Action | Three Waivers (ID, DD, DS) Redesign |
Stage | Final |
Comment Period | Ended on 3/31/2021 |
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12VAC30-122-390 - Group home – 6 bed max on group homes.
COMMENT: Family Sharing, Inc. recognizes that residential settings of 6 or fewer beds are the preference for community based services, however, we support comments posted by VNPP which acknowledges "Providers have experienced years of rate stagnation while trying to accommodate the rising costs – the only remedy has been to increase the number of operating beds in the home to gain some economy of scale – the only alternative is to close the home and remove an option for community living. Since 1990, the Code of Virginia at §15.2-2291 has supported Group Homes of 8 beds of fewer by classifying them as “single family residences.” To impose a regulatory limit that is more restrictive is both short-sighted and unnecessary.”
12VAC30-122-200 Support Intensity Scale
200.2.a. 4 years between SIS assessments for ages 22 and over.
COMMENT: Family Sharing, Inc. feels that this distance of time between assessments is detrimental to assuring proper care of the person receiving supports. Currently, requests for re-evaluation are limited and difficult to obtain approval, even when there have been changes to medical or behavioral needs.
Family Sharing requests that the time frame remain 3 years. Should the 4 year span remain, Family Sharing requests that reassessments due to changes be made easier and allowances be made for appeal of results when the team does not feel the level reflects need.
200.B.2. Notations of exceptional medical/behavioral needs will be investigated and may or may not lead to obtaining the exceptional level of services.
COMMENT: Family Sharing expresses concern about the lack of transparency in the scoring of SIS assessments and how the levels are determined. In all other assessments and evaluations, scores are shared with the person being assessed along with a determination summary. Since adopting SIS scoring for rate setting, scoring and interpretation has changed multiple times without transparency.
Family Sharing requests the following:
- scoring and determination criteria be posted,
- justification of any reduction in level or tier be sent to the individual,
- and an avenue for appeal be provided to the individual who wishes to appeal the determination, as is the right of all service recipients related to their diagnosis and treatment assessing and planning.
370.7. Environmental Modification
COMMENT: Environmental Modification Services be allowed for sponsored residential services and group homes in cases in which a person has been living in the home for a lengthy period of time without the need for such modifications and has had a significant change in medical status or mobility/accessibility. It would be a hardship for the individual to be moved to another home that has the needed access, leaving their in place support structure. For many people who have lived in a location for years, they view that as their home, and rightly so. They should not be forced to move because the state refuses to support the person in their home.
390.D.1.e. For the annual review and every time supporting documentation is updated, the supporting documentation shall be reviewed with the individual or family/caregiver, as appropriate, and such review shall be documented.
COMMENT: Family Sharing requests clarification -how must “review” of documentation be documented. What supporting documentation must be reviewed?
460.C.3. Personal Assistance clarification – Individuals may receive a combination of personal assistance service, respite service, [ companion, ] and in-home support service as documented in their ISPs but shall not simultaneously receive in-home supports service, personal assistance service, or respite service.
COMMENT: Family Sharing would like clarification – as it is written, it seems that PA can be provided simultaneously with companion
530.C.1. Residential service limit to 344 days per ISP
COMMENT: Family Sharing requests a re-evaluation of the number of allowable days of billing per year, as 21 days is an excessive number of non-service days for the great majority of people in sponsored residential services who do not have family members to visit or have other avenues of support for this amount of time. Care providers must continue to provide 24-hour services during this time as well as pay for additional DSPs.
Therapeutic Consultation 12VAC30-122-550
550.B.2.i - Telehealth and phone options for visits to be permanent.
COMMENT: Thank you for this! Telehealth has allowed us to be able to connect with those we are supporting much more frequently and effectively! Love this change.
550.C.5.a,b,and c - Initial SARs will be approved for only 180 days after which point a new SAR will need to be submitted with accompanying documentation including baseline Data. Annual renewals will need to have an annual summary of quarterly data.
COMMENT: Though we understand that the purpose is to assure that plans are meeting the expectation of content, resubmission of a plan for support at 180 will cause delays in continuation of services. In multiple areas of Virginia, we are unable to receive approval for a Plan for Support for a plan renewal in less than 60 days. If it is pended, it will be delayed longer. In addition, initial PFSs will often take 60 to 90 days for authorization. In these cases, we cannot start services until they are approved which is 3 months into the requested plan time and we will have only 3 months of data or information to submit. Followed by further delays in Plan renewal authorization at the 180 day end-date.
We request the removal of the 180 day resubmission requirement and request that the accompanying documentation be required for annual renewal.
550.E.e.(1)and(2) - quarterlies must include graphs and charts
COMMENT: We request that this be modified to read that quarterlies must include summary of progress which may include charts and graphs.
PBSFs rely on team participation for data collection. Surveys within the PBSF community rate data collection as the #1 barrier to plan completion and site that data is often not completed at all or is completed incorrectly. PBSFs often have to resort to record reviews of alternative documentation that the residential provider uses internally, direct observation during visits/telehealth, and anecdotal reports to measure progress and response to interventions. Broadening the scope of this requirement to include a summary of progress will allow for presentation of data as it is available and will afford the PBSF opportunity to document on the quarterly the barriers with obtaining proper data so the team can measure progress with team participation. In addition, it will avoid delay of services to the individual due to pending of authorization by PA when the charts and graphs do not look a particular way.
In addition, Family Sharing would like to advocate that LPCs and LCSWs who are endorsed to provide Positive Behavioral Supports are able to bill at the highest rate along with “Therapist and BCBAs” as follows:
97139 Therapeutic Consultation, Therapists/Behavior Analysts/Rehab. Engineers
LPCs and LCSWs who provide Therapeutic Consultation for behavior supports are restricted to billing under 97530 as "other professionals" because we are not considered as qualified to provide Therapeutic Behavioral Consultation as a BA.
Licensed Professional Counselors are masters level licensed professionals, completing 4000 supervised clinical hours with 200 direct supervision hours under an LPC. Likewise, LCSWs are masters level licensed professionals, completing 3000 supervised clinical hours with 100 direct supervision hours under an LCSW. In addition to clinical experience, LPC or LCSW with endorsement as a PBSF holds specialized training in evidenced based behavioral support.
Our state struggles to provide quality mental health support to individuals with Developmental Disabilities that also have co-morbid conditions related to mental health. In addition to being able to provide interventions for behavioral needs and address behavioral emergencies, PBSFs who are LPCs and LCSWs are uniquely able to integrate resources and strategies related to diagnosed mental health disorders which are contributing to the behavioral needs of the individual as well as evidence based behavioral strategies for behavioral support.
LPCs and LCSWs holding endorsement as a PBSF offer a specialized level of professional qualification to meet highly complex behavioral and mental health co-morbid needs and should be able to bill accordingly.