Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Rules and Regulations for the Identification of Medically Underserved Areas in Virginia [12 VAC 5 ‑ 540]


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12/31/07  9:32 pm
Commenter: Sam Mela

Little White Vehicles Go Zoom . . . Zoom . . .

Virginia after the Tech Massacre

Little White Cars in Virginia go Zoom . . . Zoom . . .

"32 dead in Blacksburg and all the mental health workers do is just keep riding around in those darn white state vehicles "
- Angry Virginia Citizen -

See the little white car. Zoom says the car. Zoom zoom.

See the man in the little white car.

The man is a government mental health worker. He's going to a meeting. A "brainstorming" session.

The government employee dresses "professionally". He rides around all day in his white air conditioned car. Zoom . . . zoom..

See the man's picture on the right. He looks upset. His name is Mr. Cho -- Mr. Seung Hui Cho.

Mr. Cho is worse than upset.

Mr. Cho is dead.

Mr. Cho needed help from a mental health worker like the man in the little white car; but the government mental health worker must have been busy that day, so Mr. Cho did a something terrible. He killed 32 people.

"Not my fault," said the Mental Health Man (or words to that effect), before the bodies were cold.

What is the mental health worker doing about what Mr. Cho did?

He's doing what he always does. He's riding around in his little white car. Zoom . . . zoom . . .

He's dressing "professionally". He's attending more "brainstorming" and "training" sessions. Zoom.

O look! Look look! He found a buffet.

He's at "retreat". Free food ( free if you can forget that some minimum wage earner at Walmart or McDonald's got taxed to pay for it, but the government mental health man doesn't care about that).

Free hotel room.

Zoom . . .zoom . . . zoom

Mr. Cho was supposed to get help in 2005.

But he didn't. Not really. Not the kind of help he was supposed to get.

So 32 people died.

"Not enough money," said the people from the government (or something like that).

How much do Virginia taxpayers pay each year so the mental health worker can ride around in his little white vehicle?

About a BILLION dollars!

All that money, but the government mental health worker couldn't stop Seung Hui Cho from killing 32 people.

O look. The Mental Health Man is on the go again.

He's probably going to help some poor unfortunate people, right?


He's on his way to a "training session".

Zoom . . . zoom . . .

Why doesn't he carpool?

We know why. It's because he doesn't have to pay for his own gasoline.

Ok. Have a nice day Mr. Mental Health Worker Man.

Thanks for riding around in your white state vehicle.

Thanks for eating free food.

Thanks for going to your "training session".

Thanks for dressing "professionally".

Someday, if you get time away from riding around in your state vehicle, maybe you'll help someone with mental illness, so they don't have to die.

But we're not counting on it.

Zoom, Mr. Mental Health Man.

Zoom . . zoom . . .

# # # #


Honestly, I didn't think I could even spell "epilogue", much less use it in a sentence.

Anyway, the story above reminds me of a joke about a man with a scarecrow in his yard.

"Why do you have that scarecrow," asked his neighbor.

"It's to keep the giraffes away," replied the man.

"There are no giraffes around here," said his neighbor.

"See," said the man triumphantly, "it works."

And my point is?

It would be COMPLETELY NUTS for the state of Virginia to give the Department of Mental Health any more money so they can buy more little white state vehicles, hold more training, brainstorming, and retreats, and continue to ignore people who are desperately in need of help.

If you don't believe me, ask the giraffe. He knows.

For more information see


CommentID: 595