Emission Standards for Large Municipal Waste Combustors (Revision B03)
Action 1266
General Information
Action Summary |
The regulation applies to large municipal waste combustors (MWCs), and includes emission limits for particulate matter, carbon monoxide, dioxins/furans, hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, lead, cadmium, and mercury. Special large MWC operator training and qualification requirements are included in order to assure proper facility operation and compliance with the emissions limitations. Compliance, emissions testing, and monitoring requirements are delineated, as well as recordkeeping and reporting of such test results. Finally, specific compliance schedules are provided.
References to state regulations have been replaced with references to federal regulations in order to ensure that the regulation is identical to the federal regulation. Language has also been added or revised in order to clarify the distinctions between federal and state requirements. Additionally, minor revisions have been made for clarity and consistency.
Chapters Affected |
Only affects this chapter.
Executive Branch Review |
This Action is exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act.
The normal executive branch review process is not required. As such, it can be submitted directly for publication and
is effective upon publication.
Exempt Citation:
Section 2.2-4006 A 4 c of the Code of Virginia
RIS Project |
No project yet assigned to this action |
New Periodic Review |
This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review.
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage ID |
Stage Type |
Status |
Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 07/01/2003. |
Contact Information
Name / Title:
Karen G. Sabasteanski
Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 10009
Richmond, VA 23240
Email Address:
FAX: (804)698-4510
TDD: (804)698-4021