Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Final Text


Infusion of Distilled Spirits by Mixed Beverage Licensees
Stage: Final
8/13/13  4:04 PM

3VAC5-50-60. Procedures for mixed beverage licensees generally; mixed beverage restaurant licensees; sales of spirits in closed containers.

A. No mixed beverage restaurant or carrier licensee shall:

1. Prepare, other than in frozen drink dispensers of types approved by the board, or sell any mixed beverage except pursuant to a patron's order and immediately preceding delivery to him.

2. Serve as one drink the entire contents of a container of spirits in its original container for on-premises consumption except as provided by subsections C, D, and E.

3. Sell any mixed beverage to which alcohol has been added.

B. No mixed beverage restaurant licensee shall:

1. Allow to be kept upon the licensed premises any container of alcoholic beverages of a type authorized to be purchased under his license that does not bear the required mixed beverage stamp imprinted with his license number and purchase report number.

2. Use in the preparation of a mixed beverage any alcoholic beverage not purchased from the board or a wholesale wine licensee.

3. Fail to obliterate the mixed beverage stamp immediately when any container of spirits is emptied.

4. Allow any patron to possess more than two drinks of mixed beverages at any one time.

C. If a restaurant for which a mixed beverage restaurant license has been issued under § 4.1-210 of the Code of Virginia is located on the premises of a hotel or motel, whether the hotel or motel be under the same or different ownership, sales of mixed beverages, including sales of spirits packaged in original closed containers purchased from the board, as well as other alcoholic beverages, for consumption in bedrooms and private rooms of such hotel or motel, may be made by the licensee subject to the following conditions in addition to other applicable laws:

1. Spirits sold by the drink as mixed beverages or in original closed containers must have been purchased under the mixed beverage restaurant license upon purchase forms provided by the board;

2. Delivery of sales of mixed beverages and spirits in original closed containers shall be made only in the bedroom of the registered guest or to the sponsoring group in the private room of a scheduled function. This section shall not be construed to prohibit a licensee catering a scheduled private function from delivering mixed beverage drinks to guests in attendance at such function;

3. Receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and spirits sold in original closed containers, as well as other alcoholic beverages, shall be included in the gross receipts from sales of all such merchandise made by the licensee; and

4. Complete and accurate records of sales of mixed beverages and sales of spirits in original closed containers to registered guests in bedrooms and to sponsors of scheduled private functions in private rooms shall be kept separate and apart from records of all mixed beverage sales.

D. Carrier licensees may serve miniatures not in excess of two fluid ounces or 50 milliliters, in their original containers, for on-premises consumption.

E. A mixed beverage restaurant may serve as one drink the entire contents of a container of soju in its original container for on-premises consumption under the following conditions:

1. The container may be no larger than 375 milliliters.

2. Each container of soju served must be served for consumption by at least two patrons legally eligible to consume alcoholic beverages.

F. A mixed beverage restaurant licensee may infuse, store, and sell flavored distilled spirits under the following circumstances:

1. If infused in the original spirits container, the mixed beverage stamp must remain affixed to the bottle.

2. If infused in a container other than the original spirits container,  [ the contents of no more than one original spirits container may be placed in ] the substitute container, which [shall not exceed two liters in volume, ]  will be labeled with the following information:

a. Date of infusion;

b. Brand of spirits; and

c. Amount of spirits used.

3. Accurate records must be kept by the mixed beverage licensee as to the spirits used in any spirits infusion process.

4. Licensees infusing distilled spirits shall comply with all applicable state and federal food safety regulations.