Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Rules and Regulations Pertaining to a Pound or Enclosure to be Maintained By Each County or City [2 VAC 5 ‑ 110]


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2/23/15  2:17 pm
Commenter: Lori Harrington

No Kill Advocacy Center petition

“We are asking you to pass regulations that will protect families in Virginia, protect animals, assist state regulators in monitoring the activities of its licensees, and provide taxpayers with the information they need to be informed citizens… As Justice Louis Brandeis once wrote, 'sunlight is… the best of disinfectants.'

CommentID: 39194

2/23/15  3:46 pm
Commenter: Jo Ann Abell

No Kill Advocacy Center Petition for Rulemaking

I fully support the No Kill Advocacy Center's Petition for Rulemaking to pass regulations that will protect animals, assist state legislators in monitoring the activities of its licensees, and provide transparency to the taxpayers regarding the intake and disposition of animals in Virginia shelters.

CommentID: 39196

2/23/15  3:50 pm
Commenter: Mike W.

Please pass regulations to protect.

Please pass the regulations that will protect families in Virginia, protect animals, assist state regulators in monitoring the activities of its licensees, and provide taxpayers with the information they need to be informed citizens. This is a better way for all of us. Thank you.

CommentID: 39197

2/23/15  4:00 pm
Commenter: Diana Crosswhite

Support the No Kill Advocacy Center petition

As a resident of the Commonwealth, animal lover and owner, I ask that the Department of Agriculture implement the standards suggested by the No Kill Advocacy Center in relation to shelter/pound administration.

CommentID: 39198

2/23/15  4:06 pm
Commenter: Donna Moore

no kill advocacy center position
CommentID: 39200

2/23/15  4:09 pm
Commenter: Donna Moore

no kill advocacy center petition
PLEASE vote FOR on this petition! Thank you!!
CommentID: 39201

2/23/15  4:27 pm
Commenter: Kathy Markham

No Kill Advocacy Center

Please pass this. I currently volunteer at tThe Regional Center for Animal Control and Protection. Weekly several of us worry due to the dreaded euthanasia list of animals that need to be saved and scramble for rescue groups to pull and foster families to be found so these animals won't be put to sleep due to lack of space.  More laws should be in effect to keep them safe. I hate to see animals discarded and they need a voice, so please be there's .

CommentID: 39202

2/23/15  4:36 pm
Commenter: Leslie Sanford, , former Virginia citizen

Pass Law to require shelters to conform to a humane euthanasia code

Although I am currentlylocated in NC, I am a life-long citizen of Virginia, and am still very much concerned about its issues, as well as being concerned about animal welfare issues, so I hope you will hear my voice.

I fully support the No Kill Advocacy Center's Petition for Rulemaking to pass regulations that will protect animals, assist state legislators in monitoring the activities of its licensees, and provide transparency to the taxpayers regarding the intake and disposition of animals in Virginia shelter


Leslie Sanford

CommentID: 39203

2/23/15  4:43 pm
Commenter: Lynne Layton

No kill advocacy center
I am a rescued pet owner and I believe that all animals owner surrendered,stray,abandoned and Ferrell have a right to have home not to be killed because of the stupidity of humans. Thank you
CommentID: 39204

2/23/15  5:07 pm
Commenter: Debra M Day, No Kill Nation


Transparency and accountability in public and private animal shelters by way of reporting as outlined by the No Kill Advocacy Center’s petition is extremely good policy, benefiting taxpayers and donors of the Commonwealth of VA. Please consider revising rules so to protect animals and the families who love them.



CommentID: 39205

2/23/15  5:17 pm
Commenter: Mary Starnes

Regulations on animal shelters
I respectfully ask the VDACS to implement the rules suggested by the No Kill Advocacy Center regarding transparency in record keeping by all animal shelters, public and private. Please help protect innocent animals from unscrupulous organizations. text and enter your comments here. You are limited to approximately 3000 words.
CommentID: 39206

2/23/15  5:23 pm
Commenter: Andrea Felts

Love loyalty and Honesty

Please revise the laws in place to help all furbabies. Give them love by giving time to be able to find suitable homes. Show them loyalty by showing them that not all humans are bad instead of instilling fear into them by sending them directly to the death chamber. Be honest with fellow humans, owners don't take away a pet because you assume you can and then put it directly asleep. Give these precious babies a chance in surviving an already too cruel world. 

CommentID: 39207

2/23/15  6:25 pm
Commenter: T Piecara

No Kill Advocacy petition

I support this petition for transparency & record keeping for animal shelters in VA.

CommentID: 39208

2/23/15  6:43 pm
Commenter: Mari Smet


Our animals, our innocent, vulnerable animals who are at our mercy, at the mercy of human beings, deserve to be held and properly cared for in our shelters, deserve loving and caring adopters, for which shelters should be striving for ... we should be on the side of animals, we should support their need and desire to live in good health, to live happily and comfortably -- if we don't do this for them, who will?! -- we MUST intervene in their behalf ... they deserve it!  TOGETHER, WE CAN MAKE THIS HAPPEN FOR THEM!  Thank you.


CommentID: 39209

2/23/15  6:55 pm
Commenter: Barbara Keane

No Kill Advocacy petition

CommentID: 39210

2/23/15  7:02 pm
Commenter: Kathryn Altvater

No kill advocate

CommentID: 39211

2/23/15  7:29 pm
Commenter: Patricia Speidel

No Kill Advocacy Center Petition for Rulemaking

Thank you for protecting our pets from Norfolk, VA!

CommentID: 39212

2/23/15  8:15 pm
Commenter: Suzanne Steele

no kill advocacy please
I support the no kill advocacy and priority being find a home for the animals , not kill. Thank you.
CommentID: 39213

2/23/15  9:32 pm
Commenter: Kristie Laurvick

Stop killing our animals! Support No Kill!

It's disgusting and a criminal injustice to allow the continued operation of "animal shelters" that have no interest in placing animals in safe and loving homes. These operations exist only to kill healthy annals and they need to be shut down immediately.

CommentID: 39215

2/23/15  9:53 pm
Commenter: Kathryn fede

i support no kill shelters and I would likemy tax dollars to support the shelters.
CommentID: 39216

2/23/15  10:05 pm
Commenter: Theresa Adams

I support of the No Kill Advocacy Center petition.

I support the no kill advocacy center petition. 
Get rid of PETA. They seem to like killing animals rare than find them homes. Use that money to spay and neuter animals instead of killing them. The right to life applies to animals as well as humans.

We need to punish those that abuse animals too.  I do think they get more punishment than humans.


CommentID: 39217

2/23/15  10:13 pm
Commenter: helen norton

I support no kill

Shelters need to be accountable and keep thorough records.

CommentID: 39218

2/23/15  10:22 pm
Commenter: Kathleen Mayo

I support the no kill amendment

I support the no kill amendment.

CommentID: 39219

2/23/15  10:28 pm
Commenter: Carina Thornton

Support the No Kill Advocacy Center petition

Support the no kill advocacy center petition

CommentID: 39220

2/23/15  10:37 pm
Commenter: Kim LaForce

I support NO KILL !

CommentID: 39221

2/23/15  11:29 pm
Commenter: J Carter

Against No Kill Advocacy Center Petition for Rulemaking

While this petition may look good on the surface, similar legislation/regulation called CAPA in Delaware has only resulted in nonstop investigations, lawsuits, and nearly every shelter in Delaware is facing deficits.  While I have no issue with reasonable documentation that is accessible by your agency, we have seen people use CAPA to request information and make complaints 5 or 6 times for the same issue, even after the shelter is cleared the first time.  The costs associated with continually having personnel pull documentation, leadership having constant exchanges with various levels of govt from city, county to statewide is in the end taking funds away from animals in our state and also placing our shelters in a precarious situation financially.  A bankrupt shelter doesn't save animals, and if your agency cares whether your communities continue to have financially viable shelters that will be around in the future, I urge you to deny the petition by No Kill Advocacy Center.

Thank your for your time and attention, and below are some links for your refererence regarding the Delaware situation.


State of Delaware may have to take over dog control across the state because of the mess that CAPA made.


Delaware Animal Welfare Task Force Regarding CAPA -$FILE/SCR%2044%20Animal%20Welfare%20Task%20Force%2011-15-12.pdf


Lawsuits -


Closed Doors to animals -


Bankrupted Shelter Doing Dog Control in my county -

CommentID: 39222

2/23/15  11:44 pm
Commenter: Karen Sciance

SB 1381

Please hold anyone who opens a shelter for animals accountable for the welfare of said animals. If one is  claiming to save or protect animals,one should not be allowed to euthenize the animals unless they have made every effort to find an owner or place the animal for fostering or adoption. Animals have the right to live out their natural lives, regardless of the stupidity and carelessness of humans who are supposed to be taking care of them. Any organization that maintains that an animal is better off being euthanized rather than "suffer on the streets" (instead of rehabilitation and placement) should have its license to be a shelter revoked.

CommentID: 39223

2/23/15  11:59 pm
Commenter: Rachel Feltman

Show compassion

Please support this bill.  

As a society, we want to raise our children to show compassion for others.  We want to teach them to treat other people well, kindly, and gently.  How are we supposed to teach them to be kind to other humans when we are cruel to animals?  Showing kindness to animals is the first step in growing compassion for those who are weaker, less fortunate, or smaller than we are.

As the mother of two toddlers, a Virginia native, and a graduate of ODU and UR, I try to raise my children to show compassion for all living creatures.  I do not allow them to eat meat and I teach them to be gentle to all creatures big and small.  But how can I continue to raise them to be gentle, kind, compassionate, and sensitive human beings if they see the domesticated animals entrusted to our care being heartlessly killed.

This bill is a vital first step in the direction of compassion.  I pray that this bill will be passed with full support and that it will be but a first small step.  One day I look forward to seeing the cruel killing of ANY animal being outlawed.

Please support this petition.

CommentID: 39224

2/24/15  12:40 am
Commenter: Samantha Lynn Evans

please dont kill the animals ! if this is where you sigh the petition then signed , by me also !!
CommentID: 39225

2/24/15  12:45 am
Commenter: Mary Fariss Giles County Spay Neuter Program

Please support the NO KILL ADCOCACY Petition

PLEASE Support the No Kill Advocacy Petition.  Be a voice for the animals who have no voice.


CommentID: 39226

2/24/15  12:48 am
Commenter: Jo Retta Smith

No kill amendment support


CommentID: 39227

2/24/15  7:31 am
Commenter: Sonya Wells

No Kill Amendment

No KILL advocate

CommentID: 39228

2/24/15  7:49 am
Commenter: Tammara Morgan

I support No Kill Advocacy Center Petition for Rulemaking

There needs to be transparency and accountability in all public and private animal shelters.The reporting as outlined by the No Kill Advocacy Center’s petition is definitely a step in the right direction. In regards to domestic animals, I have nothing positive to say about PETA. Please vote in favor of the No Kill Advocacy Center Petition for Rulemaking to protect our animals.

CommentID: 39229

2/24/15  7:55 am
Commenter: Maureen Welch

I wholeheartedly support No Kill Advocacy Petition for Rulemaking

There needs to be transparency and accountability in all public and private animal shelters.The reporting as outlined by the No Kill Advocacy Center’s petition is definitely a step in the right direction. Please vote in favor of the No Kill Advocacy Center Petition for Rulemaking to protect our animals.



CommentID: 39230

2/24/15  8:01 am
Commenter: Pat Murray

No Kill

I Support 100% that a No Kill Bill Be Passed....All Lives Matter!

CommentID: 39231

2/24/15  8:28 am
Commenter: Wendy Murdoch

I support a No Kill Policy for the State of Virginia

We need transparancy and regulation of organizations licensed by the State of Virginia. 

CommentID: 39232

2/24/15  8:43 am
Commenter: Charlotte Potts

No Kill Policy
I am a huge animal lover and I do some volunteer work at a husky rescue, Pet Harbor. I also own a cat. I don't want this bill to pass because it would allow PETA, an animal activist group, the means to manipulate any bill involving animals. I also think that killing an animal that has potential to be adopted. So I ask, let the bill pass
CommentID: 39233

2/24/15  8:50 am
Commenter: Karen Houser

I support the No Kill Advocacy Petition

I support the request to issue regulations requiring shelters in Virginia to maintain and provide records to the public that cover when and how each animal was taken in, why the animal was taken in, the condition of each animal, what attempts were made to reunite the animal with the family, the kinds of care and treatment each animal received, the disposition of each animal, and if the animal was killed, when and why the animal was killed.


Thank you, 
Karen Houser

CommentID: 39234

2/24/15  8:51 am
Commenter: Angela Hanson

No Kill Shelters SB 1381

I commend the State of Virginia for being a leader in combatting the unnecessary euthanasia of so many animals without the effort of finding them forever homes.  How a community treats their weakest members is an indication of that society's moral fiber.  I am so pleased that Virginia representatives have taken the right path and have not bowed down to the lobbyists.  Thank you for doing the right thing and protecting animals.  My hope is,that other states will follow in your example.  Watching anxiously from Canada for the final stages of this bill.  Sincerely, Angela Hanson


CommentID: 39235

2/24/15  9:07 am
Commenter: Charlene Vallino

I completely support a strong no kill bill.

I completely support a strong No Kill Bill. Also, much stricter laws for breeding by everyone! Not just puppy mills. Increased S/N programs, a small sales tax to help support housing, medical, education, and dog warden expenses. Way too much money goes to admin.

CommentID: 39236

2/24/15  9:10 am
Commenter: Steve Hopkins

No Kill Bill

I support the No Kill Bill please pass it

CommentID: 39237

2/24/15  9:24 am
Commenter: Megan Moore

I support this bill---It makes absolute, common sense.
CommentID: 39239

2/24/15  9:25 am
Commenter: Michele Markoff

No Kill Advocacy Center


I find this petition to be excellent and support it wholeheartedly. I commend the far sighted vision of its authors to deal with the pernicious influence of PETA and other similar entities. Michele Markoff, Warrenton, Virginia



CommentID: 39240

2/24/15  9:53 am
Commenter: kathleen ceccarelli


I support NO KILL....People, including PETA, need to learn RESPONSIBLE BEHAVIOR.... I support advocating NO KILL and promoting neutering/spaying and birth-control to maintain a reasonable animal population. Education on how to responsibly take care of pets, how to decide if adoption is right for a family and more adoption services support.

CommentID: 39241

2/24/15  10:30 am
Commenter: Erin Turner

All shelters should be no kill

CommentID: 39242

2/24/15  10:32 am
Commenter: Robert E. Fraser

No Kill Advocacy Center Petition for Rulemaking

The No Kill Advocacy Center Petition for Rulemaking bill has my full support and frankly I am shocked that these common sense rules are not already in play.

CommentID: 39243

2/24/15  10:46 am
Commenter: Bennett Griffith

Animal shelters not killing fields!

VA is on the right track!  

CommentID: 39244

2/24/15  11:23 am
Commenter: Stephanie Rice

No kill policy.

I am in favor of the "No Kill" policy for animal rescue, animal control, animal shelters in Virginia. The humane and transparent treatment of animals should be manditory. We are their voice.S

CommentID: 39245

2/24/15  12:13 pm
Commenter: Tamara Burton

Require Shelters to maintain and provide records to the public

issue regulations requiring shelters in Virginia to maintain and provide records to the public that cover when and how each animal was taken in, why the animal was taken in, the condition of each animal, what attempts were made to reunite the animal with the family, the kinds of care and treatment each animal received, the disposition of each animal, and if the animal was killed, when and why the animal was killed. 

CommentID: 39246

2/24/15  12:16 pm
Commenter: Catherine Slusser

Regulating Animal Shelters

I support the petition to require annual reports as outlined in the petition.  I further support a policy that minimizes killing animals in shelters to those rare cases when there is no other viable or humane alternative. Private animal shelters are already defined in Code as serving the purpose of finding permanent adoptive homes for companion animals.  This is now and should always be their primary purpose under the law.  Regulatory oversight should strengthen this policy and require at minimum transparency about the permissions and actions of the shelter; and should also discourage euthansia except as a last resort.

CommentID: 39247