I understand that now a days there is an increasing number of children that are struggling with gender identity and this can be very difficult and confusing for the child and their parents to go through.
As a teacher I make every effort to treat all of my students with care and compassion and to support them socially, emotionally and academically.
However, these policies are in my opinion overstepping the boundaries between teachers and school officials and families. As a parent I would vehemently oppose the school's involvement in counseling my child on any subject without my knowledge. As a teacher, I would not feel qualified or comfortable interfering with sensitive subjects such as a child's identity.
Every trauma experience that a child may go through is unique to each individual child. These policies are ambiguous, impersonal and invasive. They do not protect the students, teachers, or parents; on the contrary they put all the above at risk of losing their individual rights to express their personal convictions and opinions in making the best decision for all.