Action | Amend Parts I, II, and III of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program Permit Regulations to address water quality and quantity and local stormwater management program criteria. |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 8/21/2009 |
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On behalf of the Water Workgroup of the Virginia Conservation Network (VCN), which includes 20 of the state’s of leading watershed groups and environmental nonprofits, and on behalf of the network’s Land-Use and Transportation Workgroup, which includes 20 of the state’s leading smart growth groups and environmental nonprofits, I would like to register the network’s support for revised stormwater regulations that significantly curtail this damaging source of nonpoint source pollution. VCN endorses the detailed comments of our affiliated members, Chesapeake Bay Foundation and The Nature Conservancy. Furthermore, VCN endorses a proposed change to the regulations articulated by the Southern Environmental Law Center that would reduce the runoff-quantity requirements placed on re-developed sites in Urban Development Areas (UDAs) from a “return to forested levels” to a “return to pre-development levels.” This minor change will help ensure that the new regulations do not have an unintended perverse effect of encouraging sprawl development outside UDAs. Lastly, VCN applauds the transparent process through which Department of Conservation and Recreation staff convened stakeholders to draft the regulations and solicited public input on the outcomes. DCR’s commitment to a fair process and to scientific rigor is evidenced by the content of these regulations and they warrant the board’s approval with only minor revisions. Thank you. Please visit to learn more about the network and phone our office with any questions.