Comment on Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Permit Regulation?s (4VAC50-60?)
Dear Mr. Dowling,
I am writing to you requesting that the State Soil and Water Conservation Board reinstitute the public availability of developers' and builders Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP). Having these plans available is paramount to ensuring everyone is playing by the book and gives the public the opportunity to play a role in keeping the waters of their rivers and streams clean and free from unnecessary wanton destruction. Sediment is the number one pollutant to our rivers and streams and any steps we can take to make sure we are doing all we can to keep our soil and land where it belongs and out of our streams is a good thing. Keeping the SWPPPs available to the public is one of those steps.
Making the SWPPPs available to the public is not an inconvenience to developers and builders. They have been making them public over the last three years without problems or excessive extra costs.
Please share these comments with the full State Soil and Water Conservation Board and I urge DCR and the Board to reinstitute the public availability of SWPPPs.