Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Private Well Regulations [12 VAC 5 ‑ 630]


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9/20/16  12:58 pm
Commenter: John Sawdy, A&S Environmental, Inc.

Existing well setback variences to Conventional or ALternative sytems.

Is there a way to have the Draft Polices for existing well abandonment setbacks reviewed and installed in to the exsting well regulations?  There are a set of Draft Polices out that some OSE's use when working with repairs or new septic system installs that allow the septic system to be installed closer than the standard setback if the site is pre-treated and the abandonment is done a specific way.   Thank You

CommentID: 55273

9/20/16  1:08 pm
Commenter: John Sawdy, A&S Environmental, Inc.

Existing Water Well inspection requirements

It has come to our attention that the definition and or requriements for a water well inspection and or test are very different in the public forum of Real Estate Transiactions.  Many of our Clients are asking about what is regulated and who regulates if any part of a precieved Well inspection.  This carries over to septic systems also but for now we are trying to inquire as to the possibility of a guideline for inspection when it comes to existing site sales.  All Lenders are requiring some sort of inspection of Well and Septic sites at this time.  The problem is there is no real Regulation Requirement to follow in this regard.  Our Firm would like to talk with someone indepth about this issue and possible solutions and or avenues to follow in the future.  This would help our direction with how to compete the work correctly and will greatly improve the standard and make the Parties invloved more aware and protected from damaging issues or costs down the road upon sale or purchase of properties.  Please feel free to contact me for further info or discussion in regards to this topic as this topic is also very much an issue in regards to the Septic Regulations and requirements that just went under review and only had 3 comments upon close of the comment period!!!  That is very uncacceptable in terms of awareness and interaction in this State.  Thank You

CommentID: 55274

9/30/16  11:26 am
Commenter: VDH Employee

Regulation Inconsistencies

There is currently no required horizontal separation distance from a properly abandoned drilled well to a potential source of contamination.  The well casing may be pulled or it may remain in place.

If a closed-loop geothermal well is installed there is no required horizontal separation distance to a source of contamination provided that the well is NOT cased and it is grouted from bottom to top.  However, if the geothermal well is cased, it must meet the horizontal separation distances in Table 3.1.

Please take notice that's there are no construction differences between the abandoned drilled well and the cased geothermal well.  However, they are treated drastically different with respect to separation distances.  This is not logical.

CommentID: 55295