How DARE you discriminate against anyone who believes that God made man and woman because that's what you are doing with the approval of this policy.
Do not force teachers, parents and students to go along with your ideological agenda that we must all label everyone into a 'right' and 'wrong' group, further pushing society into decline and promoting division and hatred. If we do not agree with this ideology, that doesn't equal discrimination. In fact, you are the ultimate hypocrite! This policy is completely discriminatory against anyone who doesn't conform. At least try to save face and include a religious exemption.
In fact, not only are you disseminating an anti-Christian mindset but remember, resulting suicides are a very real and increasing statistic in people who are transgender, and you are only fueling the fire towards it for those students who are in need of love and attention. Don't encourage the pain and suffering they are going through now. These negative outcomes occur many years later, so of course there would be no recourse on you for the damage you could potentially do with the approval of this policy.
In addition, you are also absolutely overstepping your boundaries when it comes to my child's upbringing. You have no right to teach my child that this immoral behavior is okay and should be celebrated and embraced, and face consequences if you disagree. Even if he requests another pronoun, concealing this from me??...this is dangerous, besides dishonest.
And by the way, isn't the education of our children supposed to concentrate on the truth about biology, not the influence on it via societal values or lack thereof? And why is it okay now to change definitions all in the name of inclusion? Diversity and inclusion means excluding those who object to ideological uniformity. There is a fundamental breakdown of our school system if you disagree with this statement.
And how does this policy teach our kids to be upstanding, truthful, and moral citizens? Why is it that you do not support a strong family unit? You have totally missed the mark if you are trying to insert yourself into our homes, challenging parents' rights. In fact, you would go behind parents' backs and actually call Child Protective Services crying 'child abuse' on me because I read the Bible to my child where St. Paul writes through the power of God, the Holy Spirit, saying that this conduct is a sin. Instead, I suggest you repent for your sins and not worry about my own or my child's. God created everything, sees everything, but still forgives everyone who asks.
Finally, here are TEN VALID reasons if you haven't read this already from the Virginia Family Foundation. Yeah, they are watching you too!