Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
 Electronic Access 
Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting - Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Proposed Regulatory Amendments (9VAC25-830)

Meeting Details
Date / Time 5/13/2021  10:00 am
Type Electronic Only 
Electronic Access GoToWebinar Registration at: For technical assistance during the meeting call 804-698-4506 or
Board Website 
Agenda document pdf Meeting Agenda 5/11/2021   (405k)
Minutes document pdf Meeting minutes 6/3/2021   (1640k)       FINAL
Disability Friendly? Yes       Deaf interpreter available upon request? Yes
Purpose of the meeting
This meeting is for the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act Regulatory Amendment Stakeholder Advisory Group to discuss including comments received during the public comment period on the proposed regulatory amendments to 9 VAC 20-25-830 Chesapeake Bay Preservation Designation and Management Regulations. The regulatory amendment is to incorporate coastal resilience and adaptation to sea-level rise and climate change and additional requirements related to preservation of mature trees and replanting of trees into existing criteria. Given the existing State of Emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic and in compliance with Item 4-0.01 g of Chapter 1289 of the 2020 Acts of Assembly, this meeting will be held entirely virtually. A computer or a telephone are necessary to participate virtually. The URL to register for the virtual meeting is provided above. Once registered for the meeting, registrants will receive an email with the URL and telephone information to participate in the meeting. If meeting attendees experience any interruption in the meeting broadcast, they should call the technical support line that is also provided above.
Meeting Scope
Public hearing to receive comment on a proposed stage
General business of the board
Discuss particular regulations / chapters
The agency plans to discuss the following regulations at this meeting:
9 VAC 25-830 Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations (formerly 4VAC50-90)

Contact Information
Name / Title: Justin L. Williams 
Address: 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1400
P.O. Box 1105
Richmond, 23218
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)698-4185    FAX: (804)698-4178    TDD: ()-