Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Guidance Document Change: The Model Policies for the Treatment of Transgender Students in Virginia’s Public Schools guidance document was developed in response to House Bill 145 and Senate Bill 161, enacted by the 2020 Virginia General Assembly, which directed the Virginia Department of Education to develop and make available to each school board model policies concerning the treatment of transgender students in public elementary and secondary schools. These guidelines address common issues regarding transgender students in accordance with evidence-based best practices and include information, guidance, procedures, and standards relating to: compliance with applicable nondiscrimination laws; maintenance of a safe and supportive learning environment free from discrimination and harassment for all students; prevention of and response to bullying and harassment; maintenance of student records; identification of students; protection of student privacy and the confidentiality of sensitive information; enforcement of sex-based dress codes; and student participation in sex-specific school activities, events, and use of school facilities.
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1/5/21  12:12 pm
Commenter: Joanna

Do NOT Support
This policy tramples on the People's rights. State's right do not extend to forcing gender ideology on those who disagree with it. 
This proposed policy demands & imposes gender ideology on students, parents, and teachers. If a student wants to be part of the LGBTIQ community that is their freedom, but not everyone has to believe as they do. Each school should have the freedom to decide how to handle a student who wants to change their gender identity moment by moment or simply to benefit their circumstances. Whereas parents should have the right to name their own children or change their names EACH SCHOOL should be able to adopt their own dress code without being forced to have everyone dress in a gender neutral manner. The state is to have minimal control over the people. This policy is also unconstitutional and does not support freedom of speech by forcing every teacher/peer to say what they think is not true (insisting that they call a male she/her etc.).  In trying to advance the "rights" of the LGBTIQ+ community, these policies would trample the actual rights of all students, parents, teachers, and staff, as well as put these youth in an incredible position of power instead of needing to listen to a teacher/staff. Consider instead, supporting the LGBTIQ kid by encouraging teachers/students to not make unkind remarks when a biological boy wants to dress like a girl for the day or the other way around. DO NOT TRAMPLE ON EVERYONE ELSE's RIGHTS!
CommentID: 88281