Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Guidance Documents in Effect

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Department of Corrections
State Board of Local and Regional Jails
10 guidance documents relevant to this board for the criteria specified

ID Title Effective Date  
BOC Policy 10-1 Board of Local and Regional Jails Policy Process * 6/1/2013  Changes Being Made
BOC Policy 10-2 Board of Local and Regional Jails Regulations * 6/1/2013  Changes Being Made
BOC Policy 20-13 Offender Co-Payment Program for Health Care Services * 1/1/2012  Changes Being Made
BOC Policy 20-14 Offender Health Records * 1/1/2012  Changes Being Made
BOC Policy 30-1 Local Correctional Facility Standards * 6/1/2013  Changes Being Made
BOC Policy 30-2 Furlough, Work, Educational & Rehabilitative Releases from Local Correctional Facilities * 6/1/2013  Changes Being Made
BOC Policy 30-3 Review of Death of Inmates in Local Correctional Facilities * 10/1/2017 
BOC Policy 30-6 Cost of Maintenance of Jails * 6/1/2013  Changes Being Made
Compliance Jail 2015 Compliance Documentation for Jails effective 1/1/15 audits * 11/10/2014 
Compliance LU 2013 Compliance documentation for Lockups effective 7/1/13 * 12/13/2012 

* Document applies to one or more specific chapters and not to the board as a whole