Proposed Text
18VAC125-20-42. Prerequisites for licensure by endorsement.
Every applicant for licensure by endorsement shall submit:
1. A completed application;
2. The application processing fee prescribed by the board;
3. An attestation of having read and agreed to comply with the current Standards of Practice and laws governing the practice of psychology in Virginia;
4. Verification of all other health and mental health professional licenses or certificates ever held in any jurisdiction. In order to qualify for endorsement, the applicant shall not have surrendered a license or certificate while under investigation and shall have no unresolved action against a license or certificate;
5. A current report from the National Practitioner Data Bank; and
6. Further documentation of one of the following:
a. A current listing in the National Register of Health Service Psychologists;
b. Current diplomate status in good standing with the American Board of Professional Psychology in a category comparable to the one in which licensure is sought;
c. A Certificate of Professional Qualification in Psychology (CPQ) issued by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards;
d. Ten years of active licensure in a category comparable to the one in which licensure is sought, with an appropriate degree as required in this chapter documented by an official transcript; or
d. e. If less than 10 years of active licensure,
documentation of current psychologist licensure in good standing obtained by
standards substantially equivalent to the education, experience and examination
requirements set forth in this chapter for the category in which licensure is
sought as verified by a certified copy of the original application submitted
directly from the out-of-state licensing agency or a copy of the regulations in
effect at the time of initial licensure and the following:
(1) Documentation of post-licensure active practice for at least 24 of the last 60 months immediately preceding licensure application;
(2) Verification of a passing score on the Examination for Professional Practice of Psychology as established in Virginia for the year of that administration; and
(3) Official transcripts documenting the graduate work completed and the degree awarded in the category in which licensure is sought.
18VAC125-20-121. Continuing education course requirements for renewal of an active license.
A. Licensees shall be required to have completed a minimum of
14 hours of board-approved continuing education courses each year for annual
licensure renewal. A minimum of 1.5 of these hours shall be in courses that
emphasize the ethics, standards of practice or laws, and regulations
governing the profession of psychology, including the standards of practice
set out in 18VAC125-20-150.
B. For the purpose of this section, "course" means an organized program of study, classroom experience or similar educational experience that is directly related to the practice of psychology and is provided by a board-approved provider that meets the criteria specified in 18VAC125-20-122.
1. At least six of the required hours shall be earned in face-to-face or real-time interactive educational experiences. Real-time interactive shall include a course in which the learner has the opportunity to interact with the presenter and participants during the time of the presentation.
2. The board may approve up to four hours per renewal cycle for specific educational experiences to include:
a. Preparation for and presentation of a continuing education program, seminar, workshop or course offered by an approved provider and directly related to the practice of psychology. Hours may only be credited one time, regardless of the number of times the presentation is given, and may not be credited toward the face-to-face requirement.
b. Publication of an article or book in a recognized publication directly related to the practice of psychology. Hours may only be credited one time, regardless of the number of times the writing is published, and may not be credited toward the face-to-face requirement.
3. The board may approve up to two hours per renewal cycle for membership on a state licensing board in psychology.
C. Courses must be directly related to the scope of practice in the category of licensure held. Continuing education courses for clinical psychologists shall emphasize, but not be limited to, the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with moderate and severe mental disorders.
D. The board may grant an extension for good cause of up to one year for the completion of continuing education requirements upon written request from the licensee prior to the renewal date. Such extension shall not relieve the licensee of the continuing education requirement.
E. The board may grant an exemption for all or part of the continuing education requirements for one renewal cycle due to circumstances determined by the board to be beyond the control of the licensee.