The proposed transgender policies are untenable. There are no real boundaries and will make it easier to offend a student at the whim of what they choose to be that day. And ALL counseling to encourage this behavior or medical procedures/medications/hormone treatments must be revealed to the parents. The Virginia government should not be responsible for the costs of these procedures that have shown in many European studies to cause permanent mental damage to those that undergo this methodology. Parents need to know so that they can monitor their child's health. Family members could sue for damages, also. There are SO many repercussions of 1. not telling the parents 2. mental stability of the students 3. jeopardy that the teachers may lose their jobs if they offend a student just because they don't know how the student wishes to be addressed from one day to the next and 4. anyone can use whatever bathroom or locker room they feel like for the day which makes some young women and young men feel unsafe and violated.
There are so many chances for teachers, schools, and DOE being sued by the students, parents, or other family members by this vaguely worded "treatment of transgender students.". This policy would also violate the first amendment if a teacher or another student has a religious belief that this type of behavior is wrong and has to comply with this policy.
I highly recommend that this proposal does not become permanent.