Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Social Services
Child Day-Care Council
Standards for Licensed Child Day Centers [22 VAC 15 ‑ 30]
Action Revision from Periodic Review
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 1/2/2004
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1/1/04  12:00 am
Commenter: Laura Adler

Please don't close our beloved preschool!
When I first heard about the changes to the minimum standards for Virginia Daycare, I was pleased. It was not until recently when I learned these changes would affect my family's preschool that I became alarmed. My family is a member of a non-profit, nationally accredited cooperative preschool that has operated in Northern Virginia for more than 40 years. Parents run the school and participate in the classrooms. We currently have space for about 65 families. Classes meet 2, 3 and 4 times a week for a few hours a day. Overall, I support the changes to the minimum standards. Many would raise the standards to a level which our preschool already meets or exceeds. But there are a few that would be disastrous. The 35 square feet per child minimum alone would probably close our school. We rent space and are currently paying as much as we can afford. We cannot function with reduced enrollment, as we depend on not only the money from 65 families, but the labor as well for running the school, staffing the classrooms and doing fundraising. I have spent much time in the classroom with my children and those of my friends, and I am comfortable with the 25 plus square feet per child we currently provide. After all, we are talking about approximately 6-12 hours a week, not 50 plus, including time in other classrooms, an additional multi-purpose room when available, and time outside weather permitting. My daughter attended this preschool for three years. I believe the quality of her experience there has directly contributed to her remarkably smooth transition into kindergarten at a local Fairfax County Public School, where she is currently excelling both academically and socially. I am not a working parent begging you not to raise my day-care rates. I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with my children. I could choose any preschool in Northern Virginia for them. I chose our preschool because I feel it is the best choice for my family. Please don't take that choice away from us. Yes, let's improve day care! But let's not implement these changes without an exemption for preschools. In the rush to catch the children who have been "left behind," please don't leave mine behind. Thank you for your time.
CommentID: 76