Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Historic Resources
Guidance Document Information
Title Guidelines for Assessing Visual Effects on Historic Properties
Document ID 4639
Summary Communication and transmission towers, wind turbines, highways, additions to historic buildings, and other types of construction may cause adverse effects to the landscape and surrounding properties in a variety of ways, including visually. Adverse visual effects can be caused by a change in aesthetic values or by obstruction of views. In regard to a historic property, adverse visual effects are those that diminish the property’s integrity, which negatively affects its historic significance and hence its eligibility for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). To assist in this evaluation, DHR developed this document which attempts to define the issues, outline the tools needed to assess visual effects, and present options for mitigating adverse visual impacts on historic properties in Virginia.
Effective Date 6/30/2010
pdf View document text     Posted On 12/12/2012                 Document on Town Hall
Explanation or Citations 36 CFR Part 800; Code of Virginia § § 10.1-1186.2:1 B & C and § 56-46.1 G.

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