Request to bill in 15 minute increments for accuracy
Provide examples of “in-kind” paperwork. We have always treated contact notes, quarterlies, and disposition summaries as “in-kind” paperwork. However, now that graphs are required in the quarterly, would this make it a billable activity? I include graphs in quarterly reports, but never previously billed.
Is DMAS saying behavior support plans are required within 6 months opening the service? If so, what exceptions are made for extensive hospitalizations, change in providers, illness, delay from parent or group home provider in setting up meetings?
If I begin services on 4/1 and the ISP ends on 4/30 (due to SC ISP ending), then do I request services end on 4/30 and then request the additional 5 months OR can I request 6 months on 4/1? If it is the latter, then will PA’s know if this change?