Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Guidance Documents in Effect

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Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority
Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of Directors
Requirements for Product Approval [3 VAC 5 ‑ 40]
40 guidance documents relevant to this chapter for the criteria specified

ID Title Effective Date  
Agency level documents applying to all of this agency's boards
3394 Circular Letter 06-01; Co2 Filters Provided to Retailers 2/14/2006 
3398 Circular Letter 07-01; Limitations on Wine and Beer Shippers 4/23/2007 
3400 Circular Letter 07-03; Expenditures by Manufacturers at Tasting Events 6/29/2007 
5949 Circular Letter 15-06; Temporary Extensions-Increase 12/30/2015 
5958 Circular Letter 16-01: Distillery Store Events 2/2/2016 
5983 Circular Letter 16-02: Wineries, Farm Wineries & Brewery Tasting Rooms 3/23/2016 
16-03 Circular Letter 16-03: Licensees with on premises & mixed beverage Privileges 4/7/2016 
19-02 Wine and Beer Wholesalers - Tastings 9/19/2019 
19-03 Manufacturing on Brewery Premises 9/19/2019 
19-04 Shared Equipment and Alternation of Premises between Manufacturing Types 10/17/2019 
20-01 Retail Licensee Bulletin (Marketplace Licenses) 11/17/2020 
21-01 2021 Retail Licensee Bulletin 5/3/2021 
21-02 Approval of Outdoor Dining Areas 7/22/2021 
21-03 June 2021 Retail Licensee Bulletin (Expiration of Pre-reform licenses) 6/2/2021 
22-01 Definitions for the words “designer” and “vintage” as they are used within the context of 3 VAC 5-70-230 of the Virginia Administrative Code. 5/5/2022 
23-01 Label Approval for Cross-Over Products 7/3/2023 
24-01 Charitable Donations 1/2/2025 
Issued Quarterly Licensee Newsletter - Spring 2003 3/1/2003 
BOARD: Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board of Directors
1851 Retail Licensee Guide * 1/1/2001 
3397 Circular Letter 06-04; Solicitor Tasting Permits 9/1/2006 
3401 Circular Letter 07-04; Off Premise Retail Delivery Permit 7/1/2007 
3402 Circular Letter 07-05; In State Delivery Permit 7/1/2007 
3403 Circular Letter 07-08; Tasting Events 12/15/2007 
5805 Circular Letter 15-04; Special Events 6/5/2015 
5806 Circular Letter 15-03; Advertising Via Social Media 8/4/2015 
5807 Circular Letter 15-02; Limited Brewery Licenses - Process Guidance 8/4/2015 
5808 Circular Letter 15-01; Distilled Spirits - Table Service 8/4/2015 
5809 Circular Letter 14-03; Infusion of Distilled Spirits 8/4/2015 
5810 Circular Letter 14-02; Brewery Licenses - Interstate Transfer & Sale of Beer 8/4/2015 
5811 Circular Letter 14-01; Product Approval of Gift Packages 8/4/2015 
5812 Circular Letter 13-03; Brewery Licenses - Registration & Product Approval 8/4/2015 
5813 Circular Letter 13-01; Prices Charged to Wholesale Distributors by Wineries & Breweries 8/4/2015 
5814 Circular Letter 12-02; Purchase Orders 8/4/2015 
5815 Circular Letter 09-01; Wine & Beer Wholesaler Invoices 8/4/2015 
5817 Beer Wholesalers Letter 2015 - Monthly Reporting & Payment of Tax 8/7/2015 
5818 Wine Wholesalers - Monthly Reporting & Payment of Tax 8/10/2015 
5819 Farm Wineries - Records, Reporting & Taxes 8/10/2015 
5820 Vendors & Brokers - Supplier Manual 8/10/2015 
5850 Circular Letter 15-05; Delivery of Samples to Retail Licensees 11/18/2015 
1843 Farm Winery Remote – Festivals Bulletin 7/19/2001 

* Document applies to this chapter specifically. Other documents listed apply to the parent board or agency.