I respectfully urge you to support and expand incentives for both existing and new rooftop and other residential solar projects in Virginia. Where we live in Charlottesville, VA there is no choice other than Dominion Virginia Power to get electrical service. They have a monopoly. Residential solar is the only option for choice. In addition, residential solar supports small business and creates and supports well paying jobs. With global warming well underway and Virgnia's coastline at great risk, clean renewable energy is critical. We cannot keep burning fossil fuels, we are destroying the future of our children and grandchildren. Incentives such as net metering allow us to be paid fairly for the energy we produce and push onto the grid. Arbitrary limits such as standby charges and system size limitations are discriminatory against small energy producers such as ourselves and will limit the expansion of renewable energy generation and jobs. Support and expand incentives for residential solar. Thank you.