It is important to understand that nobody reads these comments, much less cares or acts constructively on what is written here.
There is a simple reason for this. The Commonwealth of Virginia (first in race based slavery in the United States) is no more concerned about the rights of the mentally ill in Virginia than they were about the rights of Negro slaves in Virginia 200 years ago -- which means they are not at all concerned.
To get a picture of how little regard Victoria Cochran (chair state mental health board) has for the mentally disabled, read her comments in the August 2007 State Board Minutes, in which she requests a "moment of silence" for three former DMHMRSAS Employees/Board Members.
No such "moment of silence" has ever been requested on behalf of any of the Virginians who died in Virginia State Facilies, for a very simple reason. The nine members of the Virginia DMHMRSAS State Board are cosmically indifferent to the deaths of the residents of those facilities, whom they must fundamentally regard as sub-humans.
The residents of state mental health care facilities aren't even on their Radar Screen.
Here is our "doesn't care if you die in a state facility" list:
Victoria Cochran
Daniel Karnes
Linda Bartlett
Cheryl Ivey Green
Catherine M. Hudgins
Ruth Jarvis
Mary McQuown
Anand Pandurangi
Kay Smith
If you are a parent, and someone from the state has convinced you to place your child in a Virginia State Facility, be aware that your child could be sexually molested or even die in such a facility, and that the Commonwealth of Virginia will NEVER admit responsibility if that happens.