I want to acknowledge that the increase in rates is going to make a significant impact for a lot of programs and a lot of families. I'm grateful that this is happening. At the same time I'm concerned about the number of programs that participate in this subsidy and the bureaucratic challenges that prevent programs from participating. This document downloaded as a PDF is over 200 pages. We must do better to make this content navigable.
I think the move towards increasing eligibility to include job search is wise and I think everyone deserves high quality early childhood education so there's no reason to limit the time period in which an individual has to job search. It is essential that we continue to allow for more out of school days as 15 days barely provides the holiday allotment leaving very few professional development days which are essential to high quality care.
Additionally we need to continue to push towards a more predictable funding stream. I would go further than those on this comment who advocate for weekly rates and advocate instead for a monthly rate. High quality programs need to be able to be able to have predictable income in advance of providing services to pay teachers so that those services can be provided.
The quality of training for early childhood educators needs to be addressed. No required trainings are useless and I don't believe the move to adjust trainings in this document is adding value. I am concerned that the VQB5 is just another failed attempt to improve quality by focusing on the academics at the cost of care which is essential to the well-being of young children.
I think if I were to say my biggest priority of all of this would be as I said first. Focus on brevity I know it is rarely a goal in the regulatory context but it would increase accessibility and be immensely helpful to existing providers as well.