Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
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6/14/23  7:31 am
Commenter: Joe Howerton

Changes to Crab Fishery

Just an observation as a transplant to the Northern Neck that Virginia is allowing too many commercial style pots in creeks presenting a navigational hazard and significantly reducing the number of adult crabs. Perhaps phasing out or reducing the number of POTs allowed to non-commercial crabbers (currently 5) could alleviate this issue to a degree without hurting commercial watermen. A compromise would be to increase the length allowed for trot lines from 300' to 600'. Trot lines are better for as they greatly reduce the number of buoys and are not left unattended. This would also cut down on turtle mortality especially since VA allows crabbers to pay a fee to eliminate turtle excluder devices. Odd the state allows this at all.

CommentID: 217245