Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
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9/15/11  5:30 am
Commenter: Jay Phillips

My intolerance has a first name. It's Bologna!

In perusing the comments above this comment jumped out at me-

"I am a foster parent for Arlington County.  The children I have cared for want to be in a traditional family.  They often choose to call me "Mom."  There are more than enough traditional households in Virginia to care for our children.  Forcing agencies to place the children with LGBT households is a political move, and is not needed."

I am not usually one to nitpick but this statement represents a HORRIBLE misunderstanding!!!  As a former Juvenile Detention Officer with years spent working in “the system”, I challenge anyone to find a professional working in the system who will say we have “more than enough” of ANYTHING let alone welcoming households in the system.

ANY loving, caring, financially stable household looking to adopt should be reason for celebration.  Discriminating against such a household on grounds of one’s “religious freedom” makes about as much sense as requiring the FDA to ban the sale of pork in the name of “religious freedom”

CommentID: 18304