We need a robust PACE plan advanced by the state to include:
Residential PACE THIS IS ALLOWED NOW ON ALL JUMBO and CONVENTIONAL Loans and AND ALL NON FHA loans!!!!!! and all properties with no mortgage.
Enforcement of PACE assessment by local jurusdiction
Collection and disbursement by local taxing authority/ jurisdiction
Retroactive dates for project eligibility once and ordinance is proposed for adoption.
PACE applied to both new construction and rehab
Inclusion of energy and operations and maintenance in the savings calculation
Valuations of PACE LTV based on data servers plus buidlings, just like hotels include furniture
Carbon footprint reduction before renewables We could use a mid range carbon tax as part of the evaluation say $100 /ton ( I have seen values for $35/Ton as used by the Federal Government and $900/Ton as proposed by an economist?? in a Forbes article.)
30 years for solar panels
Low cost third party PACE administrators
Open PACE finance markets.to include wealthy individuals etc
Higher PACE loan allowances LTC PACELTV SIR allowances for synergies. , using waste heat from a concrete plant, data center and to provide heat and
Opportuniities for the existing power company(ies) to assist customers with PACE financed projects: design- build-administer. This would allow a switch to fossil fuel free geothermal for heat and hot water and projects administered by a trusted competent party.
We need to consider the value of using PACE financing to fund conservation easements, protections for sea level rise in the Hamton Roads Area and SWM measures as needed in Alexandria.