Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
3rd Technical Advisory Committee Meeting - Lewis Creek Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Project

Meeting Details
Date / Time 8/18/2021  5:30 pm
Type Physical Location Only 
Location Montgomery Hall Park Rotary Pavilion,
1000 Montgomery Hall Avenue,
Staunton, VA 24401 
Board Website 
Agenda document agency has not posted
Minutes document pdf Meeting minutes 8/20/2021   (71k)       FINAL
Disability Friendly? Yes       Deaf interpreter available upon request? Yes
Purpose of the meeting
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality will host the third technical advisory committee meeting for the Lewis Creek Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Project. There is limited seating available at the pavilion, so it is suggested that attendees bring a chair to the meeting. The Technical Advisory Committee consists of representatives from local governments, local landowners, and conservation groups in the watershed. Technical Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public and interested citizens are welcome to observe and ask questions at the meeting. In the case of inclement weather, both meetings will be held at the same time and location on Wednesday, September 1st. All are welcome at the public meeting. PURPOSE OF NOTICE: The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and its contractors will discuss the results of the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) water quality study known as a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Lewis Creek. The additional TAC discussion prior to the public meeting will focus on the draft report that has been completed for the study. The TMDL draft document will also be presented and discussed at the public meeting. The draft report will be posted on the DEQ PCB TMDL webpage prior to the public meeting. A 30-day public comment period will follow the meeting and expire on September 17th, 2021. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY: A portion of Lewis Creek, located in Augusta County and the city of Staunton, is listed as impaired for PCBs based on a Virginia Department of Health (VDH) fish consumption advisory and violations of Virginia’s Water Quality Standards. The PCB impairment begins approximately 0.65 miles upstream of the Route 262 bridge crossing and extends 12.53 miles downstream to Lewis Creek’s confluence with Middle River. A TMDL has been completed for the Lewis Creek watershed in order to address all sources contributing to the impaired segment. A TMDL is the total amount of a pollutant a water body can contain and still meet water quality standards. Virginia agencies have worked cooperatively with local partners to identify sources of PCBs in Lewis Creek, and to recommend reductions needed from these sources to meet the TMDL. The results of the TMDL study for Lewis Creek will be presented at the public meeting and the draft report will be reviewed at the technical advisory committee meeting. HOW TO COMMENT AND PARTICIPATE: The meetings of the TMDL process are open to the public and all interested parties are welcome. A Technical Advisory Committee or TAC was formed to assist in the development of this TMDL. Written comments will be accepted through September 17th and should include the name, address, and telephone number of the person submitting the comments. For more information or to submit comments, please contact: Mark Richards, DEQ Office of Watershed Programs: Telephone: (804) 698-4392, Email:; or Nesha McRae, DEQ Valley Regional Office: Telephone: (540) 574-7850, E-mail: To submit comments via traditional mail, please use the address below. Notice of this comment period and meetings appears in the August 2nd Virginia Register.
Meeting Scope
Public hearing to receive comment on a proposed stage
General business of the board
Discuss particular regulations / chapters

Contact Information
Name / Title: Mark Richard 
Address: DEQ - 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1400
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, 23218
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)698-4392    FAX: (804)698-4178    TDD: ()-