Action | Reduce and Cap Carbon Dioxide from Fossil Fuel Fired Electric Power Generating Facilities (Rev. C17) |
Stage | Proposed |
Comment Period | Ended on 4/9/2018 |
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I am thrilled to see that the State Air Pollution Control Board has approved draft regulations to cap carbon emissions in the Commonwealth. Without immediate and bold action, climate change will present unprecedented challenges to all of our communities, starting with our coastal communities and would harm communities of color at a much higher rate than others. Additionally, we would all benefit from less pollution in the air in the form of fewer respiratory issues, like asthma.
I support a final carbon rule that has the strongest possible cap on carbon emissions from Virginia’s power plants through a carbon market. I also support supplemental legislation that would allow Virginia to invest a portion of the carbon market revenue in coastal resilience.
I request that DEQ use its authority to adopt and implement a final standard that:
•Provides the strongest cap on carbon emissions possible: The 2020 base year emissions cap should be between 30 and 32 million tons.
• Implements a cap that covers biomass facilities: the emissions from these facilities can be worse for the climate than fossil fuel power plants.
• Plans for carbon emission reductions past 2030.
• Addresses the needs of low-income and frontline communities by establishing implementation monitoring and rapid response guidelines that can detect any instances of disproportionate environmental burdens.
• Looks at energy production and transportation holistically and also considers other types of pollution, such as that from fracked gas compressor stations, when permitting and setting allowable rates for pollutants in the air.
Thank you for all you do for the health of Virginians and their environment,
Amanda Tandy