I strongly believe the SCOP program needs to be restructured to include strict qualifications of the companies, of the candidates applying to become a SCOP and to increase mandatory training to mirror other community policing programs across the United States. The 40 hours currently required does not scratch the service of what needs to be accomplished before an officer is allowed to function independently.
As far as making it unlawful to offer SCOP for hire or “profit”, I strongly disagree with this provision. This is a service that private security companies are currently being solicited by municipalities, associations and private entities to help offset their rising costs or to increase their service response to their visitors, residents or employees. In most municipalities cases we would only supplement their existing police force. There are many models that are highly successful today and I ask that you research and evaluate these programs before removing this option completely. By making the private security option to the entities listed above unlawful, will more than likely adversely affect their ability to fund their programs/budgets in the very near future. It would also prevent revenue and employment opportunities for small to large employers across the Commonwealth.
Thank you.
Chris M. Roberts