditions of this
permit authorization.
4. Modification to compensation requirements may be approved at
the request of the permittee when a decrease in the amount of authorized surface
waters impacts occurs, provided that the adjusted compensation meets the
initial authorization compensation goals.
5. The activities authorized by this VWP general permit must
commence and be completed within three years of the date of this authorization.
B. Continuation of coverage. Reapplication for continuation
of coverage under this VWP general permit or a new VWP permit may be necessary
if any portion of the authorized activities or any VWP general permit
requirement (including compensation) has not been completed within three years
of the date of authorization. The request for continuation of coverage must be
made no less than 60 days prior to the expiration date of this VWP general
permit authorization, at which time the board will determine if continuation of
the VWP general permit authorization is necessary.
C. B. Overall project conditions.
1. The activities authorized by this VWP general permit shall be executed in a manner so as to minimize adverse impacts on instream beneficial uses as defined in § 62.1-10 (b) of the Code of Virginia.
2. No activity may substantially disrupt the movement of
aquatic life indigenous to the water body, including those species that
normally migrate through the area, unless the primary purpose of the activity is
to impound water. Culverts Pipes and culverts placed in streams
must be installed to maintain low flow conditions. and shall be
countersunk at both inlet and outlet ends of the pipe or culvert [ , ]
unless otherwise specifically approved by the Department of Environmental
Quality on a case-by-case basis, and as follows: The requirement to
countersink does not apply to extensions or maintenance of existing [ pipes
and ] culverts that are not countersunk, floodplain pipes and
culverts being placed above ordinary high water, pipes and culverts
being placed on bedrock, or pipes and culverts required to be placed on
slopes 5.0% or greater. No activity may cause more than minimal adverse
effect on navigation. Furthermore, the activity must not impede the passage of
normal or expected high flows and the structure or discharge must withstand
expected high flows. Bedrock encountered during construction must be
identified and approved in advance of a design change where the countersunk
condition cannot be met. Pipes and culverts 24 inches or less in diameter shall
be countersunk three inches below the natural stream bed elevations, and pipes
and culverts greater than 24 inches shall be countersunk at least six inches
below the natural stream bed elevations. Hydraulic capacity shall be determined
based on the reduced capacity due to the countersunk position. In all stream
crossings appropriate measures shall be implemented to minimize any disruption
of aquatic life movement.
3. Wet or uncured concrete shall be prohibited from entry into
flowing surface waters [ , ] unless the area is contained
within a cofferdam and the work is performed in the dry or unless otherwise
approved by the Department of Environmental Quality. Excess or [ aste
waste ] concrete shall not be disposed of in flowing surface waters or
washed into flowing surface waters.
4. All fill material shall be clean and free of contaminants in toxic concentrations or amounts in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.
5. Erosion and sedimentation controls shall be designed in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition, 1992. These controls shall be placed prior to clearing and grading and maintained in good working order to minimize impacts to state waters. These controls shall remain in place until the area is stabilized and shall then be removed.
6. Exposed slopes and streambanks shall be stabilized immediately upon completion of work in each permitted impact area. All denuded areas shall be properly stabilized in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition, 1992.
7. All construction, construction access (e.g., cofferdams,
sheetpiling, and causeways) and demolition activities associated with this
the project shall be accomplished in a manner that minimizes
construction or waste materials from entering surface waters to the maximum
extent practicable, unless authorized by this VWP general permit.
8. No machinery may enter flowing waters, unless authorized by this VWP general permit or approved prior to entry by the Department of Environmental Quality.
9. Heavy equipment in temporarily impacted wetland areas shall be placed on mats, geotextile fabric, or other suitable material to minimize soil disturbance to the maximum extent practicable. Equipment and materials shall be removed immediately upon completion of work.
10. All nonimpacted surface waters and compensatory mitigation
areas within 50 feet of permitted authorized activities and
within the project or right-of-way limits shall be clearly flagged or marked
for the life of the construction activity at that location to preclude
unauthorized disturbances to these surface waters and compensatory mitigation
areas during construction. The permittee shall notify contractors that no
activities are to occur in these marked surface waters.
11. Temporary disturbances to surface waters during
construction shall be avoided and minimized to the maximum extent practicable.
All temporarily disturbed wetland areas shall be restored to preexisting
conditions within 30 days of completing work at each respective temporary
impact area, which shall include reestablishing preconstruction elevations
and contours, with topsoil from the impact area where practicable
and planting or seeding with appropriate wetland vegetation according to cover
type (i.e., emergent, scrub/shrub scrub-shrub, or
forested). The permittee shall take all appropriate measures to promote and
maintain revegetation of temporarily disturbed wetland areas with wetland vegetation
through the second year post-disturbance. All temporarily impacted streams and
streambanks shall be restored to their original preconstruction
elevations and contours with topsoil from the impact area where
practicable within 30 days following the construction at that stream
segment, and the banks. Streambanks shall be seeded or planted
with the same vegetation cover type originally present along the streambanks,
including [ any necessary, ] supplemental erosion control
grasses [ if necessary ], except for invasive.
Invasive species identified on DCR's the Department of
Conservation and Recreation's Virginia Invasive Alien Plant Species of
Virginia list List shall not be used to the maximum extent practicable
or without prior approval from the Department of Environmental Quality.
12. Materials (including fill, construction debris, and
excavated and woody materials) temporarily stockpiled in wetlands shall be
placed on mats or geotextile fabric, immediately stabilized to prevent entry
into state waters, managed such that leachate does not enter state waters, and
completely removed within 30 days following completion of that construction
activity. Disturbed areas shall be returned to original preconstruction
elevations and contours, with topsoil from the impact area where
practicable; restored within 30 days following removal of the stockpile,;
and restored with the same vegetation cover type originally present, including
[ any necessary, ] supplemental erosion control grasses
[ if necessary ], except for invasive. Invasive
species identified on DCR's the Department of Conservation and
Recreation's Virginia Invasive Alien Plant Species of Virginia
list List shall not be used to the maximum extent practicable or without
prior approval from the Department of Environmental Quality.
13. Continuous flow of perennial springs shall be maintained by the installation of spring boxes, french drains, or other similar structures.
14. The permittee shall employ measures to prevent spills of fuels or lubricants into state waters.
15. The permittee shall conduct his activities in accordance with the time-of-year restrictions recommended by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, the Virginia Marine Resources Commission, or other interested and affected agencies, as contained, when applicable, in a Department of Environmental Quality VWP general permit coverage [ letter ], and shall ensure that all contractors are aware of the time-of-year restrictions imposed.
16. Water quality standards shall not be violated as a result
of the construction activities, unless allowed by this permit authorization.
17. If stream channelization or relocation is required, all
work in surface waters shall be done in the dry, unless otherwise
authorized by this VWP general permit the Department of Environmental
Quality, and all flows shall be diverted around the channelization or
relocation area until the new channel is stabilized. This work shall be
accomplished by leaving a plug at the inlet and outlet ends of the new channel
during excavation. Once the new channel has been stabilized, flow shall be
routed into the new channel by first removing the downstream plug and then the
upstream plug. The rerouted stream flow must be fully established before
construction activities in the old stream channel can begin.
D. C. Road crossings.
1. Access roads and associated bridges or, pipes, and
culverts shall be constructed to minimize the adverse effects on surface waters
to the maximum extent practicable. Access roads constructed above
preconstruction elevations and contours and elevations in surface
waters must be bridged, piped, or culverted to maintain surface flows.
2. Installation of road crossings shall occur in the dry via the implementation of cofferdams, sheetpiling, stream diversions, or other similar structures.
E. D. Utility lines.
1. All utility line work in surface waters shall be performed
in a manner that minimizes disturbance, and the area must be returned to its original
preconstruction elevations and contours with topsoil from the impact
area where practicable and restored within 30 days of completing work in
the area, unless otherwise authorized by this VWP general permit the
Department of Environmental Quality. Restoration shall be the seeding or
planting of the same vegetation cover type originally present, including
[ any necessary, ] supplemental erosion control grasses
[ if necessary ], except for invasive. Invasive
species identified on DCR's the Department of Conservation and
Recreation's Virginia Invasive Alien Plant Species of Virginia
list List shall not be used to the maximum extent practicable or without
prior approval from the Department of Environmental Quality.
2. Material resulting from trench excavation may be temporarily sidecast into wetlands not to exceed a total of 90 days, provided the material is not placed in a manner such that it is dispersed by currents or other forces.
3. The trench for a utility line cannot be constructed in a manner that drains wetlands (e.g., backfilling with extensive gravel layers creating a french drain effect). For example, utility lines may be backfilled with clay blocks to ensure that the trench does not drain surface waters through which the utility line is installed.
F. E. Stream modification and stream bank
1. Riprap bank stabilization shall be of an appropriate size and design in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition, 1992.
2. Riprap apron for all outfalls shall be designed in accordance with the Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition, 1992.
3. For stream bank protection activities, the structure and backfill shall be placed as close to the stream bank as practicable. No material shall be placed in excess of the minimum necessary for erosion protection.
4. All stream bank protection control structures shall be located to eliminate or minimize impacts to vegetated wetlands to the maximum extent practicable.
5. Asphalt and materials containing asphalt or other toxic substances shall not be used in the construction of submerged sills or breakwaters.
6. Redistribution of existing stream substrate for the purpose of erosion control is prohibited.
7. No material removed from the stream bottom shall be disposed of in surface waters, unless otherwise authorized by this VWP general permit.
G. F. Stormwater management facilities.
1. Stormwater management facilities shall be installed in accordance with best management practices and watershed protection techniques (e.g., vegetated buffers, siting considerations to minimize adverse effects to aquatic resources, bioengineering methods incorporated into the facility design to benefit water quality and minimize adverse effects to aquatic resources) that provide for long-term aquatic resources protection and enhancement, to the maximum extent practicable.
2. Compensation for unavoidable impacts shall not be allowed within maintenance areas of stormwater management facilities.
3. Maintenance activities within stormwater management
facilities shall not require additional permit authorization coverage
or compensation, provided that the maintenance activities do not exceed the
original contours of the facility, as approved and constructed, and are
accomplished in designated maintenance areas as indicated in the facility
maintenance or design plan or when unavailable, an alternative plan approved
by the Department of Environmental Quality.
Part II. Construction and Compensation Requirements, Monitoring, and Reporting.
A. Minimum compensation requirements.
1. The permittee shall provide appropriate and practicable
any required compensation for all impacts meeting in
accordance with the conditions outlined in this VWP general permit
[ , the coverage letter, ] and the chapter promulgating the
general permit.
2. The types of compensation options that may be considered for
activities covered under this VWP general permit include the purchase or
use of mitigation bank credits or a contribution to an the
purchase of in-lieu fee fund program credits in accordance
with 9VAC25-660-70 and the associated provisions of 9VAC25-210-116 and
9VAC25-660-70, provided that all impacts are compensated at a 2:1 ratio.
3. A written statement that conveys the applicant's proposal
to use a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee fund for compensation shall be
submitted with the application and shall constitute the final compensation plan
for the approved project. The final compensation plan shall be submitted
to and approved by the board prior to a construction activity in permitted
impacts areas. The board shall review and provide written comments on the final
plan within 30 days of receipt or it shall be deemed approved. The final compensation
plan as approved by the board shall be an enforceable requirement of any
coverage under this VWP general permit authorization. Deviations
from the approved final plan must shall be submitted and
approved in advance by the board.
4. The permittee shall not initiate work in permitted impact
areas until documentation of the mitigation bank credit purchase or usage or of
the fund contribution has been submitted to and received by DEQ.
B. Impact site construction monitoring.
1. Construction activities authorized by this permit that are
within impact areas shall be monitored and documented. The monitoring shall document
the preexisting conditions, activities during construction, and
post-construction conditions. Monitoring shall consist of one of the
following options:
a. Photographs shall be taken during construction at the
end of the first, second and third months after commencing construction, and
then every six months thereafter, for the remainder of the construction
project. Photos are not required during periods of no activity within impact
b. An ortho-rectified photograph shall be taken prior to
construction, and then annually thereafter until all impacts are taken. All
photos shall clearly show the delineated surface waters and authorized impact
c. In lieu of photographs, and with prior approval from
DEQ, the permittee may submit a written narrative that summarizes site
construction activities in impact areas. The narrative shall be submitted at
the end of the first, second, and third months after commencing construction,
and then every six months thereafter, for the remainder of the construction
activities. Narratives are not required during periods of no activity within
the impact areas.
2. As part of construction monitoring, photographs taken at
the photo stations or the narrative shall document site activities and
conditions, which may include installation and maintenance of erosion and
sediment controls; surface water discharges from the site; condition of
adjacent nonimpact surface waters; flagged nonimpact surface waters;
construction access and staging areas; filling, excavation, and dredging
activities; culvert installation; dredge disposal; and site stabilization,
grading, and associated restoration activities. With the exception of the
preconstruction photographs, photographs at an individual impact site shall not
be required until construction activities are initiated at that site. With the
exception of the post-construction photographs, photographs at an individual
impact site shall not be required once the site is stabilized following
completion of construction at that site.
3. Each photograph shall be labeled to include the following
information: permit number, impact area and photo station number, date and time
of the photograph, name of the person taking the photograph, photograph
orientation, and photograph subject description.
a. Preconstruction photographs taken at each impact area prior to initiation of activities within impact areas. Photographs remain on the project site and shall depict the impact area and the nonimpacted surface waters immediately adjacent to and downgradient of each impact area. Each photograph shall be labeled to include the following information: permit number, impact area number, date and time of the photograph, name of the person taking the photograph, photograph orientation, and photograph subject description.
b. Site inspections shall be conducted by the permittee or
the permittee's qualified designee once every calendar month during activities
within impact areas. Monthly inspections shall be conducted in the following
areas: all authorized permanent and temporary impact areas; all avoided surface
waters, including wetlands, stream channels, and open water; surface water
areas within 50 feet of any land disturbing activity and within the project or
right-of-way limits; and all [ on site on-site ]
permanent preservation areas required under this permit. Observations shall
be recorded on the inspection form provided by the Department of Environmental
Quality. The form shall be completed in its entirety for each monthly
inspection and shall be kept on site and made available for review by the
Department of Environmental Quality staff upon request during normal business
hours. Inspections are not required during periods of no activity within impact
4. 2. Monitoring of water quality parameters
shall be conducted during permanent relocation of perennial streams through new
channels in the manner noted below. The permittee shall report violations of
water quality standards to DEQ the Department of Environmental
Quality in accordance with the procedures in Part II E 9VAC25-660-100
Part II C. Corrective measures and additional monitoring may be required if
water quality standards are not met. Reporting shall not be required if water
quality standards are not violated.
a. A sampling station shall be located upstream and immediately downstream of the relocated channel.
b. Temperature, pH [ , ] and dissolved oxygen (D.O.) measurements shall be taken every 30 minutes for at least two hours at each station prior to opening the new channels and immediately before opening new channels.
c. Temperature, pH [ , ] and D.O. readings shall be taken after opening the channels and every 30 minutes for at least three hours at each station.
C. Reporting.
1. Written communications required by this VWP general permit
shall be submitted to the appropriate Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
office. The VWP general permit authorization tracking number
shall be included on all correspondence.
2. DEQ The Department of Environmental Quality
shall be notified in writing at least 10 days prior to the start of
construction activities at the first permitted site authorized by
this VWP general permit authorization so that inspections of the project can be
planned, if deemed necessary by DEQ. The notification shall include a projected
schedule for initiation and completion of work at each permitted impact
3. Construction monitoring reports shall be submitted to DEQ
no later than the 10th day of the month following the month in which the
monitoring event specified in Part II B takes place. The reports shall include
the following, as appropriate:
a. For each permitted impact area, a written narrative
stating whether work was performed during the monitoring period, and if work
was performed, a description of the work performed, when the work was
initiated, and expected date of completion.
b. Photographs labeled with the permit number, the photo
station number, the photo orientation, the date and time of the photo, the name
of the person taking the photograph, and a brief description of the
construction activities. The first construction monitoring report shall include
the photographs taken at each impact site prior to initiation of construction
in a permitted impact area. Written notification and photographs demonstrating
that all temporarily disturbed wetland and stream areas have been restored in
compliance with the permit conditions shall be submitted within 30 days of
restoration. The post-construction photographs shall be submitted within 30
days of documenting post-construction conditions.
c. Summary of activities conducted to comply with the
permit conditions.
d. Summary of permit noncompliance events or problems
encountered, subsequent notifications, and corrective actions.
e. Summary of anticipated work to be completed during the
next monitoring period and an estimated date of construction completion at all
impact areas.
f. Labeled site map depicting all impact areas and photo
3. A construction status update form provided by the Department of Environmental Quality shall be completed and submitted to the Department of Environmental Quality twice per year for the duration of coverage under a VWP general permit. Forms completed in June shall be submitted by or on July 10, and forms completed in December shall be submitted by or on January 10. The form shall include reference to the VWP permit tracking number and one of the following statements for each authorized surface water impact location:
a. Construction activities have not yet started;
b. Construction activities have started;
c. Construction activities have started but are currently inactive; or
d. Construction activities are complete.
4. DEQ The Department of Environmental Quality
shall be notified in writing within 30 days following the completion of all
activities in all permitted authorized impact areas authorized
under this permit.
5. The permittee shall notify DEQ the Department of
Environmental Quality in writing when unusual or potentially complex
conditions are encountered that require debris removal or involve a potentially
toxic substance. Measures to remove the obstruction, material, or toxic
substance or to change the location of a structure are prohibited until
approved by DEQ the Department of Environmental Quality.
6. The permittee shall report fish kills or spills of oil or
fuel immediately upon discovery. If spills or fish kills occur between the
hours of 8:15 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, the appropriate DEQ
[ the ] Department of Environmental Quality
regional office shall be notified; otherwise, the Department of Emergency
Management shall be notified at 1-800-468-8892.
7. Violations of state water quality standards shall be
reported within 24 hours to the appropriate DEQ Department of
Environmental Quality office no later than the end of the business day
following discovery.
8. The permittee shall notify the Department of Environmental Quality no later than the end of the third business day following the discovery of additional impacts to surface waters including wetlands, stream channels, and open water that are not authorized by the Department of Environmental Quality or to any required preservation areas. The notification shall include photographs, estimated acreage or linear footage of impacts, and a description of the impacts.
8. 9. Submittals required by this VWP general
permit shall contain the following signed certification statement:
"I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violation."
Part III. Conditions Applicable to All VWP General Permits.
A. Duty to comply. The permittee shall comply with all
conditions, limitations, and other requirements of the VWP general
permit; any requirements in coverage granted under this VWP general permit;
the Clean Water Act, as amended; and the State Water Control Law and
regulations adopted pursuant to it. Any VWP general permit violation or
noncompliance is a violation of the Clean Water Act and State Water Control Law
and is grounds for (i) enforcement action, (ii) VWP general permit coverage
termination for cause, (iii) VWP general permit coverage revocation, (iv)
denial of application for coverage, or (v) denial of an application for a
modification to VWP general permit coverage. Nothing in this VWP general
permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee of the duty to comply with
all applicable federal and state statutes, regulations,
[ and ] toxic standards [ , ] and
prohibitions. VWP general permit noncompliance is a violation of the Clean
Water Act and State Water Control Law, and is grounds for enforcement action,
VWP general permit authorization termination for cause, VWP general permit
authorization revocation, or denial of a continuation of coverage request.
B. Duty to mitigate. The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent impacts in violation of the VWP general permit which may have a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment.
C. Reopener. This VWP general permit authorization may
be reopened to modify its conditions when the circumstances on which the
previous VWP general permit authorization was based have materially and
substantially changed, or special studies conducted by the board or the
permittee show material and substantial change since the time the VWP general
permit authorization was issued and thereby constitute cause for revoking
and reissuing the VWP general permit authorization revocation and
D. Compliance with state and federal law. Compliance with this VWP general permit constitutes compliance with the VWP permit requirements of the State Water Control Law. Nothing in this VWP general permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action under or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or other penalties established pursuant to any other state law or regulation or under the authority preserved by § 510 of the Clean Water Act.
E. Property rights. Coverage under this VWP general permit
does not convey property rights in either real or personal property,
[ or ] any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize injury
to private property or, any invasion of personal property rights,
nor or any infringement of federal, state, or local laws
or regulations.
F. Severability. The provisions of this VWP general permit authorization
are severable.
G. Right of Inspection and entry. The Upon
presentation of credentials, the permittee shall allow the board or its
agents, upon the presentation of credentials any duly authorized agent
of the board, at reasonable times and under reasonable circumstances,
to enter upon the permittee's property, public or private, and have
access to, inspect and copy any records that must be kept as part
of the VWP general permit conditions; to inspect any facilities,
operations, or practices (including monitoring and control equipment)
regulated or required under the VWP general permit; and to sample or monitor
any substance, parameter, or activity for the purpose of assuring
compliance with the conditions of the VWP general permit or as otherwise
authorized by law. For the purpose of this section, the time for inspection shall
be deemed reasonable during regular business hours. Nothing contained herein
shall make an inspection time unreasonable during an emergency.
H. Transferability of VWP general permit authorization coverage.
This VWP general permit authorization coverage may be
transferred to another person by a permittee when all of the criteria
listed below in this subsection are met. On the date of the VWP
general permit authorization coverage transfer, the transferred
VWP general permit authorization coverage shall be as fully
effective as if it had been issued granted directly to the new
1. The current permittee notifies the board of the proposed
transfer of the title to the facility or property. 2. The notice to the
board includes general permit coverage and provides a written
agreement between the current and new permittees containing a specific date of
transfer of VWP general permit authorization responsibility, coverage,
and liability to the new permittee, or that the current permittee will retain
such responsibility, coverage, or liability, including liability for compliance
with the requirements of enforcement activities related to the permitted
authorized activity.
3. 2. The board does not within 15 days
notify the current and new permittees of its intent to modify or revoke and
reissue the VWP general permit authorization within 15 days.
I. Notice of planned change. Authorization under this
VWP general permit coverage may be modified subsequent to issuance in one
or more of the cases listed below accordance with 9VAC25-660-80. A
notice of planned change is not required if the project results in additional
temporary impacts to surface waters, provided that DEQ is notified in writing,
the additional temporary impacts are restored to preexisting conditions in
accordance with Part I C 11 of this general permit, and the additional
temporary impacts do not exceed the general permit threshold for use. The
permittee shall notify the board in advance of the planned change, and the
planned change request will be reviewed according to all provisions of this
1. The permittee determines that additional permanent
wetland, open water, or stream impacts are necessary, provided that the additional
impacts are associated with the previously authorized activities in authorized
locations within the same phase of development, the cumulative increase in
acreage of wetland or open water impacts is not greater than 1/4 acre, the
cumulative increase in stream bed impacts is not greater than 100 linear feet,
and all additional impacts are fully compensated.
2. The project results in less wetland or stream impacts, in
which case compensation requirements may be modified in relation to the
adjusted impacts at the request of the permittee, provided that the adjusted
compensation meets the initial authorization compensation goals.
3. There is a change in the project plans that does not
result in a change in project impacts.
4. There is a change in the mitigation bank at which credits
are purchased or used, provided that the same amount of credits are purchased
or used and all criteria for use are met, as detailed in 9VAC25-210-116 E.
5. Typographical errors need to be corrected.
J. VWP general permit authorization coverage
termination for cause. This VWP general permit authorization coverage
is subject to termination for cause by the board after public notice and
opportunity for a hearing pursuant to [ 9VAC25-230
§ 62.1-44.15:02 of the Code of Virginia ]. Reasons for termination for
cause are as follows:
1. Noncompliance by the permittee with any provision of
[ the VWP general permit regulation this chapter ],
any condition of the VWP general permit authorization, or any
requirement in general permit coverage;
2. The permittee's failure in the application or during the VWP
general permit authorization issuance process of granting VWP general
permit coverage to disclose fully all relevant facts or the permittee's
misrepresentation of any relevant facts at any time;
3. The permittee's violation of a special or judicial order; and
4. A determination by the board that the permitted authorized
activity endangers human health or the environment and can be regulated to
acceptable levels by a modification to the VWP general permit authorization
planned change coverage or a termination for cause.;
5. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of any activity controlled by the VWP general permit; or
6. A determination that the authorized activity has ceased and that the compensation for unavoidable adverse impacts has been successfully completed.
K. The board may terminate VWP general permit coverage
without cause when the permittee is no longer a legal entity due to death or
dissolution or when a company is no longer authorized to conduct business in
the Commonwealth. The termination shall be effective 30 days after notice of
the proposed termination is sent to the last known address of the permittee or
registered agent, unless the permittee objects within that time. If the
permittee does object during that period, the board shall follow the applicable
procedures for termination under §[ § 62.1-44.15:02 and ]
62.1-44.15:25 of the Code of Virginia [ and 9VAC25-230 ].
K. L. VWP general permit authorization coverage
termination by consent. This VWP general permit authorization may be
terminated by consent when all permitted activities requiring notification
under 9VAC25-660-50 A and all compensatory mitigation have been completed or
when the authorized impacts will not occur. The permittee shall submit a
request for termination by consent within 30 days of project completion or
project cancellation completing or canceling all authorized activities
requiring notification under 9VAC25-660-50 A and all compensatory mitigation
requirements. When submitted for project completion, the request for
termination by consent shall constitute a notice of project completion
in accordance with 9VAC25-210-130 F. The director may accept this
termination of authorization coverage on behalf of the board. The
request for termination by consent permittee shall contain
submit the following information:
1. Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the
2. Name and location of the activity;
3. The VWP general permit authorization tracking
number; and
4. One of the following certifications:
a. For project completion:
"I certify under penalty of law that all activities and
any required compensatory mitigation authorized by a the VWP
general permit and general permit coverage have been completed. I
understand that by submitting this notice of termination I am no longer
authorized to perform activities in surface waters in accordance with the VWP
general permit and general permit coverage, and that performing
activities in surface waters is unlawful where the activity is not authorized
by a the VWP permit or coverage, unless otherwise excluded
from obtaining coverage. I also understand that the submittal of this
notice does not release me from liability for any violations of this the
VWP general permit authorization or coverage."
b. For project cancellation:
"I certify under penalty of law that the activities and
any required compensatory mitigation authorized by this the VWP
general permit and general permit coverage will not occur. I understand
that by submitting this notice of termination I am no longer authorized to
perform activities in surface waters in accordance with the VWP general permit and
general permit coverage, and that performing activities in surface waters
is unlawful where the activity is not authorized by a the VWP
permit or coverage, unless otherwise excluded from obtaining coverage. I
also understand that the submittal of this notice does not release me from
liability for any violations of this the VWP general permit authorization
or coverage, nor does it allow me to resume the permitted authorized
activities without reapplication and reauthorization coverage."
c. For events beyond permittee control, the permittee shall
provide a detailed explanation of the events, to be approved by DEQ the
Department of Environmental Quality, and the following certification
"I certify under penalty of law that the activities or
the required compensatory mitigation authorized by a the VWP
general permit and general permit coverage have changed as the result of
events beyond my control (see attached). I understand that by submitting this
notice of termination I am no longer authorized to perform activities in
surface waters in accordance with the VWP general permit and general permit
coverage, and that performing activities in surface waters is unlawful
where the activity is not authorized by a the VWP permit or
coverage, unless otherwise excluded from obtaining coverage. I also
understand that the submittal of this notice does not release me from liability
for any violations of this the VWP general permit authorization
or coverage, nor does it allow me to resume the permitted authorized
activities without reapplication and reauthorization coverage."
L. M. Civil and criminal liability. Nothing in
this VWP general permit shall be construed to relieve the permittee from civil
and criminal penalties for noncompliance.
M. N. Oil and hazardous substance liability.
Nothing in this VWP general permit shall be construed to preclude the
institution of legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities,
liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject under §
311 of the Clean Water Act or §§ 62.1-44.34:14 through 62.1-44.34:23 of the
State Water Control Law.
N. O. Duty to cease or confine activity. It
shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would
have been necessary to halt or reduce the activity for which a VWP general
permit coverage has been granted in order to maintain compliance with
the conditions of the VWP general permit or coverage.
O. P. Duty to provide information.
1. The permittee shall furnish to the board information which
that the board may request to determine whether cause exists for
modifying, revoking and reissuing, and, or terminating the
VWP permit authorization, coverage or to determine compliance
with the VWP general permit authorization or general permit
coverage. The permittee shall also furnish to the board, upon request,
copies of records required to be kept by the permittee.
2. Plans, maps, conceptual reports, and other relevant information shall be submitted as required by the board prior to commencing construction.
P. Q. Monitoring and records requirements.
1. Monitoring of parameters, other than pollutants, shall be conducted according to approved analytical methods as specified in the VWP general permit. Analysis of pollutants will be conducted according to 40 CFR Part 136 (2000), Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants.
2. Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of monitoring shall be representative of the monitored activity.
3. The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring
information, including all calibration and maintenance records and all original
strip chart or electronic recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation,
copies of all reports required by the VWP general permit, and records of
all data used to complete the application for coverage under the VWP general
permit, for a period of at least three years from the date of the general
permit expiration of a granted VWP permit. This period may be
extended by request of the board at any time.
4. Records of monitoring information shall include, as appropriate:
a. The date, exact place, and time of sampling or measurements;
b. The name of the individuals who performed the sampling or measurements;
c. The date and time the analyses were performed;
d. The name of the individuals who performed the analyses;
e. The analytical techniques or methods supporting the information such as observations, readings, calculations, and bench data used;
f. The results of such analyses; and
g. Chain of custody documentation.
Q. R. Unauthorized discharge of pollutants.
Except in compliance with this VWP general permit, it shall be unlawful for the
permittee to:
1. Discharge into state waters sewage, industrial wastes, other wastes, or any noxious or deleterious substances;
2. Excavate in a wetland;
3. Otherwise alter the physical, chemical, or biological properties of state waters and make them detrimental to the public health, to animal or aquatic life, or to the uses of such waters for domestic or industrial consumption, for recreation, or for other uses; or
4. On and after October 1, 2001, conduct the following activities in a wetland:
a. New activities to cause draining that significantly alter or degrade existing wetland acreage or functions;
b. Filling or dumping;
c. Permanent flooding or impounding; or
d. New activities that cause significant alteration or degradation of existing wetland acreage or functions.
S. Duty to reapply. Any permittee desiring to continue a previously authorized activity after the expiration date of the VWP general permit shall comply with the provisions in 9VAC25-660-27.
FORMS (9VAC25-660)
[ Department of Environmental Quality Water Division
Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/2014) ]
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and
Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
[ Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater,
Virginia (eff. 10/04) (eff. 3/2014)
Monthly Reporting of Impacts Less than or Equal to
One-Tenth Acre Statewide (eff. 8/2007)
Standard Joint Permit Application for Activities in
Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 3/2014)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency
Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02) (eff. 6/2008)
Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre
(insert reporting period) Statewide (eff. 4/03)
Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States, Cowardin, Lewis M. II, et al., United States Fish and Wildlife Service, December 1979, Reprinted 1992
Guidelines for Specification of Disposal Sites for Dredged
[ of or ] Fill Material, 40 CFR Part 230
Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Handbook, Third Edition,
1992, Department of Conservation and Recreation.
Virginia Invasive Plant Species List, Natural Heritage Technical Document 14-11, Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Natural Heritage (2014)