As an individual who has been seriously impacted in my career decisions due to the Board's recent policy changes, I agree with Dr. Chase's statements. It appears to me that my application for supervision was declined due to the fact that my program name did not include counseling in the title. It does not seem to matter that I took most of my classes with students who were in the counseling program. It seems to me that unless I retake what is fundamentally THE SAME degree under a different name I will always be marginalized by an inability to receive licensure in my choosen career path. Language is a very poor tool to communicate how this has affected me on different levels in my life. Needless to say, strongly enough to impell me to break traditional professional mores regarding expression of feelings. I think I speak for many others who are remaining silent due to that reserve, fear for their license eligible positions, or to the lack of information about this comment box on the web. Please reconsider the recent changes that have been made.