Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
 Electronic Access 
Piedmont Region Technical Advisory Subcommittee Meeting - Water Quality Study (TMDL) for the Tidal James River and Elizabeth River

Meeting Details
Date / Time 3/25/2021  1:00 pm
Type Electronic Only 
Electronic Access No registration is necessary for this meeting. Instead, attendees can use the following link to access the meeting: Meeting attendees can use their computer audio and computer microphone to participate, or they can dial +1 (312) 757-3121 and enter the access code 658-510-413. If you have technical issues registering for this meeting or difficulty during the meeting, please contact Kelley West at or 804-527-5029.
Link to Electronic Record
Board Website 
Agenda document agency has not posted
Minutes document pdf Meeting minutes 4/9/2021   (158k)       FINAL
Disability Friendly? Yes       Deaf interpreter available upon request? Yes
Purpose of the meeting
The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality will virtually host a Piedmont Region Technical Advisory Subcommittee meeting for the Tidal James River and Elizabeth River PCB TMDL Project. Due to the Governor's COVID-19 emergency declaration, this meeting will be held using GoToMeeting. Although using a phone for audio only participation is an option, all participants are encouraged to access the meeting using a computer so that they can view the meeting presentation. This meeting will be recorded. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and its contractor, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, are continuing the development of a water quality study to address Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) contamination in the tidal James River, Elizabeth River, and tidal portions of some tributaries. This water quality study is known as a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), or simply a watershed clean-up plan. Due to the large area and number of stakeholders involved in this project, DEQ has divided the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) into subcommittees based on region. DEQ will hold separate meetings for the Richmond based Piedmont Region Subcommittee and the Virginia Beach based Tidewater Region Subcommittee. This notice provides information on the Piedmont Region Technical Advisory Subcommittee meeting. Description of Study: DEQ monitoring data indicates levels of PCBs in fish tissue are elevated in the tidal James River, Elizabeth River, and tidal portions of some tributaries and present a risk to individuals who consume the fish. As a result, sections of the rivers are listed as impaired for PCBs on the 303(d) TMDL priority list. Additionally, several James River mainstem segments and tributaries within the tidal watershed are listed as impaired because DEQ monitoring data indicates levels of PCBs in the water above the state water quality criteria. Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act and §62.1-44.19:7.C of the Code of Virginia requires DEQ to develop TMDLs for pollutants responsible for each impaired water contained in Virginia’s 303(d) TMDL priority list and report. TMDLs are developed to identify the total amount of a pollutant (i.e., PCBs) that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards. To restore water quality, pollutant levels must be reduced to the TMDL. TMDLs will be developed for the all of the tidal James River watershed draining from the Richmond to its mouth at the Chesapeake Bay, and the Elizabeth River. The affected counties in the Piedmont region include Amelia, Appomattox, Buckingham, Charles City, Chesterfield, Colonial Heights City, Cumberland, Dinwiddie, Hanover, Henrico, Hopewell City, New Kent, Nottoway, Petersburg City, Powhatan, Prince Edward, Prince George, Richmond City, and Surry. The affected counties in the Tidewater region include Chesapeake City, Hampton City, Isle of Wight, James City, Newport News City, Norfolk City, Portsmouth City, Suffolk City, Virginia Beach City, Williamsburg City, and York. For more information on the meeting in general, please contact Jen Rogers at or 804-527-5174. In the event that the Governor’s State of Emergency is lifted, the meeting will be held on the same date and time at: DEQ - Piedmont Regional Office, 4949-A Cox Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060.
Meeting Scope
Public hearing to receive comment on a proposed stage
General business of the board
Discuss particular regulations / chapters

Contact Information
Name / Title: Jen Rogers 
Address: DEQ - Piedmont Regional Office
4949A Cox Road
Glen Allen, 23060
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)527-5174    FAX: (804)698-4178    TDD: ()-