Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Guidance Document Change: The Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools guidance document was developed in response to House Bill 145 and Senate Bill 161, enacted by the 2020 Virginia General Assembly, which directed the Virginia Department of Education to develop and make available to each school board model policies concerning the treatment of transgender students in public elementary and secondary schools. These guidelines address common issues regarding transgender students in accordance with evidence-based best practices and include information, guidance, procedures, and standards relating to: compliance with applicable nondiscrimination laws; maintenance of a safe and supportive learning environment free from discrimination and harassment for all students; prevention of and response to bullying and harassment; maintenance of student records; identification of students; protection of student privacy and the confidentiality of sensitive information; enforcement of sex-based dress codes; and student participation in sex-specific school activities, events, and use of school facilities.
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2/3/21  10:35 pm
Commenter: K. Mckinney

Transgender Polices

I want to start by saying, I relize the position that you are put in is not an easy one. It's easy for us to come on here and tell you what to do without being in your position and for that I respect the members who must make these decisions. I understand that people have the right to identify as they choose no matter any of our opinions and even if what they identify is not supported by scientific evidence...its their right. It's also the right of the children going to public schools to be safe and have a smooth education. Having girls and boys using the same bathrooms is completely opening up the schools to tons of legal issues and safety concerns. If we want to accommodate transgender students then we need to have single person restrooms where they can go and be safe. Pro nouns change often and though I understand the need to not bullie an individual it is unfair and not ok to force other students to call a person as something they are not. Especially in younger age groups this will cause even more issues with gender identiy. If people want to call them by their choosen pronoun awesome but it should not be forced its a developmental disadvantage to children who are calling them by their correct Biological term. Also patents 110% need to be informed if their child is identifying as transgender for many reasons one being so the child can be given the recores they need and can be safe. How many children who suffer from gender identity issues kill themselves because and the people around them had no idea they where dealing with it. This is not an issue the school should be so involved with. If you are trans ok cool let people know your choosen pro noun use a bathroom in a safe place such a nurse office or a one stall bathroom, or the one of your biological sex. Schools are for education not for pushing gender disorders. 

CommentID: 96886