Action | Amend and Reissue the General Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 6/7/2013 |
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We need a certification program that localities can us to make certain the installers of BMP vegetation have a basic knowledge of the types of plants and the specific locations of each type to promote the water quality and quantity criteria. The certification program should not be a burden to the landscaping community but a tool to help. The certification could consist of the recognition of existing certification programs hosted by VCE, VDACS, DGIF or others that can be recognized by DPOR and DEQ to qualify a landscape installer to have the basic understanding and premise of vegetative stormwater management. This certification would qualify for landscape installers and maintainers of water quality vegetation to provide a credit that can be used for the local pollution removal efficiencies. This certification could be modeled after the RLD online certification program and would require proof of passing one if not all of the respective hands on training programs provided by the above listed entities as well as others that have similar programs that DPOR could recognize.