Comprehensive Amendments Under APA
Action 1234
General Information
Action Summary |
VDOT intends to repeal the existing regulation (Chapter 90) and promulgate a new one (Chapter 91) to clarify text to improve comprehension and usefulness; update obsolete titles and work unit names; separate geometric standards from regulatory requirements; update list of documents incorporated by reference; and address impact of identified issues (including definition of roles, review and acceptance processes, sidewalks, flexibility of standards, traffic calming, surety and maintenance fees, utilities, etc.) on the regulation.
VDOT is accepting comments regarding the regulation that governs its acceptance of new subdivision streets for state maintenance, the Subdivision Street Requirements. New subdivision streets are developed under authority granted the local governing bodies by the General Assembly of Virginia. VDOT’s Subdivision Street Requirements establish the minimum criteria that new streets must meet in order for VDOT to consider accepting the street for maintenance from the local governments at their request. If your comments target a specific provision in the current regulation that you would like to see changed, please identify it by referencing its Virginia Administrative Code designation. If you are uncertain of the provision, indicate “Section Unknown.”
The current Subdivision Street Requirements and its Pavement Design Guide companion reference may be downloaded from comments may be submitted in several ways:
In writing to: Virginia Department of Transportation Local Assistance Division (SSR Rev.)1401 East Broad Street, Suite 403 Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Comments may also be submitted over this Internet site: or by email addressed to For specific information on public hearings, see "Details" link below.
Chapters Affected |
Chapter Name |
Action Type |
Primary |
24 VAC 30-90 |
Subdivision Street Requirements |
Amend Existing Regulation
Other chapters |
24 VAC 30 - 91 |
Subdivision Street Requirements |
Executive Branch Review |
This action will go through the normal Executive Branch Review process.
RIS Project |
No project yet assigned to this action |
New Periodic Review |
This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review.
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage ID |
Stage Type |
Status |
Stage complete. Comment period ended 05/07/2003. |
Stage complete. Comment period ended 07/02/2004. |
Stage complete. This regulation became effective on 01/01/2005. |
Contact Information
Name / Title:
Michael A. Estes, P. E. attn: Kenneth M. Smith
Transportation Engineering Program Supervisor
Local Assistance Division
1401 E. Broad St.
Richmond, VA 23219
Email Address:
FAX: (804)786-2603