12/13/2016 3:14 pm
Date / Time filed with the Register of Regulations
VA.R. Document Number: R____-______
Virginia Register Publication Information

Transmittal Sheet: Response to Petition for Rulemaking
Initial Agency Notice
Agency Decision
Promulgating Board: Board of Physical Therapy
Regulatory Coordinator: Elaine J. Yeatts


Agency Contact: Corie Tillman Wolf

Executive Director


Contact Address: Department of Health Professions

9960 Mayland Drive

Suite 300

Richmond, VA 23233
Chapter Affected:
18 vac 112 - 20: Regulations Governing the Practice of Physical Therapy
Statutory Authority: State: Sections 54.1-2400 and 54.1-3473 through 54.1-3483

Date Petition Received 12/13/2016
Petitioner Peggy Belmont
 Petitioner's Request
to expand the list of Type I approved providers for continuing education to include the Virginia Occupational Therapy Association and the American Occupational Therapy Association.
 Agency Plan
The petition has been filed with the Register of Regulations and will be published on January 9, 2017.  Comment on the petition may be sent by email, regular mail or posted on the Virginia Regulatory Townhall at www.townhall.virginia.gov; comment will be requested until February 8, 2017.  Following receipt of all comments on the petition to amend regulations, the Board will decide whether to make any changes to the regulatory language.  This matter will be on the Board's agenda for its meeting scheduled for February 21, 2017, and the petitioner will be informed of the Board's decision after that meeting.
Publication Date 01/09/2017  (comment period will also begin on this date)
Comment End Date 02/08/2017