Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Technical Advisory Committee Meeting - North Fork Catoctin Creek Watershed Project

Meeting Details
Date / Time 10/2/2018  10:00 am
Location Purcellville Library, Robey Meeting Room,
220 East Main Street, Purcellville, VA 20132 
Board Website 
Agenda document agency has not posted
Minutes document pdf Meeting minutes 10/12/2018   (27k)       FINAL
Disability Friendly? Yes       Deaf interpreter available upon request? Yes
Purpose of the meeting
This is the second meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for the North Fork Catoctin Creek Watershed Project. Biological monitoring data collected by the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) have shown that portions of North Fork Catoctin Creek do not meet Virginia’s water quality standard for aquatic life use due to poor health in the benthic biological communities. This project will identify sources of sediment (the pollutant identified as the most probable stressor), recommend reductions to meet a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the impaired water and identify strategies to meet those reductions, with the goal of restoring the aquatic community of the stream. The purpose of this meeting is to present and discuss with the TAC modeling results and sediment loadings for the TMDL. If you have any questions regarding the TAC, this meeting, or the North Fork Creek Catoctin Watershed project, please contact the staff person below. All materials related to this project have been posted on the DEQ website at:
Meeting Scope
Public hearing to receive comment on a proposed stage
General business of the board
Discuss particular regulations / chapters

Contact Information
Name / Title: Sarah Sivers 
Address: DEQ – Northern Regional Office
13901 Crown Court
Woodbridge, 22193
Email Address:
Telephone: (703)583-3898    FAX: ()-    TDD: ()-