Final Text
A. If a hunter holds a license or permit to kill a bear, deer, elk, or turkey, the following apply:
1. The hunter killing a bear, deer, elk, or turkey shall, before removing the carcass from the place of kill, validate an appropriate tag on the hunter's special license for hunting bear, special license for hunting deer and turkey, special elk hunting license, bonus deer permit, or special permit by completely removing the designated notch area from the paper tag or by electronically notching a tag and reporting the bear, deer, elk, or turkey using the department's mobile harvest reporting application. Place of kill shall be defined as the location where the animal or bird is first reduced to possession. It shall be unlawful for any person to validate (i.e., notch) a paper tag prior to the killing of a bear, deer, elk, or turkey. A paper tag that is mistakenly validated (i.e., notched) prior to the killing of a bear, deer, elk, or turkey must be immediately voided by the licensee or permittee by writing in ink the word "VOID" on the line provided on the license or special permit tag. All electronically notched tags are permanent and cannot be voided.
2. Upon killing a bear, deer, elk, or turkey and validating (i.e., notching) a paper license tag, bonus deer permit, or special permit, as provided in subsection A of this section, the hunter shall, upon vehicle transport of the carcass or at the conclusion of legal hunting hours, whichever occurs first, and without unnecessary delay, report the kill through the department's electronic harvest reporting system. At such time, the person making the report will be given a confirmation number. The successful hunter shall then immediately record the confirmation number in ink on the line provided on the paper tag that has been validated (i.e., notched) in the field.
3. After the harvest of a bear, deer, elk, or turkey is reported, no written documentation is required as long as the hunter who killed the animal or bird is in possession of the carcass. If the reported carcass is left unattended or transferred to the possession of another individual, written documentation that includes the successful hunter's full name, the date the animal or bird was killed, and the confirmation number must be created and kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, this written documentation must be securely attached to the carcass.
B. If a hunter is exempt from license requirements or holds a license authorization number as prescribed by § 29.1-301, 29.1-327, or 29.1-339 of the Code of Virginia and has killed a bear, deer, elk, or turkey, the hunter shall upon vehicle transport of the carcass or at the conclusion of legal hunting hours, whichever occurs first, and without unnecessary delay, report the kill through the department's electronic harvest reporting system. At such time, the person making the report will be given a confirmation number. The hunter shall immediately create written documentation, including the hunter's full name, the date the animal or bird was killed, and the confirmation number. This written documentation must be kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is transferred to the possession of another individual, the written documentation must be transferred with the carcass to the individual and kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, this written documentation must be securely attached to the carcass.
C. Any hunter or trapper who kills a bobcat shall report the kill within 24 hours through the department's electronic harvest reporting system. At such time, the person reporting the kill will be furnished with a confirmation number. The hunter or trapper shall immediately record this confirmation number in a location where it can later be retrieved to prove compliance with the reporting requirements or to request a department seal. Any bobcat received by a taxidermist for mounting or tanning shall have written documentation securely attached to the carcass that includes the full name of the hunter or trapper, date of kill, and the harvest confirmation number.
D. Any hunter or trapper who kills a gray fox shall report the kill within 24 hours through the department's electronic harvest reporting system. At such time, the person reporting the kill will be furnished with a confirmation number. The hunter or trapper shall immediately record this confirmation number in a location where it can later be retrieved to prove compliance with the reporting requirements. Any gray fox received by a taxidermist for mounting or tanning shall have written documentation securely attached to the carcass that includes the full name of the hunter or trapper, date of kill, and the harvest confirmation number.
E. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy the identity of the sex of any bear, deer, elk, or turkey killed until the harvest is reported as required by this section. Successful hunters may dismember the carcass to pack it out from the place of kill as long as they do not destroy the identity of the sex and all parts of the carcass are present when the animal or bird is reported.
F. Processed carcass parts of a bear, deer, elk, or turkey killed legally in Virginia may be transported. However, upon request of any authorized law-enforcement officer, sufficient verbal or written information necessary to properly establish legal possession must be furnished immediately.
G. Upon killing a bear, deer, elk, or turkey within an area designated by the department for disease management and on days designated by the department, the hunter shall present the carcass at or submit carcass parts or samples as directed by the department to a location designated by the department for the purposes of disease surveillance or biological monitoring.
H. A premolar tooth must be removed by the hunter after reporting the harvest of a bear through the department's electronic harvest reporting system. The premolar shall be placed in an envelope furnished by the department and labeled with the hunter's full name, confirmation number, date of kill, and the sex of the harvested bear. This envelope with the premolar and accompanying information must be mailed or delivered to the department no later than 14 days after the close of the bear harvest season.
I. Any bear, deer, elk, or turkey found in possession of any person that has not been reported as required by this section shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth to be disposed of as provided by law.
J. It shall be unlawful to provide false statements or record false information when tagging or reporting the harvest of any wild animal or bird to the department, any agent of the department, or any taxidermist.
It shall be unlawful to provide false statements or record false information when tagging, checking, or reporting the harvest of any wild animal to the department, any agent of the department, or any taxidermist.
A. Any person killing a bear shall, before removing the carcass from the place of kill, validate an appropriate tag on their special license for hunting bear or special permit by completely removing the designated notch area from the tag or by electronically notching a tag and reporting the bear using the department's mobile harvest reporting application. Place of kill shall be defined as the location where the animal is first reduced to possession. It shall be unlawful for any person to validate (notch) a bear tag from any special license for hunting bear or special permit prior to the killing of a bear. A bear tag that is mistakenly validated (notched) prior to the killing of a bear must be immediately voided by the licensee or permittee by writing, in ink, the word "VOID" on the line provided on the license tag. All electronically notched tags are permanent and cannot be voided.
B. Upon killing a bear and validating (notching) a license tag or special permit, as provided in subsection A of this section, the licensee shall, upon vehicle transport of the carcass or at the conclusion of legal hunting hours, whichever occurs first, and without unnecessary delay, report the kill through the department's automated harvest reporting system. At such time, the person reporting the carcass will be given a confirmation number from the automated reporting system. The successful hunter shall then immediately record the confirmation number, in ink, on the line provided on the tag that was validated (notched) in the field. If checked at an authorized bear check station, the black bear check card must be kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. After the kill is reported, no written documentation is required as long as the hunter who killed the animal is in possession of the carcass. If the reported carcass is left unattended or transferred to the possession of another individual, written documentation including the successful hunter's full name, the date the animal was killed, and the confirmation number must be created and kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, this written documentation must be securely attached to the carcass. Processed carcass parts of a bear killed legally in Virginia may be transported; however, upon request of any authorized law-enforcement officer, sufficient verbal or written information necessary to properly establish legal possession must be furnished immediately.
C. A premolar tooth must be removed by the hunter immediately after reporting the kill through the department's automated harvest reporting system. The premolar shall be placed in an envelope furnished by the department and labeled with the hunter's full name, check confirmation number, date of kill, and the sex of the harvested bear. This envelope with premolar and accompanying information must be mailed or delivered to the department no later than 14 days after the close of the bear harvest season.
D. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy the identity of the sex of any bear killed unless and until the license tag or special permit is validated (notched) and reported as required by this section. Successful bear hunters are allowed to dismember the carcass to pack it out from the place of kill, after an appropriate license tag has been validated (notched) as required in subsection A of this section, as long as they do not destroy the identity of the sex, and all the parts of the carcass are present when the bear is reported through the automated harvest reporting system. Any bear found in the possession of any person without a validated (notched) license tag or documentation that the bear has been reported through the department's automated harvest reporting system as required by this section shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth to be disposed of as provided by law.
A. Upon killing a bear, any person (i) exempt from license requirements as prescribed in § 29.1-301 of the Code of Virginia, (ii) issued a complimentary license as prescribed in § 29.1-339 of the Code of Virginia, (iii) holding a permanent license issued pursuant to § 29.1-301 E of the Code of Virginia, or (iv) the holder of a Virginia license authorization number issued by a telephone or electronic media agent pursuant to § 29.1-327 B of the Code of Virginia shall, upon vehicle transport of the carcass or at the conclusion of legal hunting hours, whichever occurs first, and without unnecessary delay, report the kill through the department's automated harvest reporting system. At such time, the person reporting the carcass shall be given a confirmation number from the automated reporting system. After the kill is reported using the automated harvest reporting system, the successful hunter shall immediately create written documentation including the successful hunter's full name, the date the animal was killed, and the confirmation number. This written documentation must be kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the automated harvest reported carcass is transferred to the possession of another individual, the written documentation must be transferred with the carcass to the individual and kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, this written documentation must be securely attached to the carcass. Processed carcass parts of a black bear killed legally in Virginia may be transported; however, upon request of any authorized law-enforcement officer, sufficient verbal or written information necessary to properly establish legal possession must be furnished immediately.
B. A premolar tooth must be removed by the hunter immediately after reporting the kill through the department's automated harvest reporting system. The premolar shall be placed in an envelope furnished by the department and labeled with the hunter's full name, check confirmation number, date of kill, and the sex of the harvested bear. This envelope with premolar and accompanying information must be mailed or delivered to the department no later than 14 days after the close of the bear harvest season.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy the identity of the sex of any bear killed until the bear is reported as required by this section. Successful bear hunters are allowed to dismember the carcass to pack it out from the place of kill as long as they do not destroy the identity of the sex and all the parts of the carcass are present when the bear is reported through the automated harvest reporting system. Any bear that has not been reported through the department's automated harvest reporting system as required by this section, found in the possession of any person exempt from the license requirements or holding a license authorization number shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth to be disposed of as provided by law.
Any hunter or trapper who kills a bobcat shall report the kill within 24 hours through the department's automated harvest reporting system. At such time, the person reporting the kill will be furnished with a confirmation number. The hunter or trapper shall immediately record this confirmation number in a location where it can later be retrieved to prove compliance with checking requirements or to request a department seal. Any bobcat received by a taxidermist for mounting or tanning shall have written documentation securely attached to the carcass that includes the full name of the hunter or trapper, date of kill, and the harvest confirmation number.
A. Any person killing a deer shall, before removing the carcass from the place of kill, validate an appropriate tag on his special license for hunting deer and turkey, bonus deer permit, or special permit by completely removing the designated notch area from the tag or by electronically notching a tag and reporting the deer using the department's mobile harvest reporting application. Place of kill shall be defined as the location where the animal is first reduced to possession. It shall be unlawful for any person to validate (notch) a deer tag from any special license for hunting deer and turkey, bonus deer permit, or special permit prior to the killing of a deer. A deer tag that is mistakenly validated (notched) prior to the killing of a deer must be immediately voided by the licensee or permittee by writing in ink the word "VOID" on the line provided on the license tag. All electronically notched tags are permanent and cannot be voided.
B. Upon killing a deer and validating (notching) a license tag, bonus deer permit or special permit, as provided in subsection A of this section, the licensee or permittee shall, upon vehicle transport of the carcass or at the conclusion of legal hunting hours, whichever occurs first, and without unnecessary delay, report the kill through the department's automated harvest reporting system. At such time, the person reporting the carcass will be given a confirmation number. The successful hunter shall then immediately record the confirmation number in ink on the line provided on the tag that was validated (notched) in the field. I
C. After the kill is reported, no written documentation is required as long as the hunter who killed the animal is in possession of the carcass. If the reported carcass is left unattended or transferred to the possession of another individual, written documentation that includes the successful hunter's full name, the date the animal was killed, and the confirmation number must be created and kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, this written documentation must be securely attached to the carcass.
D. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy the identity of the sex of any deer killed unless and until the license tag, bonus deer permit, or special permit is validated (notched) and reported as required by this section. Successful deer hunters are allowed to dismember the carcass to pack it out from the place of kill, after an appropriate license tag has been validated (notched) as required in subsection A of this section, as long as they do not destroy the identity of the sex and all the parts of the carcass are present when the deer is reported.
E. Processed carcass parts of a deer killed legally in Virginia may be transported. However, upon request of any authorized law-enforcement officer, sufficient verbal or written information necessary to properly establish legal possession must be furnished immediately.
F. Any deer found in the possession of any person without a validated (notched) license tag or documentation that the deer has been reported as required by this section shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth to be disposed of as provided by law.
G. Upon killing a deer within an area designated by the department for deer disease management and on days designated by the department, the licensee or permittee shall present the carcass, or submit carcass parts or samples as directed by the department, to a location designated by the department for the purposes of disease surveillance or biological monitoring.
A. Upon killing a deer, any person (i) exempt from license requirement as prescribed in § 29.1-301 of the Code of Virginia, (ii) issued a complimentary license as prescribed in § 29.1-339 of the Code of Virginia, (iii) holding a permanent license issued pursuant to § 29.1-301 E of the Code of Virginia, or (iv) holding a Virginia license authorization number issued by a telephone or electronic media agent pursuant to § 29.1-327 B of the Code of Virginia shall, upon vehicle transport of the carcass or at the conclusion of legal hunting hours, whichever occurs first, and without unnecessary delay, report the kill through the department's automated harvest reporting system. At such time, the person reporting the carcass shall be given a confirmation number. The successful hunter shall immediately create written documentation including the successful hunter's full name, the date the animal was killed, and the confirmation number. This written documentation must be kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is transferred to the possession of another individual, the written documentation must be transferred with the carcass to the individual and kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, this written documentation must be securely attached to the carcass.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy the identity (sex) of any deer killed until the deer is reported as required by this section. Successful deer hunters are allowed to dismember the carcass to pack it out from the place of kill as long as they do not destroy the identity of the sex and all the parts of the carcass are present when the deer is reported.
C. Processed carcass parts of a deer killed legally in Virginia may be transported; however, upon request of any authorized law-enforcement officer, sufficient verbal or written information necessary to properly establish legal possession must be furnished immediately.
D. Any deer that has not been reported as required by this section found in the possession of any person exempt from license requirements or holding a license authorization number shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth to be disposed of as provided by law.
E. Upon killing a deer within an area designated by the department for deer disease management and on days designated by the department, the hunter shall present the carcass at or submit carcass parts or samples as directed by the department to a location designated by the department for the purposes of deer disease surveillance or biological monitoring.
A. Open season. Except as otherwise provided by 4VAC15-90-510, it shall be lawful to hunt elk of either sex during (i) the general firearms deer seasons as prescribed by 4VAC15-90-10 and 4VAC15-90-23, (ii) the special archery seasons as prescribed by 4VAC15-90-70, and (iii) the special muzzleloading seasons as prescribed by 4VAC15-90-80 with bag limits as prescribed in 4VAC15-90-90.
B. Upon killing an elk. Any licensed or permitted hunter shall validate a tag on that hunter's special license for hunting deer and turkey or bonus deer permit and check the elk in accordance with 4VAC15-90-231 4VAC15-40-290. Upon receiving a confirmation number, the hunter must call the department to schedule an inspection of the carcass and the site of kill for the collection of biological samples.
C. Checking elk by persons exempt from license requirements or holding a license authorization number. Upon killing an elk, any person (i) exempt from license requirement as prescribed in § 29.1-301 of the Code of Virginia, (ii) issued a complimentary license as prescribed in § 29.1-339 of the Code of Virginia, (iii) holding a permanent license issued pursuant to § 29.1-301 E of the Code of Virginia, or (iv) holding a Virginia license authorization number issued by a telephone or electronic media agent pursuant to § 29.1-327 B of the Code of Virginia shall check the elk in accordance with 4VAC15-90-241 4VAC15-40-290. Upon receiving a confirmation number, the hunter must call the department to schedule an inspection of the carcass and the site of kill for the collection of biological samples.
A. It shall be lawful to hunt elk within the Elk Management Zone from the second Saturday in October through the following Friday, both dates inclusive.
B. The seasonal bag limit for elk shall be one per season as prescribed on the special elk hunting license. The department shall determine the number and type of special elk hunting licenses distributed within a season and license year.
C. Except as provided in 4VAC15-90-540 or 4VAC15-90-550 individuals selected to purchase a special elk hunting license shall not be eligible to receive a subsequent special elk hunting license for a period of three years.
D. All licensed elk hunters and persons accompanying elk hunters are required to wear or display a blaze color as described in § 29.1-530.1 of the Code of Virginia.
E. Upon killing an elk, any licensed hunter shall validate the tag on the hunter's special elk hunting license and report the elk in accordance with procedures outlined in 4VAC15-90-231 4VAC15-40-290. Upon receiving a confirmation number, the hunter must call the department to schedule an inspection of the carcass and the site of kill for the collection of biological samples.
A. Any person killing a turkey shall, before removing the carcass from the place of kill, validate an appropriate tag on his special license for hunting deer and turkey by completely removing the designated notch area from the tag or by electronically notching a tag and reporting the turkey using the department's mobile harvest reporting application. Place of kill shall be defined as the location where the animal is first reduced to possession. It shall be unlawful for any person to validate (notch) a turkey tag from any special license for hunting deer and turkey prior to the killing of a turkey. A turkey tag that is mistakenly validated (notched) prior to the killing of a turkey must be immediately voided by the licensee by writing, in ink, the word "VOID" on the line provided on the tag. All electronically notched tags are permanent and cannot be voided.
B. Upon killing a turkey and validating (notching) a license tag, as provided above, the licensee shall, upon vehicle transport of the carcass or at the conclusion of legal hunting hours, whichever occurs first, and without unnecessary delay, report the kill through the department's automated harvest reporting system. The person reporting the carcass will be given a confirmation number from the automated harvest reporting system. The successful hunter shall then immediately record the confirmation number, in ink, on the line provided on the license tag that was validated (notched) in the field. If reported using the automated harvest reporting system, no check card is required as long as the hunter who killed the turkey is in possession of the carcass. If the automated harvest reported carcass is left unattended or transferred to the possession of another individual, written documentation including the successful hunter's full name, the date the turkey was killed, and the confirmation number must be created and kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, this written documentation must be securely attached to the carcass.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy the identity of the sex of any turkey killed unless and until the license tag is validated (notched) and reported by using the automated harvest reporting system as required by this section. Any turkey found in the possession of any person without a validated (notched) license tag or documentation that the turkey has been reported by using the automated harvest reporting system as required by this section shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth to be disposed of as provided by law.
A. Upon killing a turkey, any person exempt from the license requirement as described in § 29.1-301 of the Code of Virginia, or issued a complimentary license as prescribed in § 29.1-339, or the holder of a permanent license issued pursuant to § 29.1-301 E, or the holder of a Virginia license authorization number issued by a telephone or electronic media agent pursuant to § 29.1-327 B shall, upon vehicle transport of the carcass or at the conclusion of legal hunting hours, whichever comes first, and without unnecessary delay, report his kill through the department's automated harvest reporting system. The person reporting the carcass shall be given a confirmation number from the automated harvest reporting system. No check card is required as long as the hunter who killed the turkey is in possession of the carcass. If the automated harvest reported carcass is left unattended or transferred to the possession of another individual, written documentation including the successful hunter's full name, the date the turkey was killed, and the confirmation number must be created and kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the automated harvest reported carcass is transferred to the possession of another individual, the written documentation must be transferred with the carcass to the individual and kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, this written documentation must be securely attached to the carcass.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy the identity of the sex of any turkey killed until the turkey is reported by using the automated harvest reporting system as required by this section. Any turkey that has not been reported by using the automated harvest reporting system as required by this section found in the possession of any person exempt from license requirements or holding a license authorization number shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth to be disposed of as provided by law.