Page 3: “The support coordinator/case manager shall possess a combination of intellectual disability work experience and relevant education that indicates that the incumbent, at entry level, possesses the knowledge, skills, and abilities listed in this subdivision.” Comment: what would be considered relevant experience and ID work experience?
Page 11: “In addition to the requirements in subdivision 5 of this subsection, the support coordinator/case manager shall possess developmental disability work experience or relevant education that indicates that at entry level he possesses the following knowledge, skills, and abilities that shall be documented in the employment application form or supporting documentation or during the job interview.” Comment: Relevant education was previously defined as a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a human services field on page 10 for DD case managers. Does this language allow work experience to replace the required bachelor’s degree? Also requiring specific developmental disability work experience will limit our work force recruitment efforts significantly. The bachelor’s degree should suffice to cover the required KSAs without specific DD work experience.
Page 151: “12VAC30-122-70 Assessment and enrollment: Virginia Individual Developmental Disabilities Eligibility Survey” Comment: Add VIDES in parentheses.