Individual License and Certification Regulations
[18 VAC 50 ‑ 30]
On this Action:
CLOSED Opened on 11/21/2022 and Ended on 12/21/2022

Comment Title | Commenter | |
A headache for us both | Kat Harville, Carpenters LU 205 | 12/21/22 9:50 pm |
This brings workforce education in line with associates degrees- and that is a good thing | Anonymous (206749) | 12/21/22 2:55 pm |
Concerns about proposed regulations | Brandon Robinson, AGCVA | 12/21/22 12:51 pm |
Commonsense | Nate Davenport | 12/20/22 4:07 pm |
Education is not over-regulation | Jason Parker | 12/20/22 2:23 pm |
no shortcuts to give away licenses | virginia homeowner | 12/20/22 2:15 pm |
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